Chapter Five

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TW: Blood, wounds, trauma

Sigils was stressed again.

He was pacing his space base. He had just created gravity potions that allowed him to walk somewhat smoothly in his base. It wasn't perfect, but it would do until he could get a better mechanic. He paused, only briefly, to glance outside when he heard a staticky sound from his force field. Sigils froze for a second before rushing to the window and inspecting the inky black void. The stars shimmered brightly far off in the distance, but what Sigils was focused on was the man floating a few feet away from the base.

Ian, the monster himself, floated outside. He was wearing his helmet, so Sigils couldn't see his face, but he assumed Ian was scanning the base judging by the way his head snapped quickly from one side to the other. Finally, Ian slowly turned his head to stare at Sigils. He took a small step away from the window and quickly glanced at his spell on the floor beside the pedestal with the soul stone, praying it would hold.

The monster found me. Sigils screamed to himself. He can't get in, though.

Sigils knew exactly why Ian was here for him. Sigils was the only one left with an infinity stone. Henwy had explained how the rest of the stones were missing. Stolen.

Ian finally flew away from the ship and out of Sigils' sight.

Sigils paced through his base, keeping an eye on Ian to make sure he didn't get through.

He glanced at his pedestal and turned back to the window when movement caught the corner of his eye.

Sigils couldn't bring himself to the realization.

Sigils whipped around to see his best friend, sword drawn and the spell smeared.

Sigils didn't hesitate and lunged for his friend, sword appearing in his hand.

Biffle dodged and swept a leg underneath Sigils, tripping him and causing him to run, shoulder first, into the pedestal containing the final infinity stone.

"Traitor," Sigils hissed, gripping a handful of powder from the ruined spell and threw it at Biffle, who stumbled back with a shriek, wiping his eyes as Sigils stood and tackled his friend. The two fought and slashed. Sigils' sword was knocked from him, so he revealed a dagger. He dug the dagger into Biffle's arm and the man screamed, a loud, pained wail that echoed horribly through the ship. Sigils grasped his sword and darted back to Biffle. Sigils grew to his enderman form and wrapped his claws around Biffle's shoulder and pinned him against the window. The enderman pressed the edge of his sword so close to his old friend's neck that the skin broke from the pressure and cried a long river of crimson tears onto the blade's edge. Sigils was sure that it wouldn't kill him, only cause him pain.

"I'm going to be scrubbing blood from my ship for weeks now because of you," Sigils growled through his sharp teeth.

Biffle risked a small toothy grin. His normally white teeth were tinted red from the trickle of blood that ran from his mouth to chin, "That's too bad."

Sigils was suddenly knocked sideways away from Biffle. Pain from the blow grew as he made contact with the hard floor of his ship. Sigils coughed a blast of blood that stained the ship even more. Sigils used his palms and forearm to push himself up to look at his attackers. His vision was blurred as he shook and trembled.

Biffle was dusting himself off beside Ian. The dagger in his arm was ripped out and tossed away and Biffle's skin was beginning to stitch itself back together. A healing potion, Sigils assumed, judging by the shattered glass bottle by Biffle's feet that leaked a few spare droplets of the healing juices.

No, no, no, no, no. Sigils thought as he scrambled away from the two. Ian leaped for him and the two rolled across the already bloodstained ship. Pain flared in Sigils' arms and legs.

With a forceful kick, Sigils got away from Ian. He fumbled for his ender book.

TAKE ME TO HENWY. Sigils almost screamed to the book, selecting the waypoint in Henwy's base.

He squeezed his eyes shut as Ian and Biffle rushed towards him.

When he opened them, he was laying on the floor in Henwy's castle, propped against the wall. Jerome and Henwy turned to see the dying enderman on the ground.

"Sigils? Are you alright?" Henwy exclaimed, taking a step towards him.

"Do I look okay, Henwy? Biffle and Ian almost killed me and-," Sigils started sarcastically before engaging in a harsh coughing fit. The leaned forward as his body shook and pain flared from every open wound on his body.

Henwy rushed to his side as Jerome rushed to a different room, most likely to grab healing supplies. Sigils broke and began to wail his grief, the way an enderman would. A long, shrill cry.

"It's ok, it's ok, it's ok," Henwy murmured tightened his hold on the traumatized man. He wrapped his feathered wings around Sigils, comforting him and rocking him gently.

Sigils' vision was blurred as he hugged his friend.

Jerome returned with every type of healing any of them knew. Jerome insisted that Sigils drank a healing potion. Sigils didn't argue and practically licked the bottle clean. The pain started to numb and his energy started to return while reminding him of the aches in his arms, legs, and heart.

The trio didn't speak as Jerome wrapped Sigils in cotton and wool bandages. Henwy left for a brief amount of time to get Sigils blankets, pillows, coffee, and a few extra snacks Henwy had collected from his cabinets.

"It's alright, we're in this together," Henwy insisted firmly. Sigils closed his eyes and buried his head in Henwy's chest. He felt like his world had been ripped from him. Henwy once again wrapped his golden brown wings around the frail enderman.

Sigils clenched his teeth, "I'm going to kill them both."

"We will," Jerome hissed the promise, "We all will."

Word Count: 1011 QwQ

A/N: No, I totally did not pluck the outline from my IC Oneshots book, how dare you assume that. While writting this, though, I realized how much my writing has changed. ALSO 1011 WORDS LIKE WHOLY CRAP-
That's JUST the story part, not including the TW and A/N. Like the actual word count is 1080
So proud of myself

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