Chapter 5: A Blazing Fire

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       ~Same time frame as it has been :P~

***Blaze's POV***

Emma trailed her fingers into the water, turning the spots she touched a black that sparkled purple. Noticing her doing so, I gently pulled her hand out of the water. "Em, stop it! You're turning the water  black!" I scolded softly. I winced as a drop of water splashed onto my wrist. Cringing at the burning sensation, I hurriedly wiped it off on my shirt. I had almost forgotten that I can't touch water until now; in fact, it had been the furthest thing from my mind. I thought about the day it happened. 


(Less than a year ago:)

        "Emma! I need you to calm down! That's the only way that the storm will go away!" I shouted over the wind as several scarlet red leaves slapped me in the face. Emma had fallen and scraped her knee, and she was now crying her eyes out. The storm had wasted no time in forming as consequence of the powerful, upset girl's emotions. I looked at the obsidian sky, the black clouds tumbling through the atmosphere. The sky shifted and cracked as purple lightening splintered through the clouds and struck the ground, igniting the grass into purple and black flames. 

        Emma screamed as thunder clapped, her distress making the storm worsen. "Emma! Emma, calm down! It's going to be okay, you just need to settle down!" I forced my sister to look at me, her reddened eyes reflecting the angry sky. Her flooded eyes also reflected another thing: doubt. She started shaking her head furiously and kept sobbing. Then, all hell broke loose as uncountable lightening bolts shot down and struck all around us, inflaming the forest floor. I dodged several bolts and shoved Emma to the ground when one nearly struck her head. 

        But then, time seemed to stop as a sharp burning pain splintered thoughout my body. Pain engulfed me and I became aware that I had fallen to the ground. It was like the world was in slow motion. I heard my sister shriek, "BUBBA!" her voice cracking.

        I had been struck by Emma's lightening. 

        The world spun and twirled at a sickening speed and everything went black...


        I blinked away at my blurry vision to see Emma hovering over me. "Bubba! You're okay?" she squealed, attacking me with a hug. I sat up and leaned against my hands--the moment that my hands touched the ground, it burst into flames. I jumped up and backpedeled, loosing my footing in the process, I stumbled to the ground, the part my hands touched igniting.

        Emma's lightening gave me fire powers.


        Ever since then, water feels like acid on my skin--and Emma's tears--even more so. I had learned to control my powers since then, though my powers are nowhere near as strong as Emma's. After all, how could they be? They came from a single lightening bolt, which is only a grain of sand of what Emma can do. It was ironic that my name was 'Blaze'... Very funny, Oden. Hope you had a good laugh with that one, Loki. You too, Thor...

        I was not going to show those guys that I had powers too. That would just make me a target too, and then I couldn't help Emma. The only way to keep her safe was for me to not be of any importance, so that I can save her. 

        I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw a very dead-looking island ahead. Everything was black and there were spikes of ice off the sides of the mountains. A sickening fear spread throughout my entire body, hot blood pounding through my veins. We were almost there.

        One word echoed through my head; a word that struck me with terror; a word that seemed to mean certain death. 


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