Part 14: Team Rocket hideout

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Emma did the first thing that popped in her head. She had to call officer Jenny. She would know what to do. In case there would be any people nearby she took a few steps back. By now Pikachu and Squirtle had noticed the captured pokemon. They knew something was wrong. Officer Jenny picked up at the first call. Emma told her about the situation. It would take her at least ten minutes to get there. Because she couldn't risk the wellbeing of the pokemon she decided to investigate it some further. A plastic cabin near an open field served as the base of their plans. A red R was the logo of the organization that was responsible for the condition these pokemon were in. Emma wasn't sure if these pokemon belonged to trainers or if they were wild. It was not until she had walked around it that a banner became visible. ''Day-care'' it read. It was so colorful that nobody would ever guess what their true intentions were. One of the pokemon was a Bellsprout, who looked quite weak. It tried to put its branch like feet into the ground, but the hard metal underneath made it impossible to reach it.

Emma decided to take a look inside. She left Butterfree outside, to serve as a guard. Squirtle and Pikachu gently walked behind Emma. The cabin looked much bigger on the inside. Decorated with a desk, full of papers and a box full of pokeballs made their intentions clear. A real pokemon day-care center wouldn't treat these pokemon like this. Even Emma knew that water pokemon needed a good amount of water and that grass type pokemon loved to burry themselves in the dirt so where they could hide away from danger.

She walked around the 'office' to look for a key or something to free the pokemon that were now kept in small cages. She took a closer look at the papers that were laying on the desk. Each paper was a file. It described the trainer that the pokemon belonged to and what the strengths and weaknesses were of their pokemon. Emma grabbed the papers and safely hid them in her bag.

It was not until she heard Butterfree make a screeching sound that she felt highly uncomfortable. That must have been a warning. Emma ran ouside, only to encounter a pair of Team Rocket members. Their uniforms had a red R that was quite noticeable. 'Stop' only of them cried. 'Butterfree use sleep powder' Emma commanded. Butterfree flew above the Team Rocket members and released her sleep powder particles. Quickly they fell asleep, long enough for Emma to make an escape. She used the road to head back to vermillion city.

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