Chapter 3: The Prophetic Dream

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~12 years before the dragon war ended (when I put that it means 12 years before the first httyd movie)~

***BLAZE'S P.O.V***

        We walked up the ramp and stepped on the ship, me still holding my sleeping sister. I kept silent and pursed my lips slightly in demonstration of my stubborness.  My arms should have been tired by now, but I held Emma with practiced ease. For one, she was sleeping and I wouldn't put her down here anyway--not with these criminals around. I surveyed my sourroundings; the ship was medium-sized. The black sail cascaded down from the mast, whipping against the cool breeze. There was a rope in the corner and a trap door to go to the bottom level and an enclosed room at the far end of the ship.

        The black haired viking whom I heard the other one call "Skullmasher" walked up to me. I glared up at him warningly, tightening my grip on Emma. I would not admit to him that I was terrified. My glare read "fearless," but my trembling body read otherwise. He would not take my sister away from me. Skullsmasher's cold stare sent chills dancing throughout my body, like lightening bolts. I took a careful step back and hugged Emma tighter.

        "Look, Kid, I would take your sister right now, but then you'd start shouting empty threats, then I'd slap you again, but, just like last time, you would come up with some snarky, sarcastic retort, I'd punch you and the cycle would start all over..." His voice was low and raspy. I continued staring at him in silence, giving unspoken permission for him to keep talking. "So here's the deal: if you try anything--and I mean anything--any attempt at escape or even so much as a sarcastic mumble--I will take her away from you. I will personally make sure that you never see her again." my glare faded and I just continued to stare, but this time with a worried expression.

        "And that," For emphasis, he kicked the back of my leg making me fall backwards before he caught me by the front sides of my shirt, a fistful of fabric in each hand, his evil face too close for comfort"would be the least of your problems." With that, he pulled me back to my feet with skilled ease and strode away. "You will respect me." he said, not even glancing back.  My worried expression turned to utter fear as I blinked away the tears that flooded my vision.

        Emma had slept through all that, he head cushioned on my shoulder. With a shaky sigh, I carefully sat down in the corner, being sure not to awake Emma. "I love you, Emma," I whispered softly into her purple-tinted chocolate hair. "I'll protect you, I promise. I promise." I reassured her, nussling my cheak to her head. 

        I sat there and just watched her for what felt like an eternity. I heart the rumble of thunder and looked up to see violet and black lightening bolds tear across the suddenly stone-grey clouds. This is what usually happens when Emma has a nightmare. You're wondering why this didn't happen last time? That's because it only happens when she has a dream about someone else--a real person that she's never met--and her last nightmare was just about herself. Emma started thrashing and moaning in my lap. The men burst through the door to see what was the cause of the sudden storm.

        "Did she do that?" Skullmasher demanded, pointing an accusing finger at Emma. His voice was faded in the suddenly violent sea. Harsh winds tugged at my hair.

        "Yes, but she didn't mean to. She's just having a bad dream, I'll wake her up!" I called back over the whistling wind.

        "Look, if this is some sort of trick, I already told you what would happen! I said no funny business!" 

        "It's not! This always happens, I promise! How would this help us escape anyway: Emma can't swim, not that is would be humanly possible to swim all the way back to shore, which I can't even see anymore!" I roared back, my temper exploding.

        "Yah, well that thing is not human!"  He screamed. That remark shocked me into silence for a moment. The waves became bigger, the sea turning black. I resolved to ignore the viking.

        "Emma!" I shook my sister. "Emma! Wake up!" finally she jutted awake, and the moment she did, the storm slowed way down. Small, but still there. And it could grow again if she didn't calm down.

        Emma started crying into my chest again. "Em, shhh... Em, it's okay, it was only a dream, do you want to talk about it? Why don't you tell me about it?" I hurriedly crooned, worried that her wailing would only make their captors angry and try to hurt her. She breathed in shallow gasps.

        "Well, in my dream, I was 19 years old, and there was this boy who was a little older--the same one I've dreampt about before--and," She convulsed a little inbetween words. "And, there was this big black dragon and it kept firing at me with its fire. Then I got trapped at a dead end with just a wall of rock." she sobbed.

        "Well, Emmy, it's okay, you're safe now, I've got you, alright?" She nodded, her round, pale face stained with tears. She stopped crying and gave me a hug, and not a moment after, the storm vanished like it was never there.

        "She's even more powerful than I imagined, Bonecutter," Skullsmasher adressed the quieter viking.  "You. Boy!" He pointed at me. "Was she trying to sink our ship?"

        "I told you, she didn't mean to! You idiots don't know anything!" I screamed at them, the stress of the day's events eating away at me slowly. I now screamed at the top of my lungs, "I've never met a bigger pair of idiotic, slimy, COWARDS!" The quieter viking Bonecutter ripped Emma away from my hold to get her out of the way as if he had read Skullsmasher's mind.

        With a cry of rage, Skullsmarsher ran up to me and picked me up by my arms. He rammed me into the side of the boat, my entire back hovering over the edge as he threatened to push me in. "I think that you just broke our deal, Boy!" I gasped, remembering the chilling threat.

        "No, wait, I'm sorry--um, Sir, I won't do it again! I'm sorry, I just l-lost my temper and... please don't take Emma away from me, I'm sorry!" I stammered. "I-I take it back!" I stressed, sobbing as tears slid down my cheaks. "Please, don't take her away from me!" I begged, through a heavy sob. His tight grip on my arms numbed them, as he stared at me with an unreadable expression webbed across his face.


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