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Virgil quietly hummed along to the punk music playing off his phone as he unpacked his clothes. Every now and then, he glanced anxiously at the door, wondering when his roommate was going to come in. He didn't have any friends from his high school that came to the college he was at, forcing him to apply for a random roommate. I just hope we don't hate each other he thought, shoving a few t-shirts into one of the dressers.

The roommate he was waiting on, Logan, walked down the hall, trying desperately not to get hit in the head with someone's overly large suitcase or trunk, also trying to avoid any idiot who just happened to be running and throwing things in the narrow hallways. He rolled his eyes and he looked for his dorm number, hoping his roommate wasn't someone who would attempt to drag him to things he really didn't want to go to or have time for, if anything his roommate would barely speak to him when he realized the almost robotic and uncaring manner he presents himself with, nobody else seemed to so why would this person? When he finally found it, he opened the door and walked in, realizing that there was someone else in the room, from the obvious blaring music, he cleared his throat.

Virgil jerked when he heard the door open, scrambling to grab his phone and turn his music off. He turned back, his cheeks dusted pink in embarrassment, but stopped when he saw his roommate, his face turning a slightly darker red. Fuck, that guy was attractive. He swallowed nervously, pushing back his emotions. "I'm assuming we're roommates..." Logan said going over and setting his bag down on the bed on the opposite side that had seemingly already been claimed.

"Uh, yeah, I guess so," the emo mumbled, wincing at how blunt he sounded. Logan turned back to face him, trying not to make it obvious that he was looking him up and down to see if he could tell what kind of person he was, Sherlock style, "I'm Logan Pierce..." He stated very formally. Virgil tensed under his roommate's piercing gaze, shoving his hands deep into his hoodie's pockets. "Virgil Foster," he replied, not meeting Logan's eyes. "Nice to meet you, Virgil," he commented, beginning to unpack, organize and put up his things. "Nice to meet you, too," Virgil replied, turning back to finish unpacking his clothes. He glanced over at Logan every now and then, wishing he was better at small talk so he could find out more about his roommate. Even if he could, Logan didn't seem like the type for small talk.

Logan wasn't necessarily sure if he was 'doing well' when it came to the interaction, he'd glance over his shoulder at Virgil never able to catch him doing the same. When he finished putting his own clothes up he sat back down on his bed with his laptop, deciding to finally speak up, Virgil paused in his unpacking when the somewhat awkward silence that had settled in the room was finally broken by Logan speaking. "I'm," he sighed, "I'm not a social person in any matter... So my apologies, I've been known to come off cold or rude before without meaning to." He admitted it was better that his roommate know this before he develops a disdain for him over Logan seemingly ignoring or being rude to him. Virgil turned and sat on his desk, giving Logan his attention. "Guess we've got that in common," he remarked, giving him a small grin. "I'm not really social, either."

Logan gave an almost unnoticeable smile, his gaze softened from a piercing glare into something much kinder, "Really? Well, this is going to be much better than I first thought." He chuckled slightly as he adjusted his glasses. Virgil's heart skipped a beat. Was that a smile on Logan's face? His cold roommate seemed a little more relaxed, setting Virgil more at ease as well. "Yeah, I would have lost it if I was shoved in a tiny dorm with an extrovert," he agreed, climbing onto his bed so he could start hanging up some of his posters.

"That would have been a figurative hell for me, as well, I was terrified that I would have gotten one of the immature people that were running around in the hall and throwing things," Right, when Logan finished speaking a rather loud thud, sounded from the wall, making Logan and Virgil both recoil back. "Sorry!" A voice called from behind the door. Logan cleared his throat, "My point has been proven..." He mumbled.

Virgil let out a laugh at Logan's reaction. "Shit, yeah, that would have sucked," he agreed, turning back to finish hanging up his MCR poster. "I can handle people like that in really, really small doses. There's no way I would have been able to live like that. It would have been too overwhelming." Logan gave a half-hearted glare, "Don't laugh at me, you reacted in a similar fashion," he sighed, "The same goes for me, I can't handle people who seem to have no regard for other people, and do as they please." Virgil turned to look at Logan once he finished hanging up his poster, holding his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, I was just laughing at the 'my point has been proven' bit," he explained. "It was good timing. Clever."

"Oh, alright, apologies for the misunderstanding... Again not good with social interaction," He said, now feeling awkward, "No hard feelings," Virgil reassured Logan. Good, he didn't hate Virgil for laughing. That was good. "So..." Logan looked at the poster his roommate had just hung up, hoping to change topics, "That looks familiar but, I don't believe I'm aware of that band."

Virgil was pulled from his thoughts when Logan questioned his poster. "It's, uh, it's My Chemical Romance. A punk band. One of my favorites." When Virgil said the name it clicked in Logan's mind, "Oohhhh I have heard of them... Not my type of music really, but I can see the appeal." He shrugged. Virgil nodded in understanding. "It's not everyone's cup of tea," he agreed. "What kind of music do you like?"

"Um, well I mostly just listen to podcasts while I'm working, but every once in a while I will listen to either classical or electronic, really anything instrumental." He explained, simply. An alert noise sounded from his laptop directing his attention back to the screen. Virgil nodded, not particularly surprised by his answer. "Any good podcasts you've listened to recently that I should try out?" He asked. Logan took a moment to answer, and when he did, he didn't look away from the screen even for a second, "Um, recently not really, I've been too busy with well planning to come here, and all the other steps associated with it, but if I find one I'll let you know."

Virgil hummed in approval, turning back to his still mostly blank wall to hang and tape up more posters. He ended up pausing before starting on the next one, however, peering back at Logan. "Everything okay?" "Hmm?" Logan hummed, glancing at him, "Oh, yes, everything's fine. I was just reminded about something I was researching, and I tend to have a linear train of focus when it comes to work or research, it helps me be more productive." He explained simply, before going silent yet again and looking back to the screen.

Another small smile made its way onto Virgil's face. "Gotcha. I'll make a note of that." He went back to hanging up his posters, a task that shouldn't have taken him so long. Logan was a little... distracting. And not in a bad way.

There was a silence above them for a bit of time, Logan didn't find it awkward but then again he wasn't paying attention to any of his surroundings.Virgil finished hanging up his posters and unpacking a few more odds and ends before flopping back onto his bed. Shit, why did move in day have to be so mentally taxing? He reached for his phone and absentmindedly scrolled through Tumblr, content to sit in silence.

After a few hours of the comfortable silence, Logan sighed and closed the tab, finally content with the amount of research he had done. "Oh shit," He exclaimed quietly, as he glanced down at the clock, "That took much longer than expected..." Virgil yawned, his eyes slowly opening. He had drifted off at some point while he had been on his phone. "Wha' time's it?" He asked sleepily, stretching out on his bed lazily.

"Eight..." He responded simply as he shut his laptop and stretched, "Shit, it got late," Virgil breathed, his voice rough from just waking up. Logan's face flushed red slightly, due to Virgil's rough voice, "Also apologies I didn't mean to wake you up..." He quickly added. "No, you're fine, I needed to wake up. My sleep schedule is gonna be fucked, anyway." Virgil spoke shaking his head. "Mine is most likely going to get really bad once classes fully begin as well." Logan yawned quietly into his hand. Virgil chuckled softly, adjusting his position so he could sit up a little, leaning against his hand. "That's college for ya: surviving off of caffeine because you're so sleep deprived." He broke into a sly grin. "I'm just getting a head start."

"That's most likely very damaging to mental health and stability, but... You are correct." Logan replied chuckling slightly. Virgil snorted at that, flopping onto his back. "No shit, Sherlock," he teased. "My sleeping habits aren't the greatest, but I'll be quiet whenever you're trying to sleep, so don't worry about me keeping you up." Logan rolled his eyes yet the more apparent smile on his face showed he wasn't annoyed. "Thank you, and I will be as quiet as possible when you're trying to sleep as well... My sleeping habits vary from either really good to 10 hours of sleep over the course of a few days at certain points." He explained shrugging.

Virgil snorted. "I wish mine was like that. My sleep schedule is shit, like, 90% of the time. And when I do manage to get rest, it's usually in the middle of the day." He said all of this lightly like it wasn't a glaring issue that he should try to fix. "Well, it's not even the same, when you rest during the day as opposed to at night you aren't resting as fully as you would be if you slept at night... So, you might want to get around to fixing that... At some point." Logan suggested as he laid down on his back as well, sitting hunched over on his laptop had not been good for his spine at all.

Virgil stayed quiet for a minute, processing that information before letting out a sigh of both amusement and weariness. "You got me there, bud." He turned so he was laying on his side, facing Logan. "Who knows? College is a new stage of life, y'know? Maybe I can get my shit together." Logan noticed Virgil turning to face him out of the corner of his eye and did the same, "It's entirely possible for you to do so, you just have to make the extra effort for it," he paused realizing how rude that could have sounded, "Not implying that you wouldn't! I'm just stating fact..."

Virgil stared at Logan, a light blush dusting his cheeks. He held his hand up when Logan started trying to explain himself, showing that he was okay. "No, I... fuck, dude." Virgil sat up, staring down at Logan curiously. "No, that actually helps. It's really grounding. To know that I'm fully capable of making positive changes in my life." Logan shrugged, "Well of course you are... You're the one in control of your own life, sure there are other variables that you don't have control over but, ultimately you're the one making the choices in your life," He explained.

Virgil nodded slowly, feeling more mentally grounded than he had in a while. "You're right," he muttered. "It's so hard to... to not slip back into those habits." His voice was almost too low for Logan to hear. He didn't know why he already felt like he could be open with his roommate, but... well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

Logan took a moment to process what he said, deciding not to ask him to specify, maybe at a later time he'd ask but not now, "Yes, it is, due to the fact that once your brain establishes a routine or any habit of the sorts it won't forget it," As Logan talked, Virgil sat up on his bed, his legs dangling over the side. He listened intently to him as he explained, nodding in understanding. "There are too many levels that the mind works on so once a habit is established, good or bad, it basically focuses on something else, securing the habit in place," He paused realizing that he was rambling and most likely not making that much sense, "and I am rambling, I apologize," he stated smiling slightly.

"No, no, you're fine," he reassured him. "Fuck, that makes a lot of sense. So is that why it's so hard to break a habit once you've started?"

"Yes, basically, any habit or routine we have good or bad can be linked back to the brain just, figuratively speaking, trying to make shortcuts." He explained, it was actually very fun to have someone, who wouldn't immediately tell him to shut up when he began talking about these things, listening to him. "Well, that explains a lot," Virgil remarked, giving Logan a grin. "Works well if you're great at filling your life with good habits, but sucks for people with shit mental health."

"That's incredibly true..." Logan stated as he sat up, "Most happiness is actually genetic anyway, so, a lot of people are just born without that beneficial genetic makeup, which is horrible for the mind, yet it doesn't bother to try to rework itself to make itself more productive when those genetics are absent, so it's pretty much a mess unless you're lucky when you're born." He rambled. Virgil raised his eyebrows. "Didn't know that, either. You learn something new every day, right?" He felt like he could just sit and listen to Logan talk for hours- he explained everything well, and his voice was soothing.

"I guess so," he commented before going quiet again not knowing what else to talk about, Virgil flopped back onto his bed, his legs still dangling over the side. "Know what you're gonna major in?" He asked. "I'm thinking... Astronomy... If not that then, maybe something with Neurology or Psychology... You?" He asked Virgil sighed, staring up at the ceiling. "I have no idea," he admitted. "I don't think I've found my calling yet. That's why I'm here."

"Well... You'll find something eventually, everyone does, there isn't a rush." He shrugged even though Virgil wasn't looking at him, "Yeah, I hope so," Virgil mumbled halfheartedly. "But I need to make sure I take a variety of classes that sound interesting so I can figure out what I want to do with my life. But what if some of them fill up before I get in? What if I hate all of the new classes I try? What if I have to stay in college a lot longer because I can't make up my fucking mind-?" Virgil suddenly went silent, realizing he had been ranting out loud. "Shit, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

"It's alright Virgil... Maybe I can offer some advice, to hopefully help dispel some of those thoughts or at least make them seem like less of a major possibility?" He offered, Virgil groaned softly, rubbing his eyes. "Shit, dude, you don't have to if you don't want to. I'm sorry again for throwing all of that at you, it was stupid."

"It's alright and it wasn't stupid... I would like to," he stopped to correct himself, "I want to offer some help..." He again offered, his voice still very calm, collected and genuine sounding. Virgil chewed on his lip anxiously but finally sat up after a minute. He tucked his legs up to his chest, peering at Logan through his purple bangs. After a moment of consideration, he gave him a slow nod. "... Alright."

"Well, you don't want to take classes that don't even apply to any of your interests what so ever, that will eliminate the possibility of you hating the class altogether, you may not enjoy some as much as others, but you wouldn't entirely despise the class. The classes filling up is something you don't have control over, and if I'm correct you could still be able to take the class online for at least half a semester, and for staying in college longer, I highly doubt that would be a legitimate occurrence, but, there isn't anything wrong with that people can spend some much time in college that they're referred to as 'Professional students' again there isn't an overly major rush or point in worrying about it now, use the first two years to get your basics done and you might be able to have figured it out by the end of the second year..." Logan explained

Virgil couldn't come up with anything to counter any of Logan's words. "That's all... those are all really good points, honestly," he admitted. The logic of all of Logan's explanations really did help put things into perspective and soothe his dark, spiraling thoughts. He stayed silent for a minute, processing everything Logan said. "Hey, has anyone ever told you that you're kinda intimidatingly intelligent? And I don't mean that in a bad way." Logan paused for a moment as if really caught off guard by Virgil's words, which he was... "Um... Well... Sort of? People have said something to that effect, they meant it in a negative way, and well... They didn't phrase it... That way..." He spoke much quieter and reserved than he had been before, he was so use to being told to shut up or fuck off whenever he spoke in a way that showed his intellect, that being complimented for it was abnormal for him.

"Well, I mean it as a compliment. You're a goddamn genius, but it'll take more than that to scare me off." He gave Logan a small grin, showing him that he was being genuine. Logan hesitated for a moment before giving a small smile back, "Well, I thank you for the compliment" he chuckled. Virgil's grin widened slightly. He really hadn't had much faith in the random roommate application, but damn he'd somehow managed to get a really cool roommate. Logan glanced at the clock realizing it was now about 9:30, "We should... Um, probably attempt to get some sleep..." He stated.

"Yeah, you're probably right." He took off his hoodie and tossed it in the direction of his desk, where it landed in a heap by the chair. He kicked off his shoes and crawled under the covers, leaning up only to turn the lamp off by his bedside table. "Night, Logan." Logan smiled undoing and taking off his tie, he quickly slipped off his shirt, took off his shoes and got under the covers, "Goodnight, Virgil." He said, taking off his glasses and setting them on the bedside table before turning off his own lamp and heading to sleep.

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