Ch. 4: Sweet Treats

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At the end of the day, Emily sat at the bar and put her head on the counter. Husk didn't even say anything, he just poured Emily her regular drink and put the glass in front of her.

"Rough day?" He asked.

"Like you wouldn't believe." Emily said, raising her head, "What do you do when someone you hate wants to better themselves?"

"Sadly, I don't know. But I do know that people can change, you've shown me that." Husk said, cleaning another glass. "Maybe she's being honest and it's time to give her the benefit of the doubt. This place is about second chances."

Emily just sighed and grabbed the glass and drank it in one go.

"Whiskey really doesn't seem to be helping either." Emily said with a groan.

"Maybe something else then? Bacardi rum? Beelzejuice? Demon seed whisky?" Husk asked, gesturing to all of the drinks in his bar. "Or maybe a Hell's Paradise?"

(Beelzejuice, lime juice, Bacardi rum, and a dash of rock salt. First book, chapter 40.)

"The first three. Mix them all with a slice of lemon and top it with whipped cream." Emily said, pushing glass to Husk. "Call it "The Sucker Punch.""

"..." Husk said nothing as just took the glass and slowly made the weird drink.

When done, he handed it to her, and she downed it once again.

"Ugh, I don't even so much as get a buzz." Emily said.

"It's called a tolerance, you've been drinking multiple times a day for five years, not surprising." Husk said, pouring himself some "Sucker Punch" to try.

'Hmm, not bad.' He thought, licking his lips.

"Well, if I can't drown this with booze, I'll settle for the next best thing. Junk food." Emily said as she stood up.

"Ever the glutton." Husk said, rolling his eyes.

"The same to you, Mr. Sloth. You'd fit right in on the Sloth Ring." Emily said with a grin.

"Sounds pleasant." Husk said, grinning himself.

Emily chuckled as she headed to the kitchen.

'If Razzle and Dazzle stopped like I told them, there should be plenty of chocolate snickerdoodles left.' Emily thought.

Entering the kitchen, luck was in her side. There were plenty of cookies left and even better, her cigarettes and lighter were close by too!

"Chocolate and nicotine, a delicious combo." Emily said as she prepared a saucer of snickerdoodles, her pack of cigarettes, and her light before heading to her office.

Once there, she sat at her desk and put a cigarette in her mouth before she opened the lighter.


After several tries, she finally got her lighter lit.

"Piece of shit, really need to get a new one soon." Emily said.

Emily leaned close and lit her cigarette, inhaling a bit as she pulled her lighter away.

"Nothing better than hot boxing my office while enjoying some good cookies." Emily said, blowing some smoke out before biting into a chocolate snickerdoodle.

As the flavors began mixing on her tongue, there was a sudden knocking at her door.

"On come on." Emily grumbled, putting her cigarette in an ash tray and putting the cookie down.

'If this is anyone but Lucy, they're getting a slap in the face.' Emily thought as she walked to the door.

Opening it, Emily saw in the other side was none other than Velvette.

"Hey, sorr-"


"FUCK! What the ballocks?!" Velvette shouted as she was suddenly slapped.

"You interrupted my smoke and cookie." Emily said, crossing her arms. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to say thanks again for letting me check in and all. The room is nice too, even if that little maid of yours creeps me out." Velvette said, rubbing her face from the slap.

"You're welcome but don't make me regret this. Charlie believe that in every demon is a rainbow, aka a small piece of goodness. So it's up to you to show me that you want to be good like Angel Dust and Sir Pentious." Emily said, jabbing her finger into Velvette chest. "Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it." Velvette said before seeing something hung up on the wall, making her step back in fear. "Oh... that thing."

Emily looked and saw a sword hanging on the wall. The same angelic steel sword that Lucifer had gifted her, the one that cut off Velvette's hands.

"Oh that, you didn't think I wouldn't keep it?" Emily asked with a grin.

"I'd rather have never seen it again." Velvette said.

"Well, it's not your hotel. It's mine and I think it brings the room together." Emily said with a shrug.

"Besides, it's a reminder of what I will do when someone threatens my family." Emily said.

The room got quiet for a bit, until Velvette spoke up.

"... I'm sorry." She said.

Emily looked at her, surprised by this sudden apology.

"What?" She asked.

"I'm sorry... I never wanted anyone to get hurt, I just wanted to grow in strength. I... I wanted to be able to fight off the exterminators." Velvette said, "...They... they remind me of the people that killed me."

Emily looked at Velvette as she started to get teary eyed.

"You don't have to tell-" Emily was ignored.

"I died young, you know. I was barely 20 at the time." Velvette said, remembering her life as a human. "I... I met someone on a dating app, and... it was a trick... they were a group of people I rejected, people that thought I was stuck up because I always was on my phone or wore the best fashion... I was tied down and beaten, abused, and... raped. When they had their fun..."

Velvette used her arm to lower her shirt collar, revealing what appeared to be a bullet hole where her heart was.

"I guess... I guess rape isn't very heavenly, because I woke up here... I barely survived the extermination, if it wasn't for Vox and Val." Velvette said, putting her collar back up. "I just want to be able to survive whatever heaven wants to throw at us down here... but I never wanted anyone to get hurt that day. That was all Vox and Val's idea... I'm sorry... I'm so... so... so sorry."

Velvette had to wipe the tears from her eyes before she was suddenly hugged. Surprising Velvette greatly.

"W-What?" She asked Emily.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Emily said, letting tears of her own fall. "I can't forgive you, not for what you did to my family...but I can give you the chance to make up for it."

Velvette started crying uncontrollably, and Emily refused to let go of her until she was done.

"...Thank you. Thank you for giving a chance to be better." Velvette said softly.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." Emily said before walking back to her desk. "Now, I think you need a cookie."

Picking the saucer bringing , Emily walked back to Velvette and offered her one of the a snickerdoodle.

"A cookie? Do I-" Velvette stopped whatever snide comment she was going to make as she gazed at the cookie saucer. "Honestly, I can't remember the last time I had a homemade cookie."

"Well, there's plenty more in the kitchen if you want more." Emily said, picking up a cookie and holding it out to her. "And I don't wanna make this weird but I kind of have to feed you a cookie."

"Trust me, this is weird for me too." Velvette said as her stomach growled loudly. "But I have been starving for the last five years, so I'll take whatever I can get."

Leaning on, Velvette bit down on the cookie and carefully moved the whole cookie in her mouth. She chewed it quickly and swallowed it, first meal she's had in years.

"Oh that's good." Velvette said with a relaxed grin.

"You... said you were starving?" Emily asked, picking up another cookie.

"Yeah, unlike hellborns, sinners can't die from age or anything else. EVER...unless it's an angelic weapon." Velvette said, glancing at Emily's sword as she another the second cookie. "So yeah, I have literally been starving ever since Vox and Val abandoned me. So... yeah, this hunger has literally been the worst possible torture until now."

And with that, and another cookie, Velvette left the room and left Emily to think of how to help her.

"I might have an idea but it will take a few weeks." Emily said, pulling out her phone, "And only one person can help with that."

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