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Third Person POV

"Hey Y/n," the three guys said as they walked into the small, white hospital room their friend was in. They walked over to her bed and saw her. Her frail body was tucked under white hospital sheets. Her heart monitor was beeping slowly.

"I guess she's not awake yet. The nurse did say it would take a while," Aaron said quietly.

The three guys decide to wait for Y/n to wake up. They go over to a corner of the room and sit on three of the four chairs there.

~~~~Timeskip to about an Hour~~~~

Y/n starts to move in her sleep so Dante went over to check on her. He stands on the side of her bed and looks at her. Her pale body isn't as pale anymore and she's awake. Her e/c eyes are slightly open, probably adjusting to the light.

Your pov

I wake up with a horrible headache. I slowly sit up, afraid to move too fast and make my head hurt more, and look around. I am in a weird white room. But why? I keep looking around and see a person standing next to whatever I'm laying on. I get scared so I jump and cause my head to hurt. I groan and put my hand on my head. I look up at the person but now there are two more. They look worried but I don't know who they are.

The one I saw first goes to put a hand on my arm put I quickly move out of the way.

"Are you okay Y/n? You had us worried." The person says.

What happened that made them worry? And who are they? I slowly nod anyway and decide to ask them who they are later.

"Where am I anyway?" I ask. My voice comes out dry and scratchy.

One of the guys hands me a cup of water. I take it and drink some of it. He takes back the cup and answers my question.

"You're at the hospital. Do you remember what happened?"

I shake my head slowly. They all look at eachother and the third guy answers.

"Well, we don't know exactly what happened but you sort of turned pale and collapsed. Do you feel okay?"

"Sort of. My head really hurts but that's about it."

The first guy hands me two small pills and says,

"The doctor told us to give these to you when you woke up. He said your head might hurt due to what happened so these would help."

"Thanks." I reply and take the pills. The guy hands me the cup of water again. I swallow the pills and drink some water.

Once I give him back the cup I decide to ask them who they are. I've been talking to them but I still have no clue who they are.

"May I ask you guys something?"

"Sure" they respond in unison.

"I know I've been talking to you guys but, who exactly are you three?"

They look at eachother with concern all over their faces. I guess I was supposed to know them. Oops.

"You don't remeber us? We're your friends. I'm Travis. Do you really not remember me?" The guy called Travis says. I shake my head and he frowns. "How about Dante? Do you remember him?"

I look at this guy who he says is called Dante. I start to remember hearing his name but that's it.

"I only remember the name."

"What about Aaron? You've got to remember him?"

I look at the Aaron guy. He does look a little bit familiar.

"He looks familiar but I don't remember him clearly."

Travis looks down and Dante puts a hand on his shoulder. Dante whispers something and Travis nods. Aaron then says,

"I'm going to go tell the doctor you woke up. He said to call him immediately after you woke up."

Once he leaves, the other two go sit on some chairs in the corner of the room. I really don't remember what happened to me. About five minutes later, the doctor comes in with Aaron behind him. The doctor walks over to my bed while Aaron call Dante and Travis. The three guys leave the room and I'm alone with the doctor.

I look up at him and he seems to be mad. I remember him. He's the doctor that told me that if I hit my head I would die... Oh, that's why he's mad.

"Sorry, I don't know what happened but judging by your face, I'm guessing this has to do with me hitting my head and dying" I say

He looks at me with a "duh" face and proceeds to tell me what happened.

"Your friends said that during a sleepover, you hit your head after slipping but that nothing happened until this morning when you collapsed on them. We had to put a metal plate in your skull to protect the area but unfortunately it won't help much. This time I'm dead serious Y/n. You have to be careful or you will die."

"So that's why my head hurts."

"Y/n, pay attention! Did you even listening to what I said about you dying if you hit your head?"

"Yes. I promise I won't go of off anymore and actually be careful."

"Great," he says as he smiles "Now you aren't allowed to leave this hospital until Friday. Until then, your friends can come visit you. Oh and by the way, they might ask you about your family."

My eyes widened and my heart started beating fast.

"Why?!? What happened?!? Did I say something?!?"

"Well you called that Travis kid Maxi Max and told him you were going to protect him. And that Aaron kid says that you told him that you and your mother were going to protect Max together."

"Oh no. This can't happen. Did you tell them anything about my family? I swear if you did, I'm going to ki-"

"Don't worry. I didn't tell them a thing. But you might want to, just in case this happens again. Which I'm sure it will because you aren't a very careful person."

"Hey! I can be careful. I just choose not to be."

"Sure. I'm leaving now. I have a surgery to go to. Be careful, don't hurt yourself and die."

"I'll try not to. Bye, doctor. "

Then he left. I can't believe he suggested telling those three about my family. I don't even know those guys. Well at least not anymore.

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