Chapter Twelve

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Henwy screamed in rage as the tentacles emerged out of the ground and encased Ian's previous home.

Sigils caught Henwy's shoulder and pulled him back.

Sigils, in his human form, turned a pitying glance to Henwy, "There's nothing we can do. They are with him now."

"There...there has to be something. Something we can use penetrate these tentacles or whatever they are. There must be a weak spot," Henwy pulled away from Sigils and started towards the twisted purple-black wall.

"No!" Sigils grabbed Henwy again and pulled him back, "Watch," He pointed at a bird that was flying down to the wall. It's claws brushed the wall and tentacles shot to it, crushing it instantly.

Henwy backed away.

He grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it angrily at the wall.

"YOU SUCK," He yelled at it.



"Henwy, please."


Sigils sighed, defeated.

"YOU ARE LESS INTERESTING THAN THE GLOW SQUID," Henwy grabbed another handful of dirt and threw it at the wall again. The tentacles lashed out, snapping at nothing.

"Don't come after the glow squids," Sigils yelped in response.

Henwy casted a dark glance at Sigils before spreading his wings and taking into the sky. Sigils watched him go, not bothering to follow.

Henwy spread his wings as wide as they could when he broke through the layer of gray clouds. He shot further up before stopping and gazing at the area around him. The clouds below him looked like the snow that was falling from it. The snowflakes on Henwy's cheeks looked like white freckles. Henwy free-fell.

He dove through the blanket of moisture. Strands of white-gray vapor trailed his wings before disappearing. The black wall appeared far below him. The tentacles receded along the top of the base and a giant cave emerged from it. The tentacles receded and twisted to form jagged castle-like wall around it.

Henwy's wings snapped open and he glided around the shape. Henwy tried to spot anything inside, and he did. Ian was hauling Biffle inside the cave. Jerome nowhere to be seen.

Henwy roared and twisted into a dive. The tentacles along the top of the wall reared and shot towards him.

Henwy flapped wildly to get away from them, shouting curses at Ian.

He drifted over to Sigils, who hadn't moved from his place, and dropped to the ground, dust and snow flying around the two. Henwy flung out his wings in frustration and anger and muttered to himself. This action caused more snow to flutter around him.

"We'll get out of this," Sigils murmured, "Together."

Word Count: 443

A/N: Alternate Title: Henwy throws a temper tantrum for 443 words.

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