Chapter 4: Second Chance?

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       ~12 years before the dragon war ended (when I put that it means 12 years before the first httyd movie)~

***Still Blaze's POV***

"I don't give second chances," Skullmasher barked. Bonecutter began dragging Emma away towards the trap door.

        "No, wait! Emma!" I struggled to get away, but I couldn't even budge under Skullsmasher's strong grip. I stopped struggling and looked the viking straight in the eye. "...Haven't you ever lost a family member? Do you know what that feels like?" I could tell that he did. "Well, Emma is not a family member, she is my family! She is my only family!" I closed my eyes and tried, and failed, to stop crying.

        "She is all that I have," I whispered, at this point more to myself than anyone else, my eyes clamped shut. Nothing happened for a moment.

        But then, I felt the grip on my arms loosen, and my feet were put back on the ground. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "This is your one and only warning! You even annoy me in any way, or try to escape or anything like that, I will carry out my threat--no more chances. Just stay put and shut up until we get to Drago, and he'll definately be far less kind than I have been. Don't break the deal." Bonecutter let go of Emma and she immideately leapt into my arms.

        "Emma!" We both let out an identicle laugh of joy that only siblings could sound so similar. I twirled her around.

        "Alright, alright, your little 'happy party' is over, now sit down!" Skullsmasher drawled. I obediently sat down and pulled Emma into a sitting position beside me. Bonecutter had already gone back into the headquarters, I noticed now. Skullsmasher turned and walked in the same direction

        "Uh...--thank you..." I called after him. He stopped in his tracks, before glancing back at me. He opened his mouth as if we was about to say something, but instead, just walked away.


A/N: This chapter isn't finished, but this is all I can do for right now, sorry!

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