W1 And E2 Classes Meet

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Bertha created a new group

Bertha named the group chat to "Witches Coven"

Bertha added 11 others

Bertha changed their username to "Trader"

Trader: Welcome witches to our new group chat

Scott: What are we going to use this chat for anyway

Trader: IDK

Trader changed Scott username to "EMO"

EMO: WTF is this supposed to mean

Joey: I mean it's kind of true tbh

Joey changed their username to "Todoroki"

Todoroki: I'm just going to do it before anyone else

Milo: Well this is going to be a bad idea

Lauren: Why?

Milo: Chaos that's what

Lauren changed Milo username to "I Love EMO"

I Love EMO: Wow I thought you were different
(Reason because he doesn't want that to be his name for the whole group chat but it's true)

I Love EMO changed Lauren username to "SandWitch"

SandWitch: Sweet

Prismarina changed Trader username to "Scammer"

Prismarina: This is much more accurate

Scammer: I thought we were friends

EMO: It's true tho

Scammer: Monsters all of you

Mertha: I don't even want to know

EMO changed Mertha username to "I Love Scammer"

I Love Scammer: This is pretty accurate

Prismarina changed their name to "Agua"

Todoroki: Meaning?

Agua: Don't worry you don't need to know (It means water in Spanish)

SandWitch: So where is the rest of the group

EMO: Idk so maybe we can spam until they come

Scammer: That would work if it was not for the fact the chat will only accept sentences

Agua: Really

Cleo: No No spam chat

EMO: Hi Cleo

Cleo: Scott that's you lol

EMO: Why :(

EMO changed Cleo username to "Clocks"

Clocks: I really don't care

I Love Scammer: So Pris what does your name mean exactly???????

Agua: I know who will understand this reference right Shelby

Shelby: Yup it's so simple how do you guys not know??????

Scammer: Because we don't understand gibberish

Shelby: It's called a different language

Agua changed Shelby username to "Stormy"

Stormy: Thanks

Agua: np

Tiff: Umm I don't even want to know

Tiff changed their username to "Plant"

Stormy: So is that everyone or

Scammer: I think that's basically everyone

Agua: Wait aren't we missing El

EMO: Oh right um

Eloise: What?

Milo: Hi El

Eloise: Hi

Mertha changed Eloise username to "Transformer"

Transformer: Don't judge me but what's the reference?

Todoroki: Omg she doesn't know

Clocks: Ummm El your going to watch the series to understand

Transformer: What series

I Love EMO: The Transformers

*Bell Rings*

EMO: So what do we have

Scammer: Well were going to visit another class

SandWitch: Ohhh which one

I Love Scammer: It was E2 right?

Scammer: Yep

Stormy: Shit

Agua: Are you ok Shelby?

Stormy: Umm yeah welp got to go bye

Stormy is offline

Out Of Chat——————

*Shelby ran out of the class*

Eloise: So should we go

Pris: Yea

Bertha: Alright let's go

E2 Class——————
Still Out Of Chat

Shelby: Shit Shit

Fwhip: You good Shelbs?

Shelby: Why didn't you tell anyone that a class is going to visit our class!!!

Pix: A class is going to visit?

Fwhip: Well I was going to you guys, but Shelby how do you know?

Lizzie: Yeah how did you know

Shelby: I-I well you see I-I

Jimmy: Shelby your stuttering, you're ok?

Shelby: *Whispering* I have the class that's going to visit us

False: Could you say that a bit louder please

Shelby: I have the class that's going to visit us!!!! *Puts her head down in shame*

Joel: *Pats Shelby's head* There There it's going to be ok

Gem: Ummm does anyone have a hoodie so she can cover herself and doesn't feel more embarrassed

Everyone: .................

Gem: So no

Scott: Here I have a hat

Shelby: Thanks Scott *Puts on hat*

Oli: I mean how embarrassing can it be?

Katherine: Oli how would you feel if someone from your classes visited this class??

Oli: I probably would feel embarrassed

Pix: Welp their here

Shelby: No No No

Sausage: Shelby we could switch if you feel more comfortable sitting with Gem

Shelby: Yea thanks Sausage your a good friend

Sausage: I know

Fwhip; Welcome to our class W1

Bertha: Thank you

Fwhip: Do you want to introduce yourselves

Bertha: Why yes

W1 Scott: I'm Scott the Necromancer Witch

*All of E2 Class looking at their Scott*

Tiff: Umm anyway I'm Tiff the Nature Witch

W1 Cleo: I'm Cleo the Time Witch

Fwhip: Sorry to interrupt but umm *Looks at Shelby* what did you say the necromancer name was?

W1 Scott: I'm Scott

Bertha: Should we continue

*Fwhip looks at Shelby again*

*Shelby nods*

Fwhip: Yes

El: I'm Eloise or El for short the Illusioner Witch

W1 Joey: I'm Joey the Fire-frost Witch

W1 Cleo: Also known as Todoroki

W1 Joey: Really had to bring that up

Lauren: Well I'm Lauren the Sand Witch

Lauren: *Whispering to Pris* It's your turn

Pris: I'm Prismarina or Pris for short the Water Witch

Bertha: I'm Bertha the Trader and Helper of these fellow witches

Pris: I think Bertha means is the Scammer and Helper of us

El: Yup much more accurate

Milo: I'm Milo the friend of the witches

Lauren: Aka the emo's boyfriend

Mertha: And I'm Mertha I try to help Bertha keep with making fair trades

Fwhip: Well it's nice meeting you anyone has questions

Pris: You too even if we're missing one

Fwhip: Oh which one

Bertha: Shelby the Storm Witch

*Katherine raises her hand*

Bertha: Yes

Katherine: What was the name of the storm witch?

Pris: Shelby

*Everyone looks that Shelby except W1 Class*

W1 Joey: You guys ok?

*Everyone says yes except W1 Class*

Gem: *Whispering to Shelby* Hey you okay?

Shelby: *Whispering to Gem* No. They don't know hopefully

Gem: *Whispering to Shelby* Hey if you want we could talk about during lunch

Shelby: *Whispering to Gem* Yes please I really need a friend

Gem: *Whispering to Shelby* It's also lunch and then we still have to go to math

Shelby: *Whispering to Gem* Yea thanks

*Bell Rings*

Mertha: Well thank you for having us

*Everyone says bye and they start leaving*

Pris: I know it's you Shelby

Shelby: I-I how???

Pris: It was pretty simply since everyone looked at you

Shelby: Right.......

Gem: Ready to go Shelby?

Shelby: Yea bye Pris

Pris: Bye

Author's Note: So E2, W1 and H9
Classes are technically not classes but rooms for the people who are in the classes to do anything so their like clubs.

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