Chapter Twenty Five; Alliances

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Biffle pressed a hand to his ear and squeezed his eyes shut.

Get out of my head. He hissed, clenching his other hand into a fist and lightly knocking it against his forehead. I know you're there.

There was no response, but an uncomfortable feeling bubbled around him, and the presence didn't recede.

He pushed away the feeling. Get out.


Get. Out.

Biffle snarled, trying to construct a mental wall around himself, but he felt the creature slip through the cracks.

Would you like to make a deal?


Take the stones and I will leave.

What, the infinity stones? SSundee and I might be 'allies' but we aren't on speaking terms.

Hm. I can take him off of your hands. You seem more worthy of my friendship.

I don't want a relationship of any kind. I just want things back to how they used to be.

There was a long silence before the voice spoke again.

I'm sure I could arrange for that.


Oh of course. It wouldn't be so hard. You just need to destroy those stones.

Biffle's eyes snapped up as SSundee entered, not even bothering to glance at Biffle. Biffle shook his head and moved his hands away from his face.

"Where have you been?" Biffle hissed quietly, his voice breaking.

Killing your friend.

Biffle tried to muffle his shock as SSundee huffed and replied, "Somewhere."

Who did he kill?

Frost, I believe.

Did- did you tell him to? I told him to kill something, but I didn't expect it to be a human. It was meant to charge the Cane. It could have been a sheep for Deep's sake.

Biffle's breath caught in his throat. SSundee tilted his head towards the man, "You look pale."

He said he wanted your help to bring back our friends. Why is he killing everyone?

Hey, you killed someone, too.

You controlled me.

...oh yeah. I didn't realize you had the crystals just casually out for everyone to see.

"Biffle." SSundee snapped, "What's going on?"

Biffle's attention turned to SSundee. He tried to steady his breathing.

He changed his mind. I don't know why, but my suspicion is his lack of one of those 'bonds' that you humans have. I knew of a human who went mad because of that.

"SSundee, what were you doing."

The man tilted his head, "I was busy."

Biffle snarled and stood, pushing away from the couch, "Busy with what?"

SSundee narrowed his eyes, "Something you wouldn't like."

Biffle snarled and jabbed a finger at SSundee, "I know you killed Frost."

Surprised flickered momentarily in SSundee's gaze before it disappeared. SSundee hissed, "How do you know that?"

"Reasons," Biffle shot back.

SSundee lunged and wrapped his gloved hand around Biffle's throat and pinned him against a wall, his metallic claws digging into Biffle's skin. Biffle winced as it pierced his skin and drew blood.

"Listen to me very carefully," SSundee whispered into Biffle's ear, "I know you don't like it here, and I honestly don't want you to be here either, but I can't let you go anywhere. You know more than you should, and if that information got out, then my entire plan can go to ruins. Truthfully, I want a friend who will stand beside me, but it appears that you can't take that role, so you can either grow into it, or die when you're no longer needed. Your life is worthless, and I could have killed you to charge the Cane instead, but I still have that desperate little hope that maybe someone like Nico will make everything stop."

SSundee released Biffle and stepped away, watching as Biffle slumped to the ground and gasped for air. He rubbed his neck, wiping away blood.

"Get out."

Biffle struggled to his feet and left the house, making his way outside.

I want to make that deal.

I knew you would come around.

I want to tweak it, first.

State your demands.

I want you to help me get out of here so I can see the others and bring back everyone who's dead when I free you. And you can't destroy anything.

Deal. I would like to add to it. I want to live with you.

Biffle paused. Live with me?

You heard me. I want to become human and live a normal life. I don't want to hurt anything, at least not anymore. I've been trapped as a ghost for centuries. I want to try something new.

That's...unexpected. But deal.

Wonderful. Now, let's get you out of here.

Biffle walked around the edge of the cave and made his way to the wall. The tentacles peeled back to create a hole for Biffle to slip through. He made his way to the other side, and the wall closed behind him. He trotted across the field, making his way to the treehouse. He arrived and hesitantly entered, scanning the rooms and listening for sound.

After finding nothing, he called out for Henwy and Sigils, but no response was given. He called again, assuring that he meant no harm, but the treehouse was empty.

Biffle did one last sweep of the treehouse before leaving. He checked Sigils' house and found nothing. Then, he made his way to Henwy's castle.

He sneaked through the front gate and into the garden. He ducked behind a tree, when a force dropped onto him from above. Golden feathers blocked his vision as he was pushed against the dirt, and claws wrapped around his neck. Biffle yelped as talons burrowed into his side. Henwy leaned forward, allowing Biffle to see him clearly. He snarled, "What are you doing here?"

"What happened to you?" Biffle countered, noting Henwy's new claws, scaled legs, and a thin feathered tail that flicked behind him.

"I asked first," Henwy snapped, hissing, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk," Biffle replied. Henwy's claws tightened, blocking his airway.

"Now why would I listen?" Henwy snarled, "After you almost killed Sigils and ripped off his wing."

"Ripped off his wing?" Biffle echoed, furrowing his brows, I didn't do that."

"You deviated the monsters, didn't you?" Henwy tilted his head.

Biffle went silent.

You dropped one of the crystals

Of course I did.

"I must have dropped one of the crystals," Biffle replied quietly.

Henwy sighed and leaned back, still not releasing him, "Of course you did."

"Now my turn," Biffle said as Henwy lightened his grip, "What happened to you."

Henwy smiled toothily, showing off his small fangs, "Deviant crystals that aren't altered."

Biffle tilted his head, "Do you know about Frost?"

Henwy's smile fell, then twisted into a scowl, "It was a delightful thing to come home to. It's why we are here now."

"I'm sorry," Biffle apologized, "I didn't know."

Henwy swiped Biffle's cheek and pulled away. Biffle winced and gingerly touched his cheek, "I deserve that."

Henwy hummed his agreement, eyes still locked on Biffle. He fluttered his wings and turned up his chin, "So, what was it you want to talk about?"

"SSundee and the Tentacle Monster," Biffle replied, "Neither me nor the monster want to be on his side. The monster promised to fix everything if we help get those stones away from SSundee."

Henwy tilted his head and observed Biffle for a minute, then responded, "Get up."

Biffle did so and followed Henwy as the avian stormed away to the castle. Henwy stopped below the ledge and called up, "Sigils! The clown is here."

"Clown? That's the whole damn circus," A voice snarled, stepping out from behind Biffle, making him turn.

Sigils circled Biffle, narrowing his eyes. Biffle pretended to ignore his obvious limp and the mechanical wing.

Sigils stopped beside Henwy, emerald eyes still locked on Biffle, "Why is he here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about a plan," Biffle replied.

"He has a speech he thinks we will listen to," Henwy responded.

Sigils nodded, "Figures." He turned to Biffle, "Alright, get it over with."

Biffle scanned the two for a moment, "Look, I'm not asking for forgiveness. I just want to get everything over with. I can leave, I don't care" -his voice cracked- "but I at least want to do something good, and if that's making sure you never see my face again then so be it. The monster that SSundee found wants to help us. All we have to do is take the infinity stones and kill SSundee."

"Didn't it tell him to kill Frost?" Sigils raised an eyebrow.

Biffle shook his head, "No, that was all SSundee's doing."

"That's concerning," Henwy murmured, "Go on."

"The monster said it could fix everything. Bring everyone back."

At this, Henwy and Sigils softened.

"And you believe it?" Sigils asked, curiosity slipping into his voice.

Biffle hesitated, "It's better than going against an eldritch monster and the mad man with infinity stones."

"Fair," Henwy murmured. He turned to Sigils.

Sigils narrowed his eyes, "You promise to leave?"

"If that's what you want," Biffle replied quietly.

"Is that what you want?" Sigils asked, emotionless.

Biffle scanned Sigils for a moment before he responded, "Why do you care?"

Sigils seemed to hover on the edge of making a decision on whether or not to say anything, eventually deciding to remain silent. "No reason."

"Well," Biffle murmured, "Thoughts?"

"Sure." Sigils replied simply, then turned away and disappeared into the garden.

Biffle and Henwy watched him go. Biffle shuffled and started to turn, but Henwy grabbed his arm.

"Wait," Henwy called, "You said- you said you can fix everything."

"Yes, Jerome could come back," Biffle replied without turning. Henwy stayed silent. He released Biffle's arm.

As Biffle left, the Tentacle monster seeped back into his mind.

Well I would say that went well.

Sure, if you say so.

Biffle slipped out of the castle and crept across the field back to the cave. He slipped around the back where the tentacled folded away and let him through.

Oh no.

Biffle paused once he entered. 'Oh no' what?

No response.

Tentacle Monster? Monster? Whatever you want me to call you? What happened? Wh-.

Biffle turned and froze, shying away from the figure in front of him.

SSundee blocked Biffle's path, glaring down at the man.

"Well. Where have you been?"

Word Count: 1716

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