Back In Chat And Shelby Angst

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Trigger Warning: Self-harm, Suicide Tendencies, blood and Low Self-esteem. Also skip this chapter only if you want. Probably not going to be good since I don't know how to write angst like this!

E2 Class——————

Goblin: Hey guys how's your Sunday going

Dad: It was surprisingly going good before you typed in chat

Goblin: Meanie

Wood Daddy: Dad don't be mean

Dad: Why with the god damn dad!!!!

Colorful Llama: Because you can't escape it

Dad: Well it's not my fault but I'm being petty about it

Colorful Llama: Well stop acting like a dad

Dad: It's not my fault I can be worried about your guys safety

Best Witch: Guys istg shut the fuck up plz

Tall and Sexy God: Geez what's got you so mad

Bee Queen: Is it about the thing that happened on Saturday?

Best Witch: Yes!

Wood Daddy: Gem pls don't bring that I'm probably going to puke again

Tall and Sexy God: Lol

Colorful Llama: Excuse me your going to puke I'm going to puke

Goblin: What happened when I was gone

Bee Queen: Embarrassment

Tall and Sexy God: Secrets got revealed

Warrior Princess: Oh right you guys were playing truth or dare right?

Best Witch: Yes but blame Scott if we somehow puke

Wood Daddy: Yeah

Tall and Sexy God: BLAME SCOTT

Bee Queen: Scott

Colorful Llama: Traitors all of you

Wood Daddy: Your idea

Definitely Human: Now I'm just confused?

Pirate Joe: Same

Wood Daddy: S assemble in private chat

Wood Daddy is offline

Best Witch: So that's what were going to call ourselves

Best Witch is offline

Woody: Wait we're you all going

Tall and Sexy God: Somewhere you're not allowed toy!!!!!

Tall and Sexy God is offline

Definitely Human: Joel come back!

Warrior Princess: Where are you guys going now

Colorful Llama: The only place we can talk about our shitty life

Colorful Llama is offline

Goblin: Gem do you know what happened to dad's last beer?

Bee Queen is offline


Katherine Simp💖: Sooo that's what we're going to call ourselves or

Fwhip Simp💚: ig

Pearl Simp🧡: So why did you want to leave

Fwhip Simp💚: Because I don't want to tell them what happened yesterday

Lizzie Simp💕: Good point

Jimmy Simp💛: I much rather not tell them

Katherine Simp💖: Yeah especially of what happened with the spin the bottle incident

Pearl Simp🧡: Yeah not going to mention that every again

Jimmy Simp💛: The best we shouldn't mention that thing........

Fwhip Simp💚: Alright Simps good luck

Fwhip Simp💚 is offline

Jimmy Simp💛: Alright bye

Jimmy Simp💛 is offline

Katherine Simp💖: Peace

Katherine Simp💖 is offline

Pearl Simp🧡: Bye

Pearl Simp🧡 is offline

Lizzie Simp💕: Bye

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

3 Hours Later——————
Out Of Chat

Shelby: Alright so why do you want to go Katherine's house again?

Gem: I need to give her some notes

Shelby: And why did you bring me?

Gem: Because I need my best friend to talk to while I'm walking

Shelby: Wait I'm your best friend!?

Gem: Well you and Katherine are my best friends

Shelby: Who's your true best friend

Gem: Ohh look were almost there

*Gem starts running*

Shelby: Gem Tay get back here

*Shelby starts chasing after her*

Gem: Oh no

*They both stop*

Shelby: Hey why did you stop

Gem: Oh you know I was getting tired

*Shelby obviously knew Gem was lying and trying to hide something*

Shelby: What are hiding-

Gem thought "Shit"

*They saw Joe forcefully give Katherine a kiss without letting go*

Shelby: So she does like Joe

*Shelby runs back to her house crying*

Gem: Shelby wait please come back, it has to be misunderstanding. Wait I should do this just in case

*Gem takes out her phone to record Katherine's reaction*

Gem: Okay that's all the proof I need

At Shelby's house——————
Still Out Of Chat

Shelby: I knew it she does like him

Shelby: Why did I think I could have a chance with her, I should've killed myself when I had a chance

Shelby: But if I did then Tortoise wouldn't have anyone left

*Knock on the door*

Shelby: Yes

Tortoise: Mom are you okay

Shelby: Yeah I fine don't worry

Tortoise: Ok.......

Shelby: Where's it at *Finds a knife in the bathroom drawer*

Shelby: Here it is

Shelby: Alright I guess I'll start *Starts to cut her arms, this last for 2 mins*

Shelby: Shit that's to much blood. I probably should cover it so Tortoise doesn't get worried

Tortoise: Mom

Shelby: Yes my dear son

Tortoise: Someone wants to see you

Shelby thought "Fuck please don't be Gem"

Shelby: Who is it?

Gem: It's me Shrub (Me bringing E1 reference)

Shelby: Oh Gem what are you doing here

Gem: I need to show you something, umm can I come in

Shelby: Umm right now I'm just-

Gem: Shelby I'm coming in either way

Shelby thought "No no no no"

*Gem walks in the room to see Shelby sitting on her bed with cuts and a bloody knife*

Gem: Oh Shelby what did you do

Shelby: I'm sorry *Crying* it's just

Gem: *Hugging Shelby* Shhh calm down it's ok it's all going to be ok

Gem: Can I have the knife please *Taking her hand out*

*Shelby gave her the bloody knife*

Gem: Okay *Puts the bloody knife in the drawer*

Gem: Let's patch this up and then we can talk. Okay

Shelby: Okay

*It took about 3 mins to patch it up*

Still Out Of Chat——————

Gem: Why did you do that?

Shelby: It's just because after what we saw, I-I

Gem: Can you look at me

Shelby: Okay *Looks at Gem*

Gem: I want you to watch this and don't look away. Okay

Shelby: Okay

*Gem pulls out her phone and shows her the video*

In The Video——————

Katherine: What the fuck Joe!

Joe: Whats wrong my pirate princess?

Katherine: Why did you do that for!!!!

Joe: Because we're in love

Katherine: No we're not I don't even like you

Joe: What do you mean

Katherine: Joe I'm fucking lesbian!!!!!

Joe: Oh I'm so so sorry

Katherine: Joe please leave

Joe: Of course Katherine

End Of The Video——————

Gem: So

Shelby: She doesn't like him

Gem: Yeah

Shelby: And been lesbian this whole time

Gem: Yes

Shelby: I don't even know what to say

Gem: All I'm going to say is that you still have a chance

Shelby: I do but still why would she want me

Gem: You won't know unless you tell her how you feel

Shelby: So are you going to tell Pearl how you feel

Gem: Oh fuck you

Shelby: You probably should go since we still have school tomorrow

Gem: Yeah but please never do that again

Shelby: Alright I swear to Joel

Gem: Promise

Shelby: Promise

*Lends Gem out the door*

Gem: Bye

Shelby: Bye

Author's Note: A bit more Shelby-centric and I'm tired as FUCK so probably gonna take a break.

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