nightmerrs's Turn 16

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"WOW!" Yelled Bonnie. "THAT'S SO COOL"! "Brooke, I got tons of new ideas for games we can play"!" Come on"! The two youngsters ran off and went to play. Ash, Clemont, and Serena stood there shocked by their story."Based on what I just saw, I believe it but it really dosen't seem physically possible." How did the people in the red suits do it?" He asked. "Well,"said Emma, "They hooked IVs up to all of us and pulled a lever and that stupid lever did all of this to us". "I see... Said Clemont. "They must of made a solution, hooked it to you to get it into your system and then shocked it as an electrical charge".

"Seems cruel to me" said Ash. "It doesn't sound like those people had any intensions to turn ya back" said Serena. Brooke runs up to Emma. "Bonnie and I are gonna go play by the stream". "Is that ok"? "Yeah, sure"! said Emma. She gave her a hug and then Brooke ran off with Bonnie.

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