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The tailor worked fast, and despite his speed, what he was cutting was so incredibly beautiful that you were all gassed at how annoying he was. Regis didn't say thank you for the work, took the bundle and hurriedly left with you.

It was already evening, the sky had turned purple and almost dark blue.

For a moment he stood in front of the door, looking up at the sky. Then he looked at you and had to smile tiredly. He sighed, shaking his head, as if life would be exhausting.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on, but no matter where I take you, it'll end in disaster.", he said in a sorry voice. "Life really isn't be easy for you. I wish I could make you feel a little better. I would love to see you smile."

The pain in his words almost hurt you. You didn't want him to feel bad. After all, it wasn't his fault. Maybe Regis was the reason why you were still alive.

"It wasn't that bad.", you laughed. "At least I have nice clothes now."

"I hope you like them."

"I do. I really do. I've never owned something this beautiful. And the colour... it's my favourite one."

"Is that so? I'll keep that in mind.", a gentle smile appeared on his lips.

"Honestly, Regis. I am very happy right now. I wish I could repay you.", you frowned, thinking of a solution that could benefit both of you.

But Regis, as the gentleman he was, declined quickly.

"Don't even dare to think about it. I've done this because I wanted to. You don't owe me anything. Really. I just wanted to make you feel more welcome. It's the least I can do after causing you so much trouble.", slowly, he began to walk down the street, hands on his bag, as if he was just an ordinary traveler like anyone who passed him.

You followed him, the bundle with new clothes pressed tightly against your chest, as a broad smile lit up on your face. Your heart was beating with ecstasy in your chest, too excited to calm down.

It was unbelievable how nice a vampire was able to be. To be exact, it was unbelievable how good of a creature Regis was. He was a whole man, friendly, yet wise and honest. He was almost too good to be true. Surely, there must have been something about him, that wasn't all that great.

But at the moment you did not let those thoughts ruin your good mood. You felt happy, relieved even.

The day seemed to have taken a turn for good. Now, if the dinner would have turned out half as good, you would have been fine.

"I know you probably don't want to hear it but I insist on paying you back. It doesn't have to be money, but some sort of payment. Really Regis, I insists and won't shut up until you let me.", you said as the two of you were crossing the bridge, that connected Beauclair and the countryside, where the graveyard was located.

Playing annoyed, Regis stopped, turned around and rolled his eyes, while shaking his head. He had to hold in the laughter. He clearly was not insulted by your persistency but amused that it was of such importance for you.

Without a word, he stroked through the short grey strands of his hair, before looking you in the face.

That movement kind of made him look hot.

If he knew how good looking he was for a vampire that was over five hundred years old?

"You really want to annoy the good intentions out of me, don't you?", he laughed a little, leaning over the bridge, to look at the calm surface of the river, that was passing below.

You sighed, truly saddened that he could think this way.

"No! Of course I don't. But it makes me feel bad."

"What? Your feeling bad? If I'm coming too close or if I act inappropriate, please tell me so."

"No, no, no. Don't even think that way.", you grabbed his hand and gave it a tight squeeze. "You're the only person that is truly nice to me. Everyone treats me like a monster but you make me feel like an equal. And I love that. You're a good man Regis, maybe even too good."

His eyebrows rose in surprise as you suddenly talked without thinking.

"I'll take that as a compliment.", he smirked, blushing a little.

He did not let go of your hand, however.

A smile appeared on your lips. It was nice standing this close to him, being this intimate. You almost felt like there was a connection between you two. Maybe you would have been able to be real friends when all of this was over.

"Take it as you like.", you leaned on the bridge, next to him. "What I want to say is, you've done so many things in such a short amount of time. You've fed me, carried me to bed and tucked me in for the night. You helped me search for a cave that I've only remembered vaguely without asking a single question. And on top of that, you're trying to introduce me to your friends to help me be a part of the vampire community. Hell, Regis, you even bought me clothes. Beautiful ones too. It makes me feel bad when I think about how many things you've already done for me. And I gave you nothing in return."

Embarrassed, he turned away his gaze, his cheeks were covered in a bright redness.

"It wasn't really that big of a deal. Really, I just want to help.", he tried to excuse his actions.

But you wouldn't let him. Without thinking, you leaned towards him, pressing a gentle kiss onto the corner of his mouth.

Surprised, he turned to look at you, only to be greeted by another kiss, directly on the mouth.

To be fair, you did not plan to kiss him like that. But he turned so quickly, you couldn't even react before your lips were pressing against each other.

Immediately, you retreated, eyes wide open. A hit sensation was spreading inside your head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't wanted to...", you stuttered.

For a moment, you two looked at each other in silence. Then, finally, he smiled mildly.

"It's fine. Just a little accident. Happens to the best of us.", he rubbed the back of his head, avoiding eye contact.

"Right. Happens to the best of us."

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