Chapter Twelve

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Emilee's POV (still)
Leo and Donnie carried Alisa into the barn, and I was still sobbing like an idiot, clutching Raph's arm as if I was going to die and it was my only lifeline. My friends murmured occasional things to cheer me up, but of course, it didn't work. I had just watched my best friend most likely die. Don and Leo set her down on a makeshift bed.
"We'll keep her here on oxygen. Maybe it'll help her wake up faster." Donnie said, and I nodded, still crying. The two of them turned to leave, but I stopped Leo.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Thanks, for untying her. Really." I whispered, and he smiled.
"Your welcome. I was hoping she'd escape. She'd make a good kunoichi, that girl."
"Maybe. That was one of her goals in life..." I muttered, and Leo smiled again.
"Maybe if, I mean when, she wakes up, I can get to know her better. Train her, like Raph did with you." This time I actually smiled.
"I bet she'd love that." And with that, he left the barn, leaving Mikey, Raph, me, and my friends to talk about what I explained on the way home.

"You lied to us." Abbi said, and I looked down, avoiding everybody's death glares.
"What was I supposed to do? Get you guys killed?" I replied, and Kristal looked at me softly.
"I at least understand. This is actually cool! I've always dreamed of meeting the Turtles, and I thought it would never happen. This is cool!" She beamed, and Mikey and Raph looked at me quizzically.
"Long story. Point is, I'm sorry, guys."
"It's alright. I'm not mad." Melanie said, and Kayley Grace nodded.
"Me either. I'm not normal either, I'm a demigod. Daughter of Hades."
"Poseidon." I replied, and Kayley smiled.
"Sweet. And guys, please, call me Shadow. I haven't used Kayley Grace in years."
"Not to intrude on this wonderful conversation, but maybe you guys should join our team." Mikey said, and I looked at him.
"They'd be killed in a matter of hours!" Kristal, Melanie, and Shadow, however, didn't seem to think so.
"No way! Being a kunoichi sounds awesome!" Kristal smiled, and Abbi rolled her eyes.
"You guys have fun. I'm good, thanks." Sienna nodded.
"Yeah...I don't ever wanna have to do anything like that again. Sorry." She dropped her gaze to the floor. Raph spoke up for the first time.
"Who says we want more little girls to deal with?" He asked, and I shot him a glare.
"They need training, Raph. And we can give them it." He sighed.
"Fine. Kristal, Melanie, and Shadow, welcome to boot camp. I assume Alisa is a member too, once she wakes up. Be careful, and don't die." Abbi stormed off, Sienna running after her. I lost two friends, but gained new partners. Typical Monday for Emilee Grayson, I suppose.

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