Chapter One

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I yelped in pain as Raph pushed me to the ground. I felt a sickening crack in my nose. 'Your gonna have to try harder than that, kiddo.' He said and offered me his hand. I wiped the blood from my nose and got up on my own. 'I think you broke my nose, bucko.' I said as I glared at him. He shrugged. 'Naw. Noses are extremely vulnerable.' He said. I wiped more blood off of my nose and glared again. 'I'm going to find Donnie.' I said and stormed out the room, leaving a very confused Raph in the training grounds.

I stormed into the barn, blood dripping down my face. 'Donnie.' I said as he swiveled his chair around to face me. A look of agony crossed his face and then anger. 'Raph?' He asked. I nodded. He handed me medical tape and started dabbing my nose with a tissue. 'Why does he hate me?' I asked as Donnie continued with the tissue. 'He doesn't hate you.' He retorted. I rolled my eyes. 'Sure seems like it.' I groaned. Donnie shrugged. 'He kind of hates the world. Just go along with it. It's better if you just leave him be.' Donnie said. I smirked. 'Your afraid of him, aren't you.' I smiled at the thought of it. 'No! Maybe...ok, a little.' I laughed. 'Ha! Priceless.' I smiled jokingly at him, and he glared at me. 'Ok Ems; lets get one thing straight; you are used to maniacs. We are not.' He said. I shrugged. 'Some of 'em are funny. I should show you this guy named Doctor Light,' I put my arms behind my head, 'he's a real catch.' I replied and laughed. Donnie took the medical tape from me and taped the bridge of my nose a little bit. 'Someday.'  I rubbed my nose and put my arm around him. 'Thanks D.' I said and walked out of the barn.

I opened the front door to hear Mikey scream 'CROGNARG RULES BRO!!' and promptly fall off the couch. I facepalmed and walked in. Mikey noticed me and sweatdropped. 'Erm... hey, Emilee?' He said. I just smirked and started up the stairs, only to be stopped by the annoying voice of Leo; my, well, frienemy would be a good word. 'What do you think your doing, Grayson?' He asked me. I rolled my eyes and turned to face him. 'I'm going upstairs, munch. What does it matter to you?' I asked, venom dripping from my voice. Mikey ducked behind the couch and peeked his eyes out. 'I thought I told you that we were training.' He said. I tightened my teeth into a snarl. 'Already did. Raph broke my nose.' I growled. Leo's expression softened a bit as he walked up the stairs to investigate my nose. 'Oh, sorry. Didn't know.' He replied nonchalantly. I glared at him. 'No duh.' I continued up the stairs and knocked on April's door.

April didn't answer her door, so I assumed she'd be outside. I started down the stairs to go outside when Mikey touched my arm. 'You alright, Ems?' He asked me. I turned to face him. 'Alright as I'll ever be.' I replied, and turned back away from him. He put his arm around me. 'Hey... don't be so upset. Need a hug?' He asked and outstretched his arms. I gladly accepted and hugged him. We stayed like that for a little while until he finally let me go. He put his hand on my shoulder. 'Be like a ninja, bro; don't let anyone put you down.' He said. I smiled and started towards the door. Once I reached the handle, I looked back at Mikey. 'Thanks.' I smiled softly as I walked out the door.

I started down the path to my favorite spot; the lake. I walked along, deep in thought, when I all of a sudden bumped into someone. 'Sorry Ems.' Casey said. I smiled at him. 'It's ok, I wasn't watching where I was going.' I replied sheepishly. He smiled back. 'You up for a little one-on-one?' He asked. I looked at him sadly. 'Sorry. Not today. I need some alone time, you know, to think.' I said, as I pointed to my nose. A look of understanding passed over Casey's face and he looked at me. 'Ok. I understand. Raph outta start taking it easy on you; this is your third injury in a week.' I sighed. 'That, or I really need to improve my ninja fight skills.' I said, randomly karate-chopping the air. He laughed. 'Good luck kid. Don't get yourself killed, alright?' He smiled, revealing his missing teeth from a hockey injury he mentioned. I smiled. 'I'll try.' And I continued down the path.

I finally arrived at the lake. I sat down on the banks and picked up a small, smooth pebble. I chucked it at the river and it skipped, making miniature ripples across the river. I sighed and thought of my friend Beast Boy, who taught me how to skip stones across rivers. 'This is stupid. I'm sitting here like a dope throwing stones at the river instead of facing my obvious issue.' I said. 'I agree completely.' A voice retorted. I turned around to see Raph standing behind me on the banks. I glared at him and turned back to the river. I picked up another stone and chucked it at the river again. He sat down next to me. 'You can't ignore me forever, you know.' I sighed. 'I can try.' He just laughed and turned towards the river. 'Now I understand why you like this river so much; it's really pretty.' At this point, I was annoyed. 'Don't sit there trying to be all casual macho man, Raph! I'm still mad at you because you broke my nose!' I said angrily. 'I don't care if your mad at me; that's your own stupid decision!' He yelled angrily back. 'Oh, so now your calling me stupid?!' I asked. 'Maybe I am!' He yelled. 'Well, if I'm so stupid, how can I beat you all the time?!' I asked. 'Beginner's luck!?' He yelled. 'Coming from the guy who BROKE MY NOSE!' I yelled back, completely aggravated. 'You know what, I didn't mean to break your stupid nose, ok?! It was an accident, and I'M SORRY!! I'm sorry if you HATE me now, but I would have never TRIED to break your nose!! I'm not THAT mean, you idiot!' He yelled. I looked at him. 'Raph...' I started. 'You know what?! I'm OUTTA HERE!' He yelled, and stormed off into the forest. 'Raph!' I called as I stood up, but sank back down to my knees. 'What have I done?'

I sat on the dirt, silently crying for hours until around midnight, when Mikey and Donnie found me. 'Found her!' Donnie yelled, and sat down next to me. He put his arm around me. 'Couldn't just leave him alone, could you?' He asked. I didn't reply. Mikey sat down next to me and also put his arm around me. 'It's ok, Raph just gets mad. Don't take it personally.' He said. I looked at him. 'That's not what I'm upset about. He was truly offended and upset and he ran off. I'm a horrible person.' I said, and put my head in my knees. Mikey squeezed my shoulder and Donnie sighed. 'Your not a horrible person, Em. Don't beat yourself up. Raph was just upset for some reason.' 'Why?' I asked. 'He doesn't even like me.' Mikey and Donnie looked at each other. 'Emilee...' Mikey started. 'He...does.' Donnie finished. 'He... does?' I asked. Donnie looked at Mikey for help. ' likes you...DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER!' He yelled and put his hands up. I felt a huge weight lift off my chest. 'He does! Awesome!' I said. 'Um...your happy bout that?' Donnie asked. 'That means he doesn't hate me, so yeah!!' I said and smiled a huge smile. Mikey smiled and hugged me. 'Young love! So,' he sniffled and pretended to wipe a tear from his eye, 'beautiful!' He finished. Donnie laughed at him and punched him in the arm. 'Ahh!' Mikey yelled. Just then, Leo, April, and Casey walked over. April rushed over and gave me a bone-crushing hug. 'Ahh, April, hi! Can't... breathe.' I groaned and she let me go. 'Oops! Sorry Ems!' She said, and smiled. 'Still really happy that Donnie and Mikey found you! Speaking of which...' she walked over and kissed Donnie, leaving a very disgusted Casey standing behind them. I walked over and put my arm around him. 'Ahh, third wheel syndrome. Stinks, doesn't it?' I said. He nodded. 'Tell me about it.' He groaned. I noticed Leo standing sheepishly behind everyone, fingering the tape on his middle finger nonchalantly. I walked over to him and held my fist out for him. He looked at it with wide eyes. 'Oh come on, man, don't leave me hanging!' I said. 'But... I've been nothing but mean to you, and when you ran away, I didn't care, and...' I hit my fist with his and smiled at him. 'Most things are forgivable with me.' I said and smiled at him. He smiled back a small smile and I hugged him. 'Besides, I've missed your constant teasing.' I said, and he laughed. 'Me too.' And the other four just smiled. 'Glad they made up.' April whispered to Donnie. 'Me too April. Me too.' He replied, and she put her arm around him and Casey, and Mikey joined in.

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