Finally Back At School

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Requested by Ghostyyy365

~Out of Chat~ (and probably for the chapter)

Pix: Good morning guys

Fwhip Whyyyyyyyyyyy

Pix: Huh?

Gem: Don't mind Fwhip he just doesn't want to be here

Joel: Makes sense

*Shelby breaks down the door*

Pix: Shelby!

Shelby: Oh the door is fine

*Shelby walks in with a Scott whose getting dragged*

Scott: But I'm not

Sausage: Scott if you actually wanted to come willingly then this wouldn't happen

Scott: Fair

False: Hey guys

Lizzie: False are you alright?

False: Sleep deprivation

Lizzie: Oh makes sense

*bell rings*

Joel: Great PE, what do you guys have first?

Katherine: French

Shelby: Science

Joe: LanguageArts

Gem: PE

Fwhip: Math

False: Social Studies

Scott: Math

Pix: Language Arts

Oli: French

Lizzie: Math

Jimmy: Social Studies

Sausage: PE

Joel: Well good luck

~Time Skip To Lunch~ (I'm currently too tired rn)

*Lizzie was currently hanging up sign up posters*

Sausage: Whatca doing Lizzie?

Lizzie: Oh I'm starting a drama club. Wanna join?

Sausage: One sec *deep inhale* GEM!

*Gem comes running from the herbology room*

Gem: Geez why do you have to yell my name

Sausage: But Lizzie me and Gem will happily join

Lizzie: Yay! Two new members

Gem: Wait what?

Sausage: So you want our help?

Lizzie: Oh yes please

Gem thought "What have I just been dragged into"

Lizzie: Ooh we should get Scott to join

*Scott pops out of nowhere*

Scott: Yes I shall join

Gem: What the hell! Where did you even come from!

Scott: Oh don't worry it's just fanfic logic. *Scott looks dead at you* Right readers?

Lizzie: Um Scott we are you talking to?

Scott: Oh don't worry *looks back at them* just breaking the fourth wall

Gem: The fourth what?

Sausage: Oh the readers

Scott: Yup

Lizzie: Are you two on drugs or alcohol?

Sausage: Nope but the Creator in role-play mode probably is

Gem: You know what let's just get these posters up

Lizzie: Yeah...and some therapy for you two

~Time Skip To When They Finish~

Sausage: Finally we're done

Scott: Let's gooo

Gem: So do we just wait

Lizzie: Basically but lunch is going to end soon so we might have to wait tomorrow

Scott: Alright bye guys

Sausage: Bye

Gem: See ya

Lizzie: Bye

Author's Note: ............

Sausage: Oh fuck yeah! Readers you've just got tricked!

Scott: This chapter ain't ending yet!

Shelby: Motherfuckers stop breaking the fourth wall and just stay in character!

Sausage and Scott: Sorry Shelbs....


~The Next Day~

Lizzie: So you want to join?

W1 Scott: Yes

Lizzie: Even with other Scott?

W1 Scott: Yes...but blame Shelby

Lizzie: Alright you're in

Bdubs: So can I join too?

Lizzie: Alright you're also in Bdubs

Bdubs: Yes!

Oli: How about me?

Lizzie: Fine Oli you're also in

Oli: Yay!

Scott: Oh Lizzie I've gotten Martyn to join

Martyn: Forcefully

Sausage: The more the merrier

Gem: Same Martyn same

Martyn: Hey a fellow forced into this buddy

*W1 Scott uses magic to teleport Pris here*

Pris: Uh

W1 Scott: And Pris is also joining

Lizzie: Alright that's fine

Gem: Another one joins the forced into this trio

Pris: I'm so confused

Martyn: Same

Joel: Babe me and Cleo are joining

Lizzie: Okay

Cleo: Joel put me down!

*Joel drops Cleo*

Cleo: Ow

Joel: You said to put you down. Not specifically slowly

Martyn: Welp the forced into this trio has become the forced into this group

This Time A Real Author's Note: So I'll add more members but I don't know who. And thank-

Sausage: Shush Creator we'll take it from here

Scott: So what Creator wanted to say was thank you for this *points down*


Joel: Just let them be it's the end of the chapter away

Shelby: Good point but Creator also said that they are grateful for the people who actually reads this story

Scott: They said that this story is very cringey but I beg to differ I'm not cringey

Shelby: But annoying yes

Gem: *sighs* I can't believe I'm breaking character but anyways bye readers. And have a great day

Joel: oh hey Scott the friend-zoned chapter was the best chapter

Scott: Shut up Joel! We're talking with the readers

Joel: Yeah but I gotten admit the friend-zoned chapter was so funny. Jimmy was just so oblivious

Scott: Joel shush!

Joel: Like a new level of obliviousness

Scott: Joel!

Gem: Guys come on we need to end the chapter

Shelby: Yeah so stop arguing and just end this already

Sausage: Besides the Creator is probably tired. I think they're writing this at 8:34 pm on a  Friday

Scott: Fine

Joel: Alright

All of 5: And so we care about you! Bye!

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