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Regis would have liked to curse himself for waking up the next day. His head was buzzing and the hammering feeling that had spread throughout his body was like a punishment. Death would have been more pleasant.

He managed to get up and walk a few steps to check on his guests, who had made themselves comfortable on the floor. Dettlaff had fallen asleep first, so Geralt had taken his chance and laid down next to the vampire. Probably, he would have never done that in a sober state of mind but the alcohol managed to make him forget everything that Vesimir had ever taught him once in his life.

That's how they spent the night until Geralt woke up to pee outside. Then the witcher fell asleep again on the stairs. Except for a few bruises and small scratches, he had suffered no injuries on his short adventure. Relieved Regis breathed, stretched out and wondered if it would be a good idea to make breakfast.

Finally, he decided to look around for some bread and cheese so that his human friend would not have to starve when he awoke from his coma. The vampire hummed quietly as he cut the bread into decent slices, while his friends' snoring made his home lively.

A small bat was awakened from its sleep by this noise and came quietly fasting over to him to hang on to Regis' belt.

With a gentle smile, he stroked the little animal as it raised its head and watched with round eyes as he cut a piece of meat. Regis knew that bats preferred fruits, so he always had a few grapes on his table. His little roommates seemed to like them very much.

With a smile, he held out a grape to the little animal, which was immediately swallowed in one piece.

"Well, well not so fast.", he warned the little thing. "Otherwise you'll choke on it."

Gainfully, the animal snatched down the grape while the juice splashed out of its small mouth. It almost made the little thing look like a puppy with wings. A silent noice left its mouth, as it demanded another grape.

Regis gladly gave it another one and a third one just in case its hunger was not silenced by the second grape.

After devouring all its delicacies, the little bat shook, closed its eyes, and let itself hang upside down from his belt to fall into a food coma.

"Ah, I see, today is going to be a good day for you. Maybe I can perhaps borrow some of your peace and quite?", he muttered amused.

But the next moment, a strange feeling crept into him. It was like goose bumps that suddenly spread all over his back and planted a coldness in his body that he couldn't get rid of all day.

It was like a bad premonition. Only that premonition could never have led him past what was going to happen.

"Did you feel that, too?", when Dettlaff's voice sounded, Regis almost jumped, so suddenly it had been.

Relieved, he exhaled, his lips pressed tightly together and nodded hesitantly.

"I think so.", Regis confirmed.

"This doesn't feel good."

"A call, maybe?"

"But why would he call us? There's no reason to."

"I don't know. He seems to be changed."

"Changed, not really. But... confused.", Dettlaff held his breath for a second. "Do you think he's in trouble?"

On any other day regis would have laughed about it. But at that moment, it didn't seem so impossible to him.

"But... him? He would never have any problems. Not even the two of us could cause him any serious trouble.", Regis grabbed his chin with one hand while the other scrambled the sleeping bat on his belt.

"But then why would he call us? Or anyone at all? And why is his call so different? It's not the first time we've both heard his call. We know how it feels. And we are probably not the only ones he has requested to join him."

"I don't know, Dettlaff. I really don't. I wish I could give you an answer, but it looks like we have no choice but to go."

For a moment, the two vampires looked at each other in silence. Then they nodded.

"Your friend is staying here.", said Dettlaff, pointing at Geralt.

The witcher slept soundly, as if he were carved out of stone.

Regis nodded in agreement.

"It's better this way."

Regis hastyly packed up some of his things, just in case. He put together some of his herbs, an important book, a bottle of human blood and his studies. Then he looked for a place for the bat and followed Dettlaff to the door. He was about to leave, but Dettlaff grabbed him, forcing him to stay close.

Regis looked over his shoulder.

"What is it?", he asked his friend. "Why are you looking at me so seriously?"

For a moment, Dettlaff was silent, deciding whether it would be wise to express his thoughts or not. After all, he did.

"Regis.", he spoke slowly and with all his caution.

Never before had Regis heard him speak like that. Of course, Dettlaff was a polite man, he avoided becoming rude and only screamed in the rarest of cases. Only those to whom he was unconditionally loyal knew that he could also be very outraged and sometimes reacted with the emotions of a human being.

But he had never been afraid to speak before.


Regis stepped closer, afraid someone might hear his thoughts.

"What is it?", he whispered.

"I just want you to know that if things are escalating.", Dettlaff looked him dead in the eyes. "I'm on your side."

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