Chapter 13: Blaze

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~This chapter is still in "modern day" but it's on Drago's island where Blaze is prisoner. You can tell that it is right after the movie because Drago comes back wet lol A lot of this chapter will be a flashback: that part will be in italics. You could figure this out by doing math, but I'll just tell you: Blaze is 25 now (same age as Eret) :)~

A/N: This chapter is inspired by my mom. Everytime we watch the second movie, she's always like "Why does the alpha listen to Drago? I mean, I know all the other dragons listen to him because he gets the alpha to make them, but why does the alpha listen to  Drago?" and that was an excellent question. And I have an answer. I noticed that the evil bewilderbeast had metal chains on its tusks and stopped listening to drago after toothless broke one off... hmm...  :)**

Blaze's POV:

        I leaned against the icy stone wall that made up my cell. My prison. But also, the place I was forced to call home for sixteen years. My body ached with bruises from being beaten so often. I sat facing the bars so I could see the outside room. To entertain myself, I made the torch in the other room go out and re-lit it with my powers over and over again. With practiced ease I continued to put out and re-light the torch by closing my hand and opening it again.

        I stopped when I heard heavy footsteps coming my way. The ehcoed across the stone floor and I recognized them instantly: Drago. A few days ago, I heard unfamiliar voices so he must have taken some prisoners. But after a little bit, the voices disappeared like the people had vanished. Eret seemed to disappear as well. He was the only one I ever got to talk to. I ran my hand through my messy hair as the footsteps neared. Here we go again.

        I stood up in time to see a soaking wet, angry Drago who faced me. I couldn't help but give a little laugh. "Whoa, what happened to you?" He narrowed his eyes at me. After a few years, you start getting off the hook for being sarcastic. I think Drago got just as tired of threatening me after each time as I was listening to him threaten me each time.

        Drago looked furious, but not specifically at me... He grabbed my wrist through the bar and pulled me up against it so that my head hit the bar. He kept a tight, (bonecrushingly painful,) grip on my wrist. "Your sister failed me. A group of kids and their night fury defeated my bewilderbeast!" Remembering my bad experience with night furies, I  pulled back, but Drago yanked me back to where I was. "When she enchanted my bewilderbeast, it was supposed to make him unstopable! Somebody's got to pay for this!" I flinched, remembering when Drago forced Emma to enchant the bewilderbeast.


        In this flashback, Emma was ten years old and Blaze was sixteen. Drago was getting tired of having Blaze around and wanted to kill him. But, he caught Emma trying to free him. And now, this:

        "Now, Darkstalker, I want you to make this bewilderbeast listen to my every command. If you agree, I will spare your brother's life." He said coldly. I gazed at my bedraggled sister from behind bars, struggling to listen. I could tell she was petrified as a giant, grey bewilderbeast stood over her. Emma nodded, unable to speak. I hadn't seen her in so long. Too long. Her wavy hair grew past her elbows, and her most likely stolen clothes were tattered and worn.

        Even from a distance, I could see her body tremble as she turned to face Drago. "Um, I," Her voice shook noticably. "I-I can't enchant the dragon itself, b-but I can enchant something that you can put on it. L-like, metal cuffs to put on its t-tusks."  Drago gave her a look that read "Way ahead of you,' and he snapped a finger. Some guards carried out large metal cuffs and dropped them at Emma's feet--she had to jump backwards to avoid them hitting her feet.

        She sucked in a shaky breath and the wind russled her hair. She curved her hand in the way you would before grabbing a doornob and held it towards the sky. She carefully turned it, like turning a hose focet as the clouds abover her stirred. Lightening cracked across the sky and winds came out of nowhere. She continued to turn it, but it looked heavy--like there was pressure in doing this. She then lowered her arm and aimed it at the cuffs. Her purple and black lightening splintered down and struck the cuffs, and the bolts circled the metal, spinning faster and faster.

         A purple glow emitted and an invisible pressure started purshing her backwards, her feet skidding against the ground, forming piles of dirt behind her heals. She struggled to stay balanced as the light got brighter and brighter; the invisible pressure stronger and stronger. Then it burst, looking just like the purple explosion that happened when Emma first got her powers. Emma shrieked as she was blasted back, flying in the air before landing on her back.

        She slowly sat up, just in time to see a faded glow be absorbed by the metal. She had done it.

End flashback.

        "Did something happen to the cuffs?" I asked, not bothering to struggle against Drago's grip. I knew that it would never help.

        He nodded. "The night fury broke one of the tusks off,"

        "Well, Emma only enchanted the chains--not the dragon itself." I reminded him. I felt a sharp pain in my numbing wrist.

        "The Darkstalker--"

        "--Call her Emma." I cut him off. He shot me a dangerous look. "P-please..." I added.

        "Emma," he surprisingly corrected himself. "Where is she?" He demanded in a calm voice.

        "Honestly, I have no idea. Even if I did, which I don't, I wouldn't tell you. But how could I know? I've been here every second you have. And all the seconds you've been gone." Drago's patience snapped and he wipped out a sword and brought the tip to my neck. I couldn't back away, because he still had a tight grip on my wrist. He yanked me forward, the blade making a shallow scrape, the tip poking my neck.


        "I couldn't answer if I was dead, now, could I?" I challenged.

        "You can answer while going through utter torture. Or, you can answer now. Don't test me, Boy. You know better than anyone that that never ends well."

        "Drago, I don't know where she is. Honestly." I really didn't know. But, try telling that to Drago.

        "Maybe some pain will jog your memory." He said through gritted teeth, as he used his hold on my wrist to keep me steady. He scraped the sharp blade against my arm and I winced in pain. Scarlet blood ran down my arm. "I will skin you alive if I have to."

        "No, you won't."

        "And what makes you think that?"

        "You care about me too much. You may not love me, or like me, but you care about me. Sure, you're willing to cause me both physical and emotional pain, but you wouldn't kill me. I remind you too much of your son." Drago winced at mention of his son. He swung the sword back to my neck.

        "Mention my son again and we'll find out."


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