The Decision...

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Sausage was in his room trying to forgot about the events with that voice. He sighed and scrolled through his phone. Sad huh? "What do you want now?" Sausage asked annoyed as he stood up. I just want to know if you'll agree to the offer I gave. "I don't have the answer to it yet" Sausage said. In reality he was hoping the voice wasn't gonna come back ever again after the last time they talked. Hm they why don't have a talk with Shelby? "" Sausage stuttered. You know she's been getting a voice too That made Sausage heart drop he was shocked by what the voice said. Hm shocked huh? Well it's true she was offered the same thing. We just want to help that's all "Go away" Sausage mumbled. What? "I said...GO AWAY!" Sausage shouted and the voice left. He sighs and lays back down on his bed.

Shelby was still trying to find a way to help hers and Sausage's situation. When she heard the voice again. Hello again... "What do you want now?" Shelby asked. You still haven't given us an answer if you want our help "...Well I haven't made my decision yet..." Shelby mumbled. Well I suggest you hurry up we are getting impatient! "I'll give you an answer soon" Shelby said. It better be soon or else... "Or else what?" Shelby asked nervously. Or else something bad happens... Shelby gulps and stays silent once the voice left. Her phone buzzed. "Huh?" Shelby mumbled. She turned her phone on and saw she got a message. "Oh it's Sausage" Shelby said.

      Corrupted Idiots

Bratwurst: Shelby can you meet me at the park at 7

Skulk-by: Why?

Bratwurst: Just come please

Skulk-by: Alright I'll go

Bratwurst: Ty

Bratwurst is offline

Skulk-by is offline

~Time Skip to 7~

Once Shelby got to the park she saw Sausage sitting there being quiet. "Hey Sausage. Why did you ask me to come here?" Shelby asked. He looked at her and frowns. "Hey...I asked you to come here because I needed to talk with you." Sausage said. "About what?" Shelby asked and she heard him sigh. "About the voices..." Sausage said and her eyes widened. "Y-You know about the voices?" Shelby asked. "Yes since I've been getting voices as well." Sausage said.

"Oh..." Shelby mumbled. "They have been trying to get me make agree for them to help me." Sausage said. "Yeah my voices have been doing the same and they are getting impatient and more annoying." Shelby said and he nodded. "Yeah they wanted me to talk with you if we should agree." Sausage said. "Yeah should we try to talk about it?" Shelby asked and he nods. They start talking if they should agree or not. While they are talking they were also walking cause why not. After an hour they made their decision...They left the park feeling confident in their decision.

Author's Note: Sooooo what do you think their decision is? Anyways you'll find out next Saturday. Welp bye!

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