14| Log 004 Pt. 3

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A genius? Was he testing to see whether my arrogance matched his? "No, sir. I'm only a hard worker with decent time management skills who understands that parts make the whole."

Manager Kean's eyes trembled as she shot me a look, leaning back. I didn't bother hiding and frowned back at her, not understanding where there was anything wrong with my response.

"Really?" asked the CEO with a smirk. "You've broken records and gotten employee of the month several times now since joining CenUMR. I believe that's a sign that you're gifted."

Negating him didn't seem appropriate, so I kept my mouth shut.

"What do you think, Grey?"

Secretary Grey had been staring absently at the table and upon being called, shot his eyes towards the CEO.

Face devoid of emotion, he pushed up his glasses, swallowed, and then mumbled, "Qualities are beneficial to CenUMR."

The CEO lifted both eyebrows. "Hm?"

Secretary Grey hesitated then said with more eloquence, "Assistant Loren's qualities have proved valuable to the functioning of CenUMR, sir."

CEO Finn nodded. "Manager Kean."

Manager Kean continued reciting from the e-file: "By breaking performance records and receiving employee of the month numerous times, you have elevated the status of CenUMR's employees and set an example. Due to such outstanding performance, we are pleased to offer you an advanced promotional opportunity to join the Upper Division of CenUMR."

CEO Finn interrupted, "Grey," and shot a picking gesture.

Secretary Grey interpreted the cue, frowned for a split second, then reached across the table to remove the e-file from Manager Kean's hands.

Manager Kean looked slightly confused but allowed the folder to be taken good-naturedly.

CEO Finn stood up and gestured for Secretary Grey to come to him. They met on the other side of the desk and both came back towards the sofa as CEO Finn flipped a page and read off.

"To maintain the integrity of this organization and further the pursuits of our community, Center for Utilitarian Management of Reality leadership has determined it is in the best interest of society for employee M. Loren, ID: 532028811, to promptly enter a mandatory promotional transfer to the Upper Division and 9-month probationary period under direct supervision from CEO Finn."

Manager Kean gasped and even Secretary Grey's expression slipped. I was the only one able to hide my surprise, perhaps due to the fact that I had already imagined a similarly outrageous scenario coming to this office.

"What an absolute honor!" Manager Kean exclaimed, gripping my arm.

I wondered if Manager Kean was sucking up or had missed the words "maintain integrity" and "mandatory."

The CEO held out the folder for Secretary Grey to take. "Loren, from today forward you are a member of the Upper Division. Congratulations."

Once again with an expressionless face, Secretary Grey took the folder, looked down at the document, removed the e-pen from his suit pocket, then placed both down on the table facing me.

"Pardon me, sir. I'm honored, but could you clarify the meaning of 'maintain integrity' as well as 'best interest of society' and which department I'd be working in?" I tried to flip the screen back to the document Manager Kean had read which included the word "offer," implying a choice, but the current page was locked.

Before Manager Kean could have a conniption over my question, CEO Finn called her name and gestured towards the door. "Thank you, you may leave."

Manager Kean stood up and left, but not before wringing her hands and sending me several sharp looks. Once the door closed, CEO Finn sat down beside Secretary Grey, resting his ankle on his foot and his arms on the back of the sofa. I looked at the foot of distance between the CEO's knee and Secretary Grey's thigh.

"Investigator Loren, you're an astute man indeed. They're just fancy words to give an aura of fanfare, no need to read into it. I heard you've been wanting a promotion for a while."

I did not remove my eyes from the document as I wondered from whom he'd heard since I'd only explicitly told a couple of people. AM Young? "I've always had lofty aspirations to go as high as I can, sir."

"As high as here?" I looked at CEO Finn whose brows were raised with an amused smile as he pointed down at his thigh.

"Not quite. I like my free time. The Upper Division has been my highest goal since reading the archives during my first position in Records. It was quite inspirational."

CEO Finn nodded.

"But, sir. Did you call me by the title Investigator, just now?"

CEO Finn brightened and gave a delighted smile. "Loren, you're a great fit for the Reality Rip Resolution Department. So, naturally, that's where I've put you. Welcome to the RRR Investigation Team."

Finally, I was caught off-guard. Had I already reached my goal? Darcy was still fixing glitching 3D printers.

CEO Finn tapped the file folder to swipe to the next screen where there was an NDA. "Just sign and thumbprint."

I picked up the pen, quickly scanning the NDA to see if there wasn't anything unusual about it compared to what I signed when entering CenUMR, then endorsed it as I spoke. "May I ask why you've decided to promote me in your office and personally supervise me, sir? I can't help but feel like you're doing too much for me."

"My, are you humble. The RRR Investigation Force is under my supervision, so that's a given. I have a lot on my plate so Secretary Grey usually supports me a lot, but he naturally can't moving forward."

Secretary Grey's wide, alarmed eyes turned to CEO Finn. "I what?!" His voice cracked.

CEO Finn pouted as if vexed, while leaning on the sofa's armrest with a finger to his lips and explained to me—not Secretary Grey, "Every RRR Investigator is part of a two-person team. You need someone both experienced and on your level of genius, so there was but one solution: demote my Executive Secretary." He grinned, gazing at Secretary Grey then tossing me a glance. "Why don't you each formally introduce yourselves to your new teammate."

In a blindingly white room, surrounded by priceless artwork and blooming flowers, three people sat: a prince with the world in his palm and two hapless pawns looking like they'd just been drenched in a bucket of sewer water.

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Seeing neither of us move, CEO Finn burst into laughter. "Hahahaha! What's this? The two of you've frozen like statues! Hahahaha!"

Having been called out,  we had no choice but to take out our communicators and project our ID cards in holograms before one another. Still, we said nothing. I looked at the blue interface.

R••••• A•••• Grey, 27 years old, he/him/his

CEO Finn frowned. "You're going to be partners, can't you remove the encryption of your intimate names?"

Secretary Grey bristled, voice terse as he glared to his left. "CEO Finn, could you not use such ambiguous language?"

The CEO ignored him and just smiled at me. Holding back a sigh, I tapped a button to remove the encryption and Secretary Grey begrudgingly followed suit.

Rayyan A•••• Grey

Not like I needed that information.

CEO Finn took out his own communicator and began distractedly swiping as he explained with a sudden air of disinterest, "Starting off, Grey will be your mentor. He's worked and excelled in this position before, you see. So, follow his guidance well." He stopped swiping to look at me. "Oh, but I hope you won't get too cocky having my right-hand man as your teammate." A smirk surfaced in the latter half of his sentence while his grey eyes watched me like a hawk once again.

It turned out my subconscious-controlled dream had profiled him right too.

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