How He Felt

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Zane's Pov

Seeing her again was horrible and wonderful all at the same time. I missed her so much. She was my only true friend. At least that's what I thought.

I thought Y/n and I would be together for a long time. I didn't think she would leave me. When I showed up to class and Y/n wasn't there, I thought she was just casually absent. However, when she didn't show up for an entire week, I began to get nervous. She didn't answer my calls or my texts.

After days of her not answering, I spoke to Garroth and Laurance. Laurance told me she got into an argument with the princicipal and got expelled. That made me even more worried. If she was expelled, she would have told me and respond to my attempts of communication.

Later that day, I went over to her house. My heart broke when I got there. There was a For Sale sign in the front yard. 

Why didn't she tell me she was moving? Where did she move to?

I missed her so much. I never got to  tell her goodbye. I never got to tell her how much I appreciated her. She just up and left without saying a word to anyone.

Aphmau misses her. Garroth misses her. Aaron misses her. We all miss her. But she doesn't care.

She saw me and ran away again.

When I saw her again, I was shocked. But then I saw how she clearly didn't expect or want me there and that made me angry. I felt as though she was running away. Running away from me. I felt  that I drove her away.

She ran away. Just like she did three months ago. I couldn't help but blurt out what I was thinking.

"All you do is leave."

I saw how she froze I my words. I wanted to take them back and apologize but I couldn't. I saw her walk away from me again. I couldn't stop her. I couldn't apologize. I just stood there and witnessed her leaving.

Now I'm here. With Vylad. Standing in a crowded food court.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw that it was Vylad.

"C'mon Zane. Let's go to my dorm. We can talk there if you want."

I softly nod. Vylad gives me a small smile a pulls me toward the mall exit. When we make it outside, we both walk towards Vylad's car.

"Are you okay, Zane?"

I smile. Vylad always worries too much about me. Even though I'm older and I should be the one to worry, he says I cause the most reasons to worry over.

"I'm fine."

I hear him mumble something under his breath. It's something around the lines of "Liar."

I look over at him as he drives. He looks straight at the road with a smile on his face. He always loved to be on the road. It always made him happy.

"Stop staring, Creep."

I laugh. Vylad looks at me and laughs too. I look out the window and notice we're almost at his school.  

About five minutes, we make it to Vylad's school. Vylad quickly parks and we both walk towards his dorm. Vylad opens his door and we both step in.

As I look around, I notice a guy seated in the couch reading. I am about to question Vylad about him but he speaks before I have the chance.

"Honey I'm home!"

The guy on the couch laughs and puts down his book. He makes his way over to me and Vylad.

"Hey Vylad. Who's this?"

He sticks his hand out and I shake it.

"I'm Zane. I'm Vylad's brother."

He smiles.

"It's great to meet you, Zane. I'm Jeffory, Vylad roomate. Make yourself at home. I'm heading to my room."

I nod and Jeffory leaves. Vylad leads me to what I assume is his room. I'm correct. The room is small and very decorated. The walls are filled with photographs which I can assume Vylad took since he is in photography.

Vylad and I sit on his bed. He looks at me intently. As if trying to figure something out. He hums and goes back to normal.

"I meant to ask earlier but we were in public so I'll ask now. How do you know Y/n anyway?"

I begin to remember the first time we met. How we wrote that poem and presented it. How she told me about herself and how I wasn't afraid to do the same.

"We got paired up in English and had to write a poem. We became friends after that."

Vylad hums and nods as if taking imaginary notes. He taps a finger to his lips and asks another question.

"How did you feel about her?"

Honestly, I don't know. We were friends and she was nice to me but my emotions were stronger.

"She was special. She was my best and only friend. I felt strongly attracted to her personality."

Vylad nods his head again and hums in response.

"How do you feel about her now?"

I can't describe it. My feeling can't be put into words. I was sad that she left me. I was angry that she didn't tell me. I was happy to finally see her again. There are too many emotions for me to describe.

"I can't understand why she left. I feel like I drove her away. I feel angry that she didn't tell me she was leaving. But I can't stay mad at her because I'm just happy she's okay. "

Vylad nods his head twice and pretends to take notes on an invisible notepad. He puts a hand on my shoulder and looks at me. He looks straight into my eye with a serious look on his face.

"You're not going to like this. The results show that you, my brother, care about your friend."

I thought he was going to be serious. I thought he was going to tell me something I didn't know. Why did I have faith in Vylad?

"I wouldn't be upset if I didn't care about her! You are a horrible therapist. Obviously I care about her."

Vylad laughs at me. I knew he was just joking. He can never be serious. I self consciously pull on my mask. Vylad hasn't stopped laughing.

I sigh and get up. I say a quick goodbye and walk out of the dorm. I pull out my phone and call Garroth to pick me up.

After ten minutes of waiting outside, Garroth pulls up in his dark blue car. I get in and buckle up. Garroth begins to drive.

"Did you have a good time with our baby brother?"

"You know what? I actually did. I had a good time with him."

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