Chapter Eight

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TW: Wounds, descriptions of burns, blood

Ian had kicked Jerome away, glanced around at the wreckage, and heard the screams.

The fur all along Jerome's neck and shoulders bristled. That was the sound of someone dying.

Ian whirled away and practically flew behind his house. Jerome rose to his elbows and knees and stared at the three unconscious admins. He didn't know where Henwy and Sigils were.

Jerome blotted out the screams and started trying to help the admins and caring for them.

Henwy, your base is going to be an infirmary for a while. Jerome thought. He did hear Henwy's thoughts, running through every healing technique he knew. Jerome didn't have time to piece the story together.

Being a hybrid, he was able to effectively move all three admins at once, taking them all to Henwy's castle.

There was no interference. This battle was over.

A shape blotted out the sun for a quick second. Jerome's head snapped up to see Henwy shoot through the air and into his castle, Sigils in his arms.

Jerome quickened his pace.

When he entered the courtyard, Henwy's thoughts slammed into Jerome, no matter how hard he tried to push them away. There were less thoughts and more overwhelming panic and the image of-.

Of skin boiling.

Jerome managed to push out Henwy's thoughts and tuck them away into the background noise of the forest. He used his mechanical wings to fly up to Henwy's castle. As he came closer, the thoughts got stronger.

He entered Henwy's home and rushed away from the room he was in. Henwy was going to give him a headache.

But Jerome honestly didn't blame him. He had seen Sigils.

The enderman was laying on a cot, barely breathing. Patches of bare skin decorated his body. There was a bandage covering his entire left eye and a bloody scratch on his snout.

Jerome pushed the image out of his head as he laid down each admin on separate cots. He tiptoed to the room Henwy was in to retrieve a few bandages, healing potions, and anything else he could use.

Jerome left potions beside the three admins' cots and tended to their slashes and cuts. He cleaned each of them and wrapped them tightly with bandages.

Rafessor was the first to wake. The admin simply sat up, drank the potion, and rested his head against the wall.

"What happened?" He croaked. Jerome, siting on the floor, relayed the battle to him. He explained what happened to Sigils, or at least what he had gathered.

"I...I'm not sure if he's going to survive," Jerome murmured quietly. Rafessor shakily stood. Jerome also rose, ready to catch him. Rafessor waved Jerome away, "I'm fine. Go check on Sigils."

Jerome hesitated, but left the room to see Sigils and Henwy.

Henwy was passed out. His arm and head rested on one of the chests. Henwy hadn't even tended to his own wounds, so Jerome picked him up gently and placed him on the bed by Sigils. Henwy shifted, but stayed asleep.

Jerome quickly tended to Henwy's wounds. The only bad one was a gash on his forehead that had leaked down to his chin.

When he finished cleaning the blood, he heard his name.

Jerome jumped and looked around quickly.

Then he heard it again. It was faint, and he realized it was a thought. He stepped outside onto the balcony and reached for it.

Jerome? Can you hear me?


Yes, yes I can. Jerome tried speaking to him. He hadn't managed to speak to someone telepathically before, but he had gotten close.

W-wait, you can talk to me? Biffle responded. An image flashed to Jerome, Biffle sitting up quickly and hitting his head on a wooden beam.

Unfortunately... Jerome replied, skeptical. What is it that you want?

Jerome shared a quick burst of his feeling to Biffle. Anger. He also shared an image of Sigils.

I...I'm sorry about that. I really am. Another sentence flicked through his mind, but Jerome didn't catch it, but Jerome could tell that Biffle meant it.

Why did you try to kill him? Jerome shouted to him, gritting his teeth.

I didn't feel like myself. Biffle replied. With a jolt, he realized that was the quick sentence Jerome hadn't understood.

What do you mean? Jerome asked.

I don't know. I think it was the anger and war-ish feelings from everyone else. You know how I'm affected by people's emotions. Jerome did know. He'd seen it a few times before.

Look, Jerome, I think...I need to join me. Biffle replied solemnly.

No. No, not after...this. Jerome relayed the injuries from the others to him.

Jerome, I don't think you understand. We have to join together. The fate of all of our- your friends depends on it.

Jerome didn't respond for a while, but remained in Biffle's conscience.

He gently slipped into the dreams of the others. Sigils was in a nightmare, drowning. Henwy was trying to tend to Sigils while fending off Ian and Biffle. Frost was walking through a tundra, and Florian was in a dreamless sleep.

What is your plan? Why should I join you? Jerome asked Biffle.

And Biffle told him everything.


Word Count: 871

A/N: Give me your theories for how this will go >:)

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