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HAPPINESS feels like a thousand fireflies slowly rising around you. The night sky is an array of small welcoming lights, you can't help but smile.

HAPPINESS looks like a small kitten playing in the grass in the afternoon sun. A small blue butterfly lands on his small pink nose, he stays perfectly still as his curious eyes study the strange creature.

HAPPINESS sounds like a million laughs of children running around in the park, swinging on the swings, sliding down the slide or playing running games as the sun sinks into the hills.

HAPPINESS tastes like the soft fluffy clouds in the blue sky. When you put some on your tongue it melts away instantly leaving your mouth with a sweet taste, which you never want to go away.

HAPPINESS smells like the perfect sunset. You lye back and close your eyes, listening to the crystal waves rolling onto the crunchy sand. You watch as the golden Jewel sinks into the sea, turning the sky into a wonderful shade of pink and orange.

That's what happiness is to me :)

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