Chapter twelve - S.S. Anne (pt. 2)

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The St. Anne. One of the biggest ships to sail from the city of Vermilion had just made everything ready for it's passengers. Emma was one of the people who entered. Because she had a lower class ticket she had to share her room with a room mate. Hers was a girl named Sabrina. They had already met earlier. She was from the Hoenn region and had a Torchic as a starter. She had won three badges already. Together they explored the ship. It was huge. Trainers, who were clearly more experienced showed off their pokemon. One trainer even had a Blastoise. The fully evolved form of Squirtle.

The sun shone brightly on the main deck, so Emma and Sabrina decided to relax and take it easy. They sat down on a chair and ordered something to drink.

'Do you like Kanto?' Emma asked.
'I sure do, although I miss the hot springs and the cable car rides.' Sabrina replied.
'Have you caught any more pokemon?'
'I did! I caught a psyduck'
'I caught a Pikachu, but it's with the Professor now'
'That's so great!'
Emma and Sabrina talked a bit more, before it was time to go to the dining area for dinner.

Suddenly the pair that gave Emma the tickets appeared again, this time to invite them to the theater, where only pokemon trainers were allowed to go to. That was because it was to showcase the strengths of pokemon from around the world. Not only from Kanto. A women led them to a small room near the main deck. Just when they could sit down on their chairs Emma noticed the boy sitting next to her. It was Daqaun again. This time a cute small blue penguin like pokemon sat next to him. He greeted Emma and the small pokemon let out a quick yawn. It seemed quite young.

Emma and Sabrina sat next to each other. Emma let out her Squirtle, to show him what was about to happen. Squirtle sat on Emma's lap, but could hardly sit still. He too couldn't wait to see what was about to happen.

'Dear trainers' a women began to talk and explain what was about to happen. People from all over the world showed their pokemon. With enjoyment and pride they showed off their best moves. A jury would talk about the performances and eventually choose the best pokemon.  It was quite entertaining to see. The Blastoise who they saw earlier, showed a hydro pump attack, which was so strong that it almost made its way through the ceiling.

When the judge had made its decision. A trainer with a Charizard had won. He was so exited that he used a flamethrower attack up in the air. Not realizing that it would melt a part of the ceiling. Every time the ship hit a big wave the room would fill a bit with water from the sea. People made their way outside. Through the speakers  a message could be heard. 'Attention everyone. Due to technical difficulties the ship will head towards vermilion.'

A lot of people were angry. They had to leave the ship early. Emma was just happy she had spend a day aboard the ship. She could even sleep here.

Around midnight a faint siren could be heard from the speakers, however it was not loud enough to wake everyone. Emma just slept through it. The next morning Emma and Sabrina were awoken by an even louder siren. This time it was more serious. All passengers had to leave immediately. The ship's condition had even been worse. Luckily they could leave in time. A group of people had tried to steal pokemon from more experienced trainers. During one of the fights the engine had been badly damaged and couldn't be fixed in time. Now Lapras would transport many people to safety. Luckily nobody got hurt. It was quite a ride.

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