Shelby's POV

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2 weeks later———

Shelby thought "Spanish first today. Yes!"

Pris: Hey Shelbs

*Pris placed her hand on Shelby's shoulder*

Shelby: Aaaaasah

*Shelby jumped*

Pris: Whoa hold your horses Grace

Shelby: Oh Pris it's just you

Pris: Yeah, who did you think I was Scott

Shelby: To be honest yes I did

Pris: Rude

*Bell Rings*

Shelby: Well bye Pris

Pris: Bye

*Shelby makes her way inside the Spanish room*

She thought "Wait we have a quiz. Shit"

Sausage: Hi Shelby

Shelby: Hey

Sausage: So you ready for the quiz

Shelby: No I didn't even eat

Sausage: Why?

Shelby: I had woken up 7:50. So I to get Tortoise and myself dressed and I had to make him toast.

Sausage: So why didn't you make yourself toast as well?

Shelby: I was but by the time I looked at the clock it was 7:55. And you know how far both the school and daycare.

Sausage: Right

Ms.Lopez: Good morning class

Everyone: Good morning Ms.Lopez

Ms.Lopez: Attention class today we have a  test so take out a pen or pencil while I pass out the paper.

*Shelby looks at Sausage*

Sausage: *Whispering to Shelby* You want my help don't you

Shelby: *Whispering to Sausage* Yes please

Sausage: *Whispering to Shelby* Fine

Ms.Lopez: Class I'm going to out for a while

*Leaves the class*

Sausage: Hurry

Shelby: Alright

Sausage: Damn you write fast

Shelby: Thank you

Sausage: Great chat is spamming again

Shelby: Ignore it

Sausage: Joe is typing that Xornoth is hot again

Shelby: Poor Scott

Sausage: RIP

*The door opens*

Ms.Lopez: Class I'm back

Shelby thought "3 question left. Wait I remember this"

Ms.Lopez: Class we only have 1 minute until class ends so everyone start packing up

Sausage: You done

Shelby: Yup

*Bell Rings*

4 Hours Later
In W1 Room

Pris: Hey Shelbs

Shelby: Hi

Pris: So I never asked but do you crush

Shelby: Well I do

Pris: Have you told them

Shelby: No, but I'm planning on it

Pris: Ooooh

Shelby: Oh shut up. You can't say anything

Pris: What do you mean

Shelby: You have a crush on El remember

Pris: I-I

Shelby: Your face is turning red

Bertha: Hello Shelby. Hello Prismarina

Shelby: Hi

Pris: Hey

Bertha: Prismarina are you okay

Pris: I'm fine just very peachy

Shelby: What she's trying to say is no

Bertha: Why?

Shelby: She has a crush on El

Pris: Shelby!!

Bertha: Ooooooh

Mertha: Ship

Shelby: Hi Mertha

Mertha: Hello

Pris: Great two more people know

W1 Scott: Know what?

Bertha: Geez would it kill you to knock

W1 Scott: No but it's fun

W1 Cleo: Scott has a point

Shelby: That's it the next fucking person that doesn't knock. I'm going to start killing.


Bertha: Come in

Tiff: Ummm was this a bad time

Mertha: No you knocked so your fine

Eloise: So what going and why is Pris face red

W1 Scott: That's a really good question

Bertha: How about everyone sits down and we can start the potion lesson

In Math Class

Shelby thought "Okay 2:50 only ten minutes left"

                            Basketball Trio

Loser Witch: Hey Scott where are you?

Winner 🥇: Yeah you were here earlier

Loser Llama: I got picked up early

Loser Witch: Why?

Loser Llama: Me and Owen had a doctor's appointment

Winner🥇: Is there needles 💉?

Loser Llama: Yes and Owen's going first

Loser Witch: Poor Owen

Winner🥇: I'm just looking at the clock

Loser Witch: Oh Scott we have a sub for math

Winner 🥇: Oh yeah we're watching Toy Story 2

Loser Llama: Noooo

Loser Witch is offline

Loser Llama is offline

Winner 🥇 is offline

Out Of Chat

*Bell Rings*

Mr.D: Alright bye

Author's Note: I'm running out of ideas so yeah

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