My Turn 5

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I hear a person screaming but it was faint. Plusle was to young to hear the noise and Vanillite doesn't have sensitive hearing. I said "Go North!" So then we went north to see a town. There was a welcome sign.

Vanillite said "Plusle what does this sign say?" "v-van-i-vale town? Vaniville Town!!" Vanillite and I at the same time say yay! As Plusle clapped her hands. That little 6 week old sister. I loved her to pieces. But I am 11 weeks old and know all the ins and outs of life. Vanillite is like a sister to me. I could always trust her. So now we are walking down the Vaniville road, hoping to find something to eat because I could tell everyone was hungry. Except for Plusle who had that Poké Puff earlier. As we we're walking someone's Pikachu zoomed by with a guy with black hair and 3 others. Then the boy with Black hair yells "Catch that Pikachu!!" So we all started running to catch that Pokemon. Vanillite started putting ice on the floor. Oh No! Now my cheeks are sparking with electricity. Lucky for Plusle she hasn't learned how to put electricity through her cheeks. They can't find out that we have powers! Or else that will cause a worldwide commotion! Plusle ran and caught Pikachu causing the rest of us to crash into eachother. We all got up unharmed. The guy with black hair says "Hello my name is Ash. And that was my partner Pikachu." The girl in red and black said "Hello my name is Serena." The guy with the big glasses said "Hello my name is Clement and this is Bonnie my little sister." Pointing to the little girl with a ponytail on the right side of her head. Vanillite said "It's nice to meet you Ash, Serena, Clement and Bonnie." I said "I'm uhh Emma." Vanillite said "Lindsey!" Plusle said "My name is Brooke." All knew that we couldn't say our real names or else they might get suspicious. "Sry about my Pikachu. Some bad people called Team Flare are trying to catch Pikachu so they put a device on him to make him evil." said Ash as he took the device off. Then I hear pik-a-chuuuu!!! As Pikachu throws an electric ball right towards us. Vanillite and me dodged it while Plusle got hit. But she got no effect from the attack. Ash, Serena, Clement, and Bonnie we're a little shocked at seeing Plusle suck electricity. Bonnie said "I'm starting to get hungry." Serena said "I have Poké Puffs." I said "I thought only pokemon could have Poké Puffs" Serena said "Nope as long as we don't eat a fire one we will be ok." Do we are the yummy Poké Puffs. Then Clement said "It's starting to get dark do you think we should find somewhere to stay?" Serena said "He is right where are we going to stay?" Ash says "My house is close by. How about we stay there?" Vanillite said "Great Idea" so we walked to Ash's house. Wow his room is full of Pokemon balls and other Pokemon stuff. We found lots of blankets and pillows. Enough for all of us to have one pillow and blanket. So we all changed into our PJ's and said good night. Vanillite and I both woke up at 11:00 and started talking. "Vanillite do you think we'll ever be Pokemon again?" "I don't know but I like the names Lindsey, Emma, and Brooke. It's a lot easier to say then our Pokemon names." "Alright then we should officially be Lindsey, Emma, and Brooke." "Ok. Well I'm going to try to sleep again. Good night" "Night." I said as we fell asleep in our beds.

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