What did I do

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Your Pov

We've been playing games for an hour now. I feel really tired. I look over at the guys and see that they are still gull of energy. I look over at Aphmau and notice that she's almost asleep. It's not even that late but I also feel like sleeping. I look at Aaron and he looks back at me. I nod my head toward Aphmau trying to let him know how tired she is. He looks at her and nods. Then he stands up and the other guys pause the game to look at him

"I think I'd better be heading home home guys. I had fun but I'm tired and I'm pretty sure Aphmau is going to fall asleep at any minute."

The guys look over at Aphmau who is rolled up on a couch. Garroth nods and looks back at Aaron.

"Alright. Thanks for coming. I guess we'll see you both tomorrow."

Aaron nods and pick up Aphmau. He starts to carry her to the stairs but I stand up.

"Wait, I need to go home too. Can I walk with you, Aaron?"

Aaron looks back at me and nods. I look at the guys and say my good byes. Then I walk over to Aaron and we both head up stairs. When we make it past Garroth's gate and into the street, Aaron starts to talk to me.

"So, Y/n. How have you been feeling after the accident?"

"Oh, I feel okay. I don't feel like dying so I guess that's good."

"Great. Sorry we didn't take care of you. You were with us. We should have know something was wrong."

"It's not your fault Aaron. I didn't tell any of you that I actually did get hurt. Besides, there was nothing you could have done after I fell. The whole hospital part was bound to happen after I fell."

"Oh. So, what are you planning to do after highschool? Is there anything you really want to do?"

"I haven't thought about that. I guess I'll just stay here. Live in the same house on the same street in the same city. I'm not really good about anything. I'm not passionate about anything. I don't really think I have a future to look forward to after highschool."

"Well that sounds depressing."

"Welcome to my life. Where everything is depressing and goes wrong all the time." I say sarcastically. Aaron looks at me with a "Really?" face. I just shrugged and mutter "It's true."

He looks down and Aphmau, who is now fully asleep. He smiles a little. I wonder why he did that. It was creepy. He looks back at me and continues talking.

"Don't you want to visit your family? Be someone important? Do something besides think depressing thoughts and mutter about how wrong your life is going? Don't you want to fall in love, Y/n?"

I hadn't realized I was crying until a drop fell onto my arm. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. I felt Aaron bit his hand on my shoulder and I jumped. I felt shivers down my spine. I looked up at him and he had a concerned expression on his face. I looked up at the street and realized we were four houses away from my house.

"Y/n. Did I say say something wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry if I made you feel bad. It was not my intention."

"It's okay Aaron. I guess I should just go now. My house isn't that far anyway."

I turn to walk away but I feel someone grab my hand. I jerk away and punch whoever touched me. I close my eyes and feel goosebumps on my arms and legs. I hear whoever I punched grunt. I open my eyes and see Aaron. He's holding Aphmau with one arm. His other hand is covering his right eye.

I freeze. I can't believe I punched him. I feel anger rise. Why did he have to do that?!? Why do people go around thinking it's okay to touch others!?!

"Don't ever touch again! I'm gonna hurt you even worse if you do that again!"

I turn around and start running towards you house. I don't look back at him. When I make it to my front door, I realise I don't have my keys. I start to think of how to get in my house.  Then I remember that I always leave a window slightly open just in case. I walk to the back of my house and find the window. It's next to my back door. I slip my hand through the window and attempt to reach the door knob. I turn the knob and open the back door. I pull my hand out of the window and walk though the door.

I hear my stomach grumble so I open my frigde. I look inside and choose between all the cupcakes I have in there. I write little notes that say the flavor and stick it in front of the cupcakes to know what flavor they are. 

"Hmm. Chocolate vanilla, vanilla, strawberry vanilla, carrot, caramel, oreo, or chocolate strawberry?" I wonder out loud. I look over at the right and see a pice of cake with a Strawberry shortcake label. I decide to eat that. I pick it up, grab a fork, and take it over to the couch. I turn on TV and put on f/s.

After I finish my cake, I turn off the tv and put my plate in the sink. Then I walk up to my room and turn on the lights. I take off my shirt to put on my pjs. I look at my self in mirror. Tears threaten to fall as I look at my scar. The horrible memories rushing in my head. A terrible pain appears in my head and I fall. I hold my head but I feel weak. I stay on the floor for a while, waiting for the pain to go away. When I feel the pain fading, I get up and slowly walk into my bathroom. I open my medicine cabinet and take out the pain relievers. I take four and walk back to my bed. I pull on my pj shirt and swallow the pills.

I feel okay for a while but then my vision starts getting hazy. I stumble a little and try to get on my bed. I hear my phone ring but I can't move. I feel my eyes close and I fall in to a dreamless slumber.

~The next morning~

I wake up and my I remember what happened yesterday. That wasn't the first time my head feels like that. It had happened about four times now. It's the only pain I have felt and it's horrible. The first time that happened, I fainted because the pain was too much. Now I keep pain relievers in my bathroom just on case it happens again. They help the pain but they also make me ridiculously sleepy.

I sit up and reach for my phone which is on my bedside table. I unlock it and see that I have 7 missed calls from Aaron and 12 messages. Some are from him but others are from Garroth, Laurence and the others. I ignore the calls bit I check the messages. I check Aaron's first.

Hey Y/n.

Hey Y/n. Please answer my calls.

Y/n. I'm sorry about what happened earlier. Please answer.

Y/n. Please answer my calls. I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't know you didn't like to be touched. I'm sorry. Please answer. I'm worried.

Please just answer me. I'm getting really worried I did something wrong. Y/n, you are my friend. I help my friends. Please tell me what I can do to make you feel better. I am really sorry. Please answer. At least tell my to go away. Even that would make me feel better because I'll know you're okay.

I guess he really is sorry. I continue to check the messages.

Hey Y/n!  Hope you had fun at my house today. I hope we made you feel better. I still can't believe you and my baby brother are friends. Tell me if he does anything to hurt you. I know my brother isn't exactly friendly sometimes. Good night!
       -Garroth 10:02pm

Hey. Aaron told us what happened. He's really worried. Can you just text me or something so won't feel bad anymore. He came running to my house this morning. He's really concerned about you. Please answer.
        -Garroth  8:00am

Hey! Good morning! Just wanted to tell you Aaron is really worried. He won't tell me exactly what happened but he keeps mentioning you so I thought I could ask you. He really wants you to text him. Can you do that? I feel bad watching him so worried.
        -Aphmau  8:10am

Hey! I just wanted to see how you were. Aaron is worried. He says he did something bad and that you won't answer. Please answer him. He looks like he's about to cry. Please just answer his texts. Bai
     -Shadowguard  8:24am

Y/n. This is Laurance. Please answer Aaron. At least answer one of us. We've been texting you but you won't answer. Please just answer.
          -Laurance  8:47am

Hey Beautiful! The rest of the gang is worried. What happened between you and Aaron last night? Whatever it was is really worrying him.
      -Trav  9:04am

Hey again Beautiful. I think I figured out what happened. Aaron kissed you and you didn't like it because you don't have a crush on him. So you punched him and stormed off. Now he's worried he ruined your relationship. Is this what happened? I'm going to pretend this is what happened. It makes sense because he has a black eye and he said he hurt you. Baii Beautiful.
      -Trav 9:17am

I roll my eyes at Travis's last text. That certainly did not happen. I can't believe Aaron is this worried about what happened. I thought he would just ignore what happened. I guess I was a little harsh on him. I'll go visit Garroth later. He did say Aaron was at his house. I'll try to let Aaron know I was just asleep so I couldn't answer. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid meanwhile.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I made it a little longer to make up for missing an upload. I'm trying to update every Sunday. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it.


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