Chapter Eighteen

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*3 hours later*
It was around midnight, and Raph and I were still out. We had went out for pizza, and were still sitting in the shop, talking. The manager literally gave us the keys and told us to lock up when we were done. How funny is that! Anyway, I finished eating a slice of pizza and looked up at Raph.
"You got pizza sauce on your face, kid." Raph said, smirking. He wiped it off with his finger, causing me to blush.
"Thanks." He nodded.
"Don't mention it. So, did you have a good time tonight?" I nodded.
"Best time I've had in a long time." He took my hand and laced his fingers through mine.
"Me too, kiddo. It's almost fun not being angry all the time. I didn't know I had all these...emotions." I laughed.
"You normally don't...till it's too late." My face fell as I thought back to all the horrible mistakes I made.
"Ems, are you ok? You got totally serious all of a sudden." He said, snapping me out of my thoughts."
"Have you ever made a mistake you just wish you never made?" I blurted, and he raised an eyebrow at me.
"Yeah. Plenty. I almost got all my brothers killed by a giant cockroach because of my stupid phobia, if that counts." I sighed.
"That's not what I meant. A horrible mistake, life changing, even."
"No, not yet, I guess."
"I guess, there's always that one mistake that changes us all." I muttered, and he looked at me.
"Why?" He asked, and I avoided his eyes.
"A mistake I made a long time ago. I just thought about it. I made a deal with a demon named Bill Cipher, and now, my life is in his hands. He told me one day I'd do something that would change the world forever. And not for the better." Raph squeezed my hand.
"Hey, I promise, kid. I'm gonna do anything I can to make sure that doesn't happen. I swear it, kid. I swear it." I looked at him sadly.
"I wish there was something you could do. My fate is already in his hands." I muttered, feeling tears creep into my eyes. Raph suddenly did the unthinkable, well, at least for him. He hugged the life out of me, and I sobbed into his shoulder. Whatever I was destined to do, at least I had one person on my side.

Ok, I am seriously embarrassed for crying right now. Anyway, back to narrating the story. I'll stop interrupting now.
After crying for what felt like a millennium (a thousand years for all of you who don't know what that means), I finally pulled myself together. I picked my head up and wiped some tears off of my face and smiled sadly. He smiled sadly back and wiped a tear from my eye. I smiled weakly again and he looked at me.
"Are you alright now?" He asked.
"Nope. But I'm closer than I was before." He laughed sadly.
"How come you never told us that? know..." I sighed.
"I didn't know how, really. It's not like your friend tells you every day that she's practically being controlled by a creepy, psychopathic dream demon." I expected Raph to make a sarcastic comment or something, but he actually didn't. All he did was look at me sadly.
"You should've told us, kid. We could have helped you."
"There's not much you can do, Raphie. Nobody can help me. I've accepted the fact that I'm gonna do something horrible one day.......I hope you can too." He shook his head.
"I won't accept that. There's always something you can do, anything-"
"-I admire your want to help me, Raph. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about it. It was my choice to make a deal with Bill. This is my fault. I'm not gonna get you sucked up in my messed up life."
"But I want to help-"
"-I love you, Raphael. There's an old saying; if you love something, set it free, and if it really loved you, it'll come back. When I do that horrible thing," I picked the pen up from the table and scrawled something on Raph's arm. "I hope you'll remember this." And with that, I left the shop, leaving Raph alone.

"Emilee, wait!" Raph yelled, chasing me. I kept on running. I needed to be alone. I faced something horrible in the pizza shop; the fact that one day, I will do something unthinkable. Something horrible, that I can't control.
"Emilee, stop! Seriously!" Raph screamed, and I slowed to a stop. He caught up with me, seeming angry.
"What the heck was that about? What did you write on me?! What's going on?!" He asked, fuming. I picked up his arm and pointed to the words written on it.
"Aqü Derta. In Rüstovian, that means Water Lives. My friend Zhi taught me the language, and this is an ancient proverb. It's supposed to bring good luck. I...I don't know why I wrote it. It just felt right, I guess." Raph's gaze softened and he put his arm down.
"Sorry, I didn't know. Anyway, what was with the random outburst of sadness?" He asked, and I hung my head in shame.
"I...I don't know, really. I....I'm sorry, Raphael." He picked my head up and smiled at me sadly.
"It's alright, Emilee. I...I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you. I was just...confused and overwhelmed with emotions I don't exactly feel often." He said awkwardly, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him.
"Let's just say, whenever I'm around you, I get this...feeling. It's like my brain is exploding mixed with nausea mixed with-"
"- I get that feeling too, when I'm around you. It's called love." I said, smiling. He smiled too.
"I love you, Emilee Grayson. I know your probably sick of hearing me say that, but I promise you, the day I stop telling you that is the day you should begin to worry." I laughed.
"Stop talking and kiss me, you dope." He smirked and kissed me. Weird, weird day.

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