Basketball Game

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Requested by aaehikira 👍

Shelby: So Xornoth and Leafy vs me and Joel

Joel: Yes!

Xornoth: Leafy?

Shelby: Scott's new nickname

Xornoth: Why

Joel: Only me, Scott, and Shelby have the ability to know

Scott: Come on I can't lose in front of my boyfriend

Shelby: And I can't lose in front of my girlfriend

Joel: Same not in front of my babe

Xornoth: Couples ew

All except Xornoth: Shut up Xorny

Xornoth: Again with that nickname

Shelby: Oh great

Joel: Perfect timing


Pearl Simp🧡: We're almost there

Fwhip Simp💚: Mhm almost

Katherine Simp💖: Finally we've been waiting for hours/hj

Lizzie Simp💕: I know hours and hours/hj

Jimmy Simp💛: Finally I thought we would be died by the time you guys finally came/j

Pearl Simp🧡: Hahahahaha, sarcasm btw

Fwhip Simp💚: Hilarious/j

Katherine Simp💖 is offline

Jimmy Simp💛 is offline

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

Fwhip Simp💚 is offline

Pearl Simp🧡 is offline

Out Of Chat

Xornoth: Why are you five so secretive about that chat

Scott: Because it's private information

Xornoth: It's a fucking chat!!!!

Shelby: Exactly private information

Xornoth: *mutters to himself* idiots

Joel: What?

Xornoth: Nothing

Sausage: Hi fellow idiots

Shelby: Hi idiot

Joel: Hey idiot

Scott: Sup idiot

*Everyone except the SIMPS are confused*

Gem: Don't ask

Xornoth: So you wanna sit on the bleachers

Joe: Hey Xornoth can I ask you a question

Xornoth: Sure

*Gem drags the SIMPS to a tree*

At The Tree

Scott: He isn't going to do want I think he's going to do right

*Shelby listening in*

Shelby: Yup he's asking for his number

Scott: Noooooooooo

Joel: Lol knew it

Sausage: Scott I bet 100 dollars that Xornoth likes Joe

Scott: Deal but I know he doesn't

*They leave the tree*

Scott: *Whispering to Shelby* Please can you go easy on me

Shelby: *Whispering to Scott* Hm maybe maybe not

Scott: *Whispering to Shelby* Fine

Joel: Oi stop whispering it's almost time!

Scott: Stop yelling!

Shelby: *mutters to herself* idiots the both of you

Xornoth: Team huddle

With Shelby And Joel

Joel: So we're not gonna go easy on them?

Shelby: Probably the first few rounds and they we start going difficult

Joel: High five?

Shelby: High five

*They high five*

~Time Skip~ (I'm tired don't judge pls)

On The Bleachers

Gem: Sausage still who are we routing for

Sausage: I don't know Mo-Gem

False: Great we got simps

Sausage: Wait what?!

*False points at Joe, Jimmy, Lizzie, and Katherine*

Sausage: Oh great yeah

Gem: *Whispering to Sausage* were safe

Sausage: *Whispering to Gem* thank god

Into The Game

Joel: We're tied

Shelby: This should be the last round right

Joel: Mhm

Scott: Guys it's a full huddle

*The four walk in the middle*

Xornoth: Okay last round

Scott: Yup and I've been doing a pretty good job at impressing Tim

Xornoth: Couples gross

*Joel and Shelby roll their eyes*

Joel: You really can't say anything

Scott: Joel no

Shelby: Maybe we should continue the game?

Scott: So who's going to have the ball now?

Xornoth: Shelby and Joel

*They get in positions*

On The Bleachers

*Sausage nudges Gem*

Gem: *Whispering to Sausage* what?

Sausage: *Whispering to Gem* so you told Pearl about the chat

Gem: *Whispering to Sausage* yeah I did why?

Sausage: *Whispering to Gem* you think we're ever going to tell them

Gem: *Whispering to Sausage* maybe but if they see the embarrassing messages then I'm out

Sausage: *Whispering to Gem* yeah but eventually we are going to tell them and have to show them the messages

Gem: *Whispering to Sausage* yeah I guess your right

Into The Game

Joel: Shelby pass!

*She passes the ball to Joel*

Scott: Xornoth!

*Xornoth takes the ball*

Joel: *He mutters to himself* damnit

*Xornoth tosses it to Scott*

Scott: *He mutters to himself* Come on

*He throws the ball in the hoop and doesn't make it* (blame the wheel)

Scott: *he mumbles to himself* shit

*Joel takes the ball*

Shelby: Joel!

*He tosses it to Shelby*

Xornoth: Scott!

Scott: On it

*He gets in the way of Shelby*

Shelby: Screw you Leafy

Scott: I'm lucky they can't hear

*Shelby shoots it to the hoop*

Xornoth: Scott!

*And she makes it*

Joel: Let's gooo!

*They come down for the bleachers*

Scott: Really good throw

Shelby: Thanks Scott

Jimmy: Well done guys

Pix: Well done

Scott: Thanks dad

Shelby: Appreciate it dad

Joel: Really appreciate it dad

Pix: I feel like I should be mad

Katherine: Are you?

Pix: I have mixed feelings

Author's Note: They always asked me if I played basketball because I was tall.

They stopped asking me that when I asked them if they play mini-golf.

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