Gem's POV

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Dad: Guys can you believe it!!!!!!

Pirate Joe: What do you mean dad?

Dad: Apparently the School got blown up?!?!?!?!!??!???!!

Goblin: Yes I mean nooo darn it I was so hoping to go to school tomorrow

Warrior Princess: Yeah definitely not sarcasm

Definitely Human: Wow I wonder who did it?

Pirate Joe: Yeah I would love to thank them!

Goblin: Same!

Tall and Sexy God: Hey guys! What's happening?

Dad: Hey Joel we're talking about the school being blown up

Bard: And how Joe and Fwhip want to thank them

Tall and Sexy God: Oh nice....Anyways I'm out

Definitely Human: Why?

Tall and Sexy God is offline

Iron: Looks like we're not going a answer

                        SIMPS Chat

Lizzie Simp💕: So Joe and Fwhip apparently thank us for blowing the school up

Fwhip Simp💚: Wait they know?!!?!?!?

Lizzie Simp💕: Nope they just want to thank whoever did

Katherine Simp💖: Imagine if they found out that it was

Pearl Simp🧡: We wouldn't know unless we tell them but I highly doubt that you 4 want to

Jimmy Simp💛: You got that correct mom

Fwhip Simp💚: Very correct mom

Pearl Simp🧡: There are sometimes I wish I hadn't met you 4 but I'm happy I did

Katherine Simp💖: Awwwww mom

Fwhip Simp💚: Awww mom you do care

Lizzie Simp💕: Aw mom you do love us/p

Jimmy Simp💛: Awwwwww mom you really do care

Pearl Simp🧡: Why with the mom

Pearl Simp🧡 is offline

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

Fwhip Simp💚 is offline

Katherine Simp💖 is offline

Jimmy Simp💛 is offline

Out Of Chat

*Gem puts her phone down and goes downstairs*

Fwhip: Hey sis

Gem: Hi

*Starts going through the fridge*

Fwhip: Did you know the school got blown up?

Gem: Huh? Why would you think I would know it's not like I was there?

*She laughs nervously*

Fwhip: Okay so it did but they don't know who did

Gem: *mutters* thank goodness

Fwhip: Huh?

Gem: Yeah I would who did it........

Fwhip: If your hungry there should be some extra cake in the fridge

*He points at the cake in the fridge*

Gem: I can't believe we still have that

Fwhip: Well Shelby, Cub and Etho did get 3 cakes

Gem: There was a lot of us

*Grabs a piece of cake*

Fwhip: Yeah I wonder why Shelby left early though?

Gem: She probably had to do something

Fwhip: Probably or she was hanging out with that other class

Gem: Who knows

Fwhip: How could she are we the other friend group now?!?!??!!?

Gem: Yeah I'll probably go now.......

Fwhip: Are we second best?!!?!

*Gem goes upstairs with the cake and closes her bedroom door*

Gem: *mutters* great now Fwhip is making question things

*She looks down at her phone*

Gem: I probably should finish this

                        ~Time Skip~

Gem: Done finally

*Knock on the door*

Gem: Fwhip I swear if you lost your phone I'm not helping

Shelby: Um Gem it's me

*Gem opens the door*

Gem: Oh hey Shrub

Shelby: Hey.......

Gem: You okay? Oh god was Fwhip questioning you on why you left early

Shelby: Yeah I just wanted to ask one of my closest friend that I'm not making you guys feel like......well.......

Gem: Well?

Shelby: Well second place....Look I'm really sorry I had left I know I shouldn't have left but-

Gem: Shrub look I understand their your friends too and I get that your trying your best to make sure none of us are second best

Shelby: I really don't want to lose any of you guys I care about you guys a lot

*Gem looks at her arm and notices some scars*

Gem: Shrub.......please don't tell me you'll doing it again

Shelby: Huh?

*Gem grabs her arm and reveals the scars*

Shelby: Oh....That wasn't-

Gem: Why? We made a promise

Shelby: I know but I felt guilty for leaving you guys for the the witches

*Gem hugs Shelby*

Gem: Don't ever feel guilty please

*Fwhip comes in the room*

Fwhip: Hey Gem have you seen my phone?

Gem: Fwhip out and your phone is downstairs in the kitchen counter

Fwhip: Thanks sis


Shelby: Is that normal?

Gem: Yup

Shelby: I should probably start going home

Gem: Yeah before Fwhip tries to ask you more questions

*They both go downstairs*

Fwhip: So Shelbs how come you left early?

Shelby: Um bye see you whenever we see each other

*She leaves*

Fwhip: Suspicious

Gem: Fwhip did you clean your room?

Fwhip: Um yeah...

Gem: So you wouldn't mind if I tell mom and dad to look through your room

Fwhip: Alright I'll do it

*He goes back upstairs to his room*

Gem: And I've done it

Author's Note: Yeah I might be giving Shelby a hard time but we have Gem the therapist mom friend. Also I'm still sorry I haven't been updating :( I've been busy with school and my schedule has been really fucked up so yeah. I'll try to upload more but I really wouldn't like to get anyone's hopes up

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