SIMPS-Centric Chapter

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*Time Skip To Monday*

      SIMPS Chat

Pearl Simp🧡: Simps I need to tell you something

Katherine Simp💖: Is it about that you and Pearl are dating?

Pearl Simp🧡: Well that and the fact I have a child

Fwhip Simp💚: Proof

Pearl Simp🧡 sent a picture of Winnie playing video games

Lizzie Simp💕: She's so fucking cute!!!!!!!!!!

Jimmy Simp💛: What's her name

Pearl Simp🧡: Winnie

Katherine Simp💖: So Fwhip and your parents know

Pearl Simp🧡: Yup

Lizzie Simp💕: So where was she when we had the sleepover

Pearl Simp🧡: She was at my grandma's but she's back

Katherine Simp💖: Nice

Jimmy Simp💛: Maybe we should go back to main chat

Fwhip Simp💚: I swear there probably going to say we're talking behind their back. Aren't then

Lizzie Simp💕: Not probably definitely

Fwhip Simp💚: You know what's fun that everyone left the sleepover but didn't say a word

Katherine Simp💖: Yeah it was kind of funny

Jimmy Simp💛: No it was so funny

Lizzie Simp💕: I can't wait to know what we got on the project

Katherine Simp💖: Yeah and I swear if it's a F I'm actually going to slap you

Lizzie Simp💕: Why me and not yourself

Katherine Simp💖: Gem kind of banned me for hurting myself so yeah

Pearl Simp🧡: Ofc because of what happened

Jimmy Simp💛: You mean of how she had the urge to kill herself

Pearl Simp🧡: Yeah....... that

Fwhip Simp💚: I like how we're talking and school is going to start in 2 hrs

Pearl Simp🧡: At least I don't share a room with Fwhip

Lizzie Simp💕: He would get mad wouldn't he

Pearl Simp🧡: Yup

Katherine Simp💖: So Gem the plant project

Pearl Simp🧡: What about it?

Katherine Simp💖: Well my friend Tiff said that it's still alive

Pearl Simp🧡: That's good at least

Fwhip Simp💚: So are we just going to stay here until school starts or

Jimmy Simp💛: I mean I don't want to go in many chat tbh

Lizzie Simp💖: Same

Katherine Simp💖: Sausage you should add Gem and Winnie to the chat

Fwhip Simp💚: Oh yeah

Lizzie Simp💕: Gem can you leave pls

Pearl Simp🧡: K

Fwhip Simp💚 is offline

Katherine Simp💖 is offline

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

Pearl Simp🧡 is offline

Parents+Kids Chat

Wood Dad added 2 others

Gem: So this is your chat

God Dad: Yup

Witch Mom: This is part of being a parent

Frog Son: Hi miss Gem

Demigod Son: Hi

Dog Daughter: Hello

Winnie: Um mom who are these people

Gem: Winnie these are my friends and their children

Wood Dad changed Gem username to "Bee Mom"

Bee Mom: Really

Witch Mom: Lol

Bee Mom changed Winnie username to "Pup Daughter"

Bee Mom: Just to tell the difference

Wood Dad: Good idea

Demigod Son is offline

Frog Son is offline

Dog Daughter is offline

Pup Daughter is offline

Witch Mom: Wow they just left us

God Dad: Traitors

Witch Mom is offline

God Dad is offline

Bee Mom is offline

Wood Dad is offline


Jimmy Simp💛: Anyone want to see a cute picture of Owen

Katherine Simp💖: Scott pls tell me he's still a half-llama

Jimmy Simp💛: Don't worry he still is

Katherine Simp💖: Thank goodness

Fwhip Simp💚: Si por favor

Jimmy Simp💛 sent a picture of Owen sitting in flowery field

Fwhip Simp💚: Bdhdksksbfvfiehsbsjfj

Pearl Simp🧡: He's soooo cute

Lizzie Simp💕: Awwwwww

Katherine Simp💖: He looks so adorable

Jimmy Simp💛: Yeah but I do miss as a full human tho

Katherine Simp💖: I can turn him full human if you want again

Jimmy Simp💛: No it's fine

Fwhip Simp💚: Is this a story

Katherine Simp💖: Well Scott had asked me to turn Owen into a full human

Jimmy Simp💛: Because he was still spitting on the customers and you know that isn't good for business

Fwhip Simp💚: Fair point

Katherine Simp💖: So I made a potion to turn him full human but that turned out to be a bad idea

Lizzie Simp💕: Why

Jimmy Simp💛: He was a bit annoying

Katherine Simp💖: I made Scott kiss him

Pearl Simp🧡: LOL

Jimmy Simp💛: Still don't know why I agreed

Fwhip Simp💚: Anyone want to meet at the bus stop

Katherine Simp💖: Sure I was going there anyway

Jimmy Simp💛: On my way!

Lizzie Simp💕: Coming

Pearl Simp🧡: I don't know since Fwhip and my parents are still asleep

Fwhip Simp💚: But I'm bring empanadas

Pearl Simp🧡: Nvm you sold me

Fwhip Simp💚: Yeah Simps hangout also first person to get here automatically becomes my bff

Pearl Simp🧡: I was going to walk but nvm

Pearl Simp🧡 is offline

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

Katherine Simp💖 is offline

Jimmy Simp💛 is offline

Fwhip Simp💚 is offline

Out Of Chat

Shelby: First!!!

Sausage: Wow that was fast

Shelby: To be honest I could've used my broom but I decided to make it fair

Sausage: Yeah here *Hands Shelby a empanada*

Shelby: Thanks *Takes it*

Sausage: So your my best friend now

Shelby: Guess so

*3 hrs later*


Lizzie Simp💕: Guys guess what

Jimmy Simp💛: What??????

Lizzie Simp💕: Shelby tell them tell them

Katherine Simp💖: Okay well me and Joel got an A+ for the science project!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fwhip Simp💚: Congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Pearl Simp🧡: That's great news

Jimmy Simp💛: Great work

Lizzie Simp💕: Thx and Shelby didn't slap me

Katherine Simp💖: You got lucky Joel

Lizzie Simp💕: Yeah I did

Jimmy Simp💛: I just realized I'm the only Simp who doesn't have a child

Katherine Simp💖: Wait your right

Fwhip Simp💚: Sad

Pearl Simp🧡: I mean you still could adopt but

Jimmy Simp💛: But what

Katherine Simp💖: Well your not the most ideal person to have or take care of a child

Jimmy Simp💛: Yea I could! How hard could it be

Lizzie Simp💕: ............ Really hard

Pearl Simp🧡: Scott it's not that easy. It's much more harder then you think

Jimmy Simp💛: I mean you have to feed, shower, change, play, and get them to sleep

Katherine Simp💖: Scott where did you learn that from

Jimmy Simp💛: The internet

Fwhip Simp💚: There's more to the job of being a parent

Jimmy Simp💛: Like what

Fwhip Simp💚 sent a Google doc

*10 Minutes Later*

Jimmy Simp💛: I take back what I said

Fwhip Simp💚: Gtg

Fwhip Simp💚 is offline

Katherine Simp💖: Same

Katherine Simp💖 is offline

Pearl Simp🧡: Bye

Pearl Simp🧡 is offline

Lizzie Simp💕: See you later

Lizzie Simp💕 is offline

Jimmy Simp💛 is offline

Author's Note: Just things that go on with our silly Simps! Also screw you Youtube!!! It still hurts why make it worse!

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