Speaking Spanish To Annoy Everyone

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E2 Class

Wood Daddy: Un repollo

Woody: What????

Best Witch: Dos repollos

Warrior Princess: Wtf???!!

Wood Daddy: Tres repollos

Colorful Llama: Huh?

Best Witch: Cuatro repollo

Goblin: TF

Woody Daddy: Cinco repollos

Pirate Joe: ENGLISH!

Best Witch: Seis repollos

Dad: Please Shelby Sausage English

Wood Daddy: Siete repollos


Best Witch: Ocho repollos

Iron: Guys pls English

Wood Daddy: Nueve repollos

Definitely Human: Guys...ENGLISH!

Best Witch: Diez repollos(They were counting cabbages from 1-10 btw)

Tall and Sexy God: Are you two done now????

Wood Daddy: Increíble Español Shelby! (Translation "Amazing Spanish Shelby!")

Best Witch: Gracias Sausage (Translation "Thank you Sausage")

Definitely Human: What the hell are they saying?!???!!?!?!?!

Wood Daddy: Por eso necesitas aprender español Lizzie (Translation "This is why you need to learn Spanish Lizzie")

Bard: Huh???????

Best Witch: Entonces, qué están haciendo todos? (Translation "So what's everyone up to?")

Warrior Princess: What?

Wood Daddy: Estoy comiendo una empanada (Translation "I am eating an empanada" also hope this is helping so no one has to Google the definition)

Bee Queen: You're eating an empanada?

Wood Daddy: Sí! Sabes español Gem? (Translation "Yes! You know Spanish Gem")

Bee Queen: Um yes? Well kinda

Best Witch: En realidad? Entonces, puedes entender esto? Scott es una perra gay para Jimmy (Translation "Really? So can you understand this? Scott is a gay bitch for Jimmy")

Bee Queen: Scott is a gay bitch for Jimmy?

Bard: Hmmmm true tho

Iron: Yup he is a gay bitch for Jimmy

Wood Daddy: Buen trabajo Gem! (Translation "Good job Gem!")

Bee Queen: Um thanks

Goblin: You're understanding this?!?!!?!!?!?

Bee Queen: Yeah, I've started to learn Spanish so I can understand what the heck Sausage says sometimes

Wood Daddy: Joe tu mamá es una azada (Translation "Joe your mama's a hoe")

Bee Queen: And this is what I mean


Pirate Joe is offline

Best Witch: Uno se fue, faltan nueve más (Translation "One gone nine more to go")

Bee Queen: Oh I see what you two are doing

Iron: What are they doing Gem??!?!!?!!??!

Wood Daddy: Escucha, los estamos molestando muchísimo (Translation "Listen we are annoying the living heck out of them")

Best Witch: Sí, es cierto! (Translation "Yup that's right!")

Bard: I'm done

Bard is offline

Iron: Yeah I'm also done

Iron is offline

Bee Queen: You know I'm not even going to tell them

Wood Daddy: Gracias Gem! (Translation "Thank you Gem!")

Bee Queen: Al diablo, de nada (Translation "Screw it, your welcome")

Best Witch: HURRA! Gem enviaste mensajes de texto en español! (Translation "YAY! Gem you texted in Spanish!")

Warrior Princess is offline

Goblin is offline

Wood Daddy: Cuatro más se han ido, faltan cinco más (Translation "Four more gone five more to go")

Bee Queen: Everyone okay

Colorful Llama: No

Woody: Absolutely not fine rn

Best Witch: Problema de habilidad (Translation "Skill issue")

Bee Queen: Damn Shelbs

Colorful Llama is offline

Woody is offline

Wood Daddy: Dos más se han ido, sólo quedan tres (Translation "Two more gone only three left")

Definitely Human: Yeah I can't deal with this anymore

Tall and Sexy God: Yeah me neither

Definitely Human is offline

Tall and Sexy God is offline

Best Witch: Dos más se han ido, sólo queda uno (Translation "Two more gone only one left")

Dad: I'm surprised they didn't use Google translate

Bee Queen: Yeah I was expecting them to do that

Wood Daddy: Anyways what you guys doing????

Best Witch: Practicing magic

Wood Daddy: Cool

Bee Queen: Welp they're speaking English again

Dad: They are such idiots

Bee Queen: Yeah but they are our idiots

Dad: Yup

Best Witch: Awwwwww

Wood Daddy: Awwww dad Gem

Bee Queen: At least you didn't say the m word

Dad: What M word?

Best Witch: Oh yeah that word

(M word=Mom btw)

Author's Note:

Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep

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