A Replacement

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'Bzzzt!' Sparks and embers flew while Jimmy screwed on yet another nail into the hot, metal plates. Sweat rolled down his face, and he rubbed his sunken eyes. Stepping away from the table, Jimmy stumbled over to the window and peered through silently. It was dark out, and the only light out there were the lamp posts around his Empire. 

He sighs, and shuts the curtains. No point in keeping the window open anyway... 

Jimmy stumbles over to the doorway, and looks on outside to his home. He flicks the switch and the lights in the workshop fade to nothing, leaving it dark. Walking down the messy dirt path, Jimmy yawns. Tonight was when he thought he would've been finished the replacement Cod Head, but he hadn't calculated how tired he would have gotten.

The door to his little house creaks open, and Jimmy cracks a smile. He quickly collapsed into bed, and was out like a light.

The next morning, Jimmy woke to birds chirping as they flew past. Sun rays were gleaming down on him, and Jimmy quickly realised he hadn't bothered to at least change from his work-gear ring he had made. Oh well. 

As he walked back to the workshop, his skin soaked up each and every ray of sunshine that hit him, deprived of that sort of thing by now. Jimmy smiled. He like that feeling.

The door to the workshop slammed shut once more, and Jimmy stared down his creation. It kind of reminded him of a cyborg, but a cyborg cod in this case. He had used mechanical parts on a regular cod head to attempt to turn it into something of the original. He wasn't quite yet finished though, and some parts simply stuck out of the head, like they were just forced in there.

Jimmy switch's on the light, and gets to work.

'Clink, clink, clink' goes the steaming hot metal, in which Jimmy had begun to shape with a hammer. While it cools he tinkers away at a mechanism in which would make all the difference. Even he wasn't really sure what it would do, but when it worked properly he would know. With the cooling process finished, Jimmy screws on the metal plate with and mix of slime and nails which actually somehow works.

And he continues to tinker away, for hours and hours, which turn to days.

Until one.


When it finally worked.

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