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You did not speak the entire journey back home. Regis and Dettlaff actually walked the entire way with you, even though you had the ability to travel just as fast as a vampire. Maybe they did not expect you to have any kind of higher vampire abilities but they also did not really asked.

Regis was a little tense, you could feel it but the relieve that had filled his chest after returning back to the sunlight overshadowed the fact, that one mistake from your side would cause the two of you death.

Dettlaff, however, tried to avoid you as best as he could. He has had asked you a single thing. He didn't even dared to look at you. Whenever you looked at him and eye contact happened, he turned away.

Obviously, he thought of you like an animal. A danger that threatened his life.

Orianna didn't even wanted to meet you. She had disappeared as soon as the eldest wanted everyone to leave.

A deep sigh escaped your lips.

At least Regis seemed nice. He had introduced you to all of his friends, had smiled and then made clear, that he had no interest in cutting you open and use you like a frog for an experiment.

That gave you a little bit of relief. But somehow there was still this feeling inside your chest, as if you were missing something. It was painful but impossible to tell what it was.

"I know it's not a lot but please make yourself comfortable. The cemetery is a quite place in Toussaint. It's safe here. No curious eyes or unwanted visitors.", Regis explained as you two entered his home.

Dettlaff had left to meet up with Orianna. She probably was in need of information about you.

Curious, you took a look around the old ruins. It was warm and cozy, the smell of dried herbs and flowers filled the air. The flames of the torches read a pleasant light, not too bright for your tired eyes.

As you turned around a corner, passed the little space that seemed to be Regis' library, you suddenly hit something with your foot while walking and almost stumbled.

Surprised, you gasped, looked down and saw a surprise.

"Uh... Regis? Do you always have people laying around your home?", you've asked and squatted next to the whit haired man.

At first you thought it would be a dead body, someone that Regis had caught to feast on.

But as you bend further down, the man suddenly came to life. As quick as lightning, a hand grabbed your throat, again, and squeezed it tightly. So tightly, it was even worse than the grip of the eldest. That memory triggered something.

Reacting out of a reflex, you raised your hand, long claws began to grow. But before you managed to dig your hand deep into the mans chest, Regis grabbed it and held you back.

Surprised, you looked up to him.

He answered with a smile, soft and gentle.

"I see, you've met my friend Geralt.", he said amused. "Geralt, this is (Y/N). My new company. We are... working together from now on."

Still half asleep, half confused, the man named Geralt looked you up and down, before letting go of your throat after Regis told him so.

"What, you're getting lonely?", he asked, running his eyes.

The smell of alcohol stuck to him.

"I would never.", Regis answered and helped you up again. "The situation that led to (Y/N) living with me now is rather funny."

"It really is not.", you replied, rubbing the redend skin on your throat. "But it was better than an execution."

A boyish grin appeared on your lips, as you realised the confusion that had spread on the face of Geralt. His appearance kind of reminded you of something. The scars on his face were little surprising. You had some too, not on your face but on the rest of your body. After all, life was rough.

His hair was as white as snow and the two swords that were laying next to him also seemed familiar. But you couldn't remember where you had seen those before. Or some that were quite similar.

Grunting, Geralt got up from the ground, a little weak on his legs.

"I know a lot about executions.", he said. "I'd also prefer Regis as a roommate rather than dying. But let me give you some important advice: don't trust him when he offers you some of his self-burned schnapps. That shit is going to kill you."

That made you laugh. Geralt seemed like someone you would get along with. If Regis was just half as friendly as he was, life would be a game. Inside, you wished he would be, because then you might would be able to team up with him.

If you were honest with yourself then you had to admit, that your brain felt like a pond full of honey at the moment. A not very pleasant state of mind. Plus, your memory seemed to be pretty damaged. It already had been a hard time remembering your own name.

But everything else?

You didn't remember anything from before you awoke from your slumber, not how you got into that lab nor who placed you there. Sometimes, when you closed your eyes a little too long, the silhouette of a face appeared before your inner eye and a voice sounded in your ears. But you couldn't remember the full details, there was no name and no person that came to mind.

It was as if there was a ghost stuck in the back of your head.

"Anyways, Geralt I'm glad that you are still here. I could use your help. You see (Y/N) is some sort of a special case.", Regis hesitated for a moment, unsure if he was right. "You can sense it, right?"

Geralt hesitated a moment before he answered.

"Vampire and human combined inside one body.", he then said. "The sin of all sins."

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