Chapter Twenty

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TW: Blood

Christmas Eve.

It was snowing again, and Henwy and Sigils were outside, waiting.

Waiting for him.

Biffle glanced at Jerome.

We failed. There's nothing we can do. Biffle directed the thought to Jerome.

There...there has to be something. Jerome replied, trying to sound helpful.

"We can't do anything, they won't listen," Biffle hissed.

Ian was inside, doing whatever it was that Tenti and Nico wanted him to do. Something about a sword that would bring the tentacle monster to the surface.

"What are we going to do?" Jerome whispered.

"Whatever we can."


It was about an hour of tension. The two opposing sides didn't attempt to attack, but were poised to strike.

Jerome and Biffle had descended to the ground from the castle walls not long after Henwy and Sigils had arrived.

The four stared, waiting for something none of them knew yet, but would when it happened.

And then it did.

A trembling in the ground was the first sign.

Then it was Nico.

But it wasn't Nico.

Nico was coming from the monument. Dust, dirt, and snow swirled around his feet like wolves or vipers. Purple tentacles were wrapped around him like armor.

"Friends!" Nico called, his voice not quite his own, "Long time, no see am I right?"

Henwy and Sigils hardly looked phased, just increasing in anger with each passing second. Sigils shifted into his enderman form, his fur bristling to spikes.

"No response? I thought you would be more surprised." Nico frowned at them.

There was a thud above them on the castle walls and a shower of snow.

Jerome and Biffle turned to see Ian staring down at them, darkly. He too was wrapped in the strange armor.

"Now, don't mind us, we are just going to be tearing your world apart. It's no big deal, really, just don't get in our way, and we won't get in the way of yours." Ian, in the same strange tone as Nico, chuckled. He flew down beside Biffle and Jerome, both who flinched when his feet touched the snow.

Henwy and Sigils had a different reaction, they sprung straight for him and his new pulsating.

Nico lunged towards the two, but Biffle and Jerome knocked him away. That action seemed to affect both Ian and Nico, though Ian was turned away and focused on Sigils and Henwy.

"I thought you were on my- our side?" Nico hissed.

Biffle sent a hard kick to Nico's stomach. Nico grunted and stumbled. Jerome and Biffle revealed their weapons and began slashing at Nico. The most they hit was the tip of their blades cutting through the tentacles.

With each cut in his armor, Nico began to become weaker and weaker, though not by much. A violet red liquid oozed from the slices in the tentacles.

The tentacles are his power. Biffle shot the thought to Jerome.

Nico dodged and whirled, trying to get to Ian.

Jerome and Biffle lunged at him one last time, wrapping their hands around the tentacles and yanking.

The tentacles ripped off with a loud crack.

Nico's eye widened and he stumbled toward the two.

"Look out!" Nico shouted.

Ian had driven a new sword into the ground. All around him, tentacles burst out from the gash in the earth and they were coming straight for Biffle and Jerome.

They shot through the duo's hearts and the blood splattered the ground.

Word Count: 567

A/N: :3

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