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Before we start I'm running out of titles and this chapter is all over the place so in joy!!!

Private chat between Gem and Katherine

Fighter Princess: Gem I have a problem

Gemstone Princess: What?

Fighter Princess: I think I'm in love

Gemstone Princess: Wait with who????

Fighter Princess: Do you promise not to tell anyone

Gemstone Princess: Yes

Fighter Princess: Not even your S private chat?

Gemstone Princess: Well we technically tell each other everything

Fighter Princess: Gem pls

Gemstone Princess: Fine

Fighter Princess: Well it's Shelby

Gemstone Princess: Wait you're not joking right?

Fighter Princess: No I'm not

Gemstone Princess: I got to go since the bell is about to ring

Fighter Princess: Alright bye

Gemstone Princess: Bye

Gemstone Princess is offline

Fighter Princess is offline

Out Of Chat——————
*Bell Rings*

Gem: Shelby!!!

Shelby: Hey Gem what's up

Gem: What's your next class?

Shelby: I got herbology class. What about you?

Gem: Same

Shelby: You wanna walk there

Gem: Yeah

Shelby: So how was baking class?

Gem: It was fine we had a sub so we didn't even do anything

Shelby: Lucky the science teacher gave us a project to do

Gem: Damn what's it about

Shelby: Well basically we can do whatever we want as long it's science related

Gem: You have a due date or

Shelby: It's due this Friday

Gem: So you working by yourself

Shelby: Sadly no I got Joel as my partner

Gem: You say that as it's a bad thing

Shelby: Its not going to be that bad since we're going to do it on lightning

Gem: And since Joel is basically a god he's a the perfect person

Shelby: Yeah still would've preferred working alone but it's fine. Hey look were almost there

*They make their way inside of class*

Ms.Ivy: Good morning kids

Everyone except Ms. Ivy: Good morning Ms.Ivy

Ms.Ivy: Class today we have a two new students

Shelby: *Whispering to Gem* Two new students that's a bit interesting

Gem: *Whispering to Shelby* Yeah I guess

Ms.Ivy: So meet Katherine Elizabeth and Tiffany Garcia

Shelby thought "Shit why does it have to be Tiff"

Ms.Ivy: Katherine and Tiffany you may sit with Group 6 *Points to were it's at*

Shelby thought "What the fuck Ms.Ivy"

Gem: *Whispering to Shelby* I swear I think she knows

Shelby: *Whispering to Gem* I know like what the actual fuck

Ms.Ivy: Well class today we will be doing a project with your group

Shelby thought "Great a fucking another one"

Ms.Ivy: So I put a plant in the middle of your desk. You will take care of it and making sure it doesn't die. Understand

Everyone except Ms.Ivy: Yes

Ms.Ivy: Alright discuss with your group about your plans

Tiff: So ummm who's going first

*Shelby hits Gem's leg*

Gem: *Whispering to Shelby* Ow what was that for

Shelby: *Whispering to Gem* You go first

Gem: *Whispering to Shelby* Fine

Gem: So I have some bees and maybe that could help

Katherine: Yeah that could help and also you sound familiar. Do I perhaps know you

Gem: Ummm no I don't think we never meet

Tiff: I'm also a nature witch so that might help as well

Gem: So do you want to take it or should I?

Tiff: Vote

Gem: Yeah I vote for you

Tiff: No No I vote for you

Katherine: Also to make this easier maybe you two can tell us your name

Gem: Well I'm Gem and she's Shelby

Shelby: *Whispering to Gem* Are you kidding me Gem

Katherine: Do you two happen to be Gem Tay and Shelby Grace?

Gem: Uhhh no........

Katherine: Your lying Gem

Tiff: Wait Shelby Grace as in the storm witch

Shelby: Well peace was fun while it lasted Gem

Gem: You wanted me to lie

Shelby: Yes No Maybe I don't know

Gem: That's what I thought

Shelby: Meanie

Katherine: No fighting. And were voting right?

Gem: *Whispering to Shelby* Yeah listen to your crush Shelby

Shelby: I hate you

*Bell Rings*

Shelby: Umm Tiff you can take it

Gem: No why PE

*Everyone leaves*


Pearl Simp🧡: Why is PE so unfair

Fwhip Simp💚: Like three miles in 86 mins who does the teacher think we are Usain Bolt

Jimmy Simp💛: Who's that?????

Katherine Simp💖: Scott he's the fastest man in the world rn

Jimmy Simp💛: Ohh

Lizzie Simp💕: Scott Ms.N told us his backstory on Thursday

Pearl Simp🧡: You don't remember do you

Jimmy Simp💛: No..............

Fwhip Simp💚: Your so stupid

Jimmy Simp💛: I am stupid

Katherine Simp💖: Took you long enough to find out

Jimmy Simp💛: Rude bitch

Katherine Simp💖: You are a bitch

Pearl Simp🧡: So it's almost lunch

Lizzie Simp💕: Can we go eat in the math room again

Pearl Simp🧡: Ig but why??

Fwhip Simp💚: Wait noooo we have the math test

Pearl Simp🧡: Great just great

Jimmy Simp💛: Screw math class

Katherine Simp💖: I deal with idiots who don't bother to study

Lizzie Simp💕: Shelby can you help us study pls

Pearl Simp🧡: Pls

Jimmy Simp💛: Pls

Fwhip Simp💚: Pls

Katherine Simp💖: Fine

Fwhip Simp💚: Alright everyone get lunch and meet in the math room. Got it

Jimmy Simp💛: Got it

Pearl Simp🧡: Got it

Lizzie Simp💕: Yep

Katherine Simp💖: K

Katherine Simp💖 is offline

Pearl Simp🧡 is offline

*Bell Rings*

Jimmy Simp💛 is offline

Fwhip Simp💚 is offline

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

Out Of Chat

Sausage: Hey

Shelby: So get your books

Gem: Where's the teacher

Joel: I don't know but I don't care

Scott: So I guess we should start

*They all got their books and started studying for 37 mins* (Yes their lunch last for 40 minutes)

Shelby: How confident do you guys feel?

Scott: Confident 100%

Sausage: Absolutely prepared

Gem: Ready

Joel: 100% prepared

Shelby: Alright

*Bell Rings*

Ms.Cello: You guys are early

Joel: Yeah studying for math test

Ms.Cello: Well good luck on it

Jimmy: Again why do you guys need to be here early??!!??!!?!

Katherine: Calm down Tim

Pix: Though what's up? Like what's been going on with you kids?

Ms.Cello: Anyway today we have the test and before we start I'll let you talk

Joe: Okay why were you guys doing here and how long

Lizzie: Yeah we had to eat lunch by ourselves

Shelby: Firstly you guys are with each other

Sausage: And secondly we were here for the whole of lunch which you should have known

Joel: Thirdly we were studying

Ms.Cello: So here are papers and you'll have 10 minutes *Gives them papers*

False: I didn't study

E2 Class——————

Colorful Llama: How's everyone doing because I'm doing awesome

Best Witch: Great

Tall and Sexy God: Absolutely fantastic

Wood Daddy: Astonishing

Bee Queen: The best

Goblin: Pls help 🥺

Iron: Yeah this is unfair

Dad: I'm so tired of everyone in this chat

Best Witch: à á â ä æ ã å ā

Pirate Joe: What?

Tall and Sexy God sent a picture of the test answers

Warrior Princess: Thanks Joel

Tall and Sexy God: np also how did you do that Shelbs

Best Witch: Idk ç ć č è é ê ë ē ė ę

Woody: The fuck

Best Witch: î ï í ī į ì ł ñ ń ô ö ò ó œ ø ō õ

Bee Queen: Shrub is your phone broken

Best Witch: û ü ù ú ū ÿ ž ź ż

Warrior Princess: Oh guys I'm having a sleepover on Saturday so yeah this is your invitation

Colorful Llama: Do you think I can bring my older brother since he's a bit over protective and probably won't let me go by myself

Warrior Princess: Sure

Wood Daddy: Could me, Joel, and Shelby bring our children

Warrior Princess: Go right ahead! They can stay up right?

Best Witch: Tortoise can stay up until 5 am

Tall and Sexy God: Same for Hermes

Wood Daddy: Bubbles as well

Pirate Joe: Damn

Definitely Human: You wouldn't mind if me and Jim let Pearl come

Warrior Princess: Yeah bring her my place has a lot of rooms anyway

Woody: So time

Warrior Princess: Any time on Saturday but not to early

*Bell Rings*

Woody: Bye guys

Woody is offline

Best Witch: Bye

Best Witch is offline

Colorful Llama: Bye

Colorful Llama is offline

Bee Queen: Bye

Bee Queen is offline

Warrior Princess: Bye

Pirate Joe: Bye

Warrior Princess is offline

Pirate Joe is offline

Definitely Human: Bye

Definitely Human is offline

Dad: Bye

Dad is offline

Iron: Bye

Iron is offline

Bard: Bye

Bard is offline

Tall and Sexy God: Bye

Tall and Sexy God is offline

Wood Daddy: Bye Fwhip <3

Goblin: Bye Sausage <3

Woody Daddy is offline

Goblin is offline

At Scott's Locker——————

Shelby: So rematch

Scott: Yeah maybe I can finally win

Joel: Highly doubt that

Xornoth: Hey Scott

Scott: Hi

Xornoth: Oh hello Shelby hey Joel

Joel: Hi

Shelby: Hey Xor

Xornoth: So where you off too?

Shelby: Basketball court. You wanna come

Joel: Yeah you and Scott Vs me and Shelby

Xornoth: Alright that sounds fun

Scott: Yay!!!!!!

Author's Note: Like I said all over the place. And bye

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