#Review 1

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🌼Title: Everything under the heavens.
Author: JuliaFerrar

Cover: Personally I think your cover is good, but it definitely could be better. You have so much going on in the story that isn't portrayed on the cover.

Title: Your title is definitely not cliche, which is actually good. The only thing is that it doesn't portray your story a bit. One has to read your summary to actually make a relation with your book. It's definitely not that bad, and also not cliche. I just have mixed feelings about it.

Summary: I think your summary is actually cool, and definitely spiked up my curiosity. This statement though 😀

"Join the adventure by reading about all kinds of different lives centered around the heroic acts of one group, the Team Heroes."

Plot: Your plot like your title is definitely not cliche. I really enjoyed the book(finished it to the end). My doing your review is the third time reading your book, sorry couldn't resist. I found the suspense quite enthralling and entertaining.

Your Overcast:
Nicholas's P.O.V

"I'm not going to tell anyone about my scars and my pain, no, I am going to keep it all a secret."

We can see here Nicholas is facing some issues and he's afraid to tell anyone.

Chapters review(I'll be doing a review on the first five chapters. Brace yourself.)👍

-Overcast(Chap. 1)

Here I can see that Nicholas and Aman aren't as close as they used to be. There is a break in the bond of their relationship, and it deals with Nicholas not trusting Aman like before. We can also see that Aman isn't an open book, as he pales when asked about college by his parents. That portrays he definitely is hiding something. I really liked this chapter.
The only thing was that I noticed few words misspelled like 'amotion' instead of 'emotion', 'their' instead of 'they're'. I think it's a typo, do check on it.

Adrenalin( Chap.2)

Nicholas is shown in another light. He is portrayed to be a protective younger brother although in the wrong way. He acts to be Aman, in order to get a gang off his brother's scent. The whole team was introduced and we can see they're not flat characters.
Still loved this chapter. 👏

Journey Beginning(Chap.3)

I think you sustained your story line as Javier is seen acting different about Brooks issue. Some few punctuation issues, that's all.

Small in big(Chap.4)

I think this chapter was actually good as Dylan can be seen trying to defend his friend Augustine. Their friendship is definitely shown as a "ride or die." Meaning I will have your back no matter what.

Under the skin( Chap.5)

Isla is still in love with Augustine but broke up with him, because she's an FBI agent.


What I liked👊

👍 I love that although they're said to be a heroic group, they still have their individual fears. Bringing this book to the right dose of reality.
👍 The suspense sustained in the book. It wasn't predictable and I love that a lot. Every part had me going like what?😱
👍 The characters are definitely relatable characters.

What I didn't like.

🚫 The cover- It's not that bad, but it could be better.
🚫Misspelled words- Do check that out dear. Most writers love editing a book after they're done with the first draft, since you're done. I will encourage you get right to it.
🚫The book later seemed rushed- I don't know if it's just me, but it seemed you wanted to get the book over with.

Overall assessment.
I'll rate this book 4.6/5.

I think your book has lot of potential. You just need a reread and a quick skim over to fix your errors.
Work on the length of your book 'cause it seemed rushed.
A change of cover will be good too.
Fix these up and you're good to go.

I strongly recommend this book.👍

Hope this helped a bit. Comment 😀 if you've read the review.

Thanks for requesting.

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