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"Mum, Dad, don't enter now."

Bill stood in front of Percy's hospital room, blocking his family from entering. Everyone had been there.

"I have tonnes of questions to ask him too but now Percy is bonding with the kid he just gave birth to and I need you to not attack him with questions or anything. He's exhausted."

"Who?" His mother asked. Bill's eyes soften at the sight of his sensitive mother with her glassy eyes. "Who did this to my little boy?"

"I wish I knew the answer too." Bill shrugged. "Ask Charlie or the twins, they're at Hogwarts with him."

"I don't know."

"Beats me."

"Don't know too."

"Whatever questions you have right now, save it for another day," Bill told his family again. "He needs our support now."

The family nodded. Bill sighed as he opened the door, revealing the rest of the family to the new father and his child, said father yanked down the gown a bit to breastfeed the said child.

"Percy!" Molly ran forth to hug her son, minding the position as to not harm the baby. "Are you alright?" Which Percy had nodded. Molly kissed her son's face over and over again before she ruffled his hair.

"Aww, cute baby!" The nine-year-old Ginny pointed out to the bundle in Percy's hand. "What's the name?"

"I don't know yet." Percy shook his head.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"A girl." Ginny lights up.

"There's another girl!"

"Yes, there is!" Percy smiled at his sister.

"We can help!" George declared.

"She's so tiny!"

"And small!"

"And pink!"

"She's a baby! Of course she's small!" Molly said.

"Dinky Weasley!" Fred grinned.

"Her name is Dinky Weasley!"

"Of course not!" Percy barked at his brothers. "You know what, I'm too tired to deal with you."

"But she is so small..."

"Did you forget how small we all were, Charlie?" Percy asked, laughing at his bewilderment.

"But you're so small too..."

"That I know."

"Well if you know you're still very young, how did this happen?" Arthur steps in.


"Don't you dare defend your brother, Bill. Not this time." Arthur glared at his third born. Percy shifted uncomfortably. "Were you hurt? Did someone hurt you?"

"N-no." Percy shook his head as his daughter pushed herself away from his chest. Percy fixed the gown. "She was created through a consensual act."

Arthur folded his arms as he sighed in disappointment. Percy has never felt more in danger than he is now. He's going to be killed, that's for certain.

"Who's the other parent?"


"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" Arthur hits the wall behind him, causing a loud bang. Percy had flinched the same time she cried. "ANSWER ME, DAMN IT. WHO'S THE OTHER PARENT?!"

"ARTHUR!" Molly stepped in between her son and his father, Bill joined too.

"I told you Dad, be calm."

Percy rocked his baby back and forth in an attempt to silence her. Percy avoided his father's gaze, no matter what he says will hurt his heart even more.

"Who's going to clean up the mess you both made, huh?!" Arthur glared at his son who's purposefully staring at the babe that had been in his embrace. "Are you going to drop out of school?!"


"Well, how the hell are you going to raise the kid, then?! Hogwarts is no place for a newborn!" Arthur continued.

"I don't know."

"DAMN RIGHT YOU DON'T!" Arthur banged on the wall again, causing Charlie to join in and create a protective circle around Percy. "DID YOU ACTUALLY THINK THIS THROUGH BEFORE YOU DECIDED TO BE A WHORE AND FUCK SOMEONE?!"

"ENOUGH, ARTHUR!" Molly shouted back at her son's defence. "You're scaring him!"

"Good! He should be!" Arthur elaborated. "Parenthood is no walk in the park! It's a lifetime thing! Who's the other parent?"

Percy didn't answer.

"WHO IS IT?!" Arthur stomped front, causing the circle to tighten. Fred and George ran in between, stopping in front of their father as to not let him go further.

"I don't know."

"Dad, don't come further," Fred warned.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Arthur huffed. "Could it be more than one?"

"I mean I know who-" Percy looked down. "But he doesn't know."

"Oh, it's a he. Why not- he's a jerk?"

"No! I just haven't told him!"

"Percy, little brother, please tell us who it is." Charlie faced his younger brother. "We'll make him pay too, not just you."

"No, you'll hurt him."

"Whether you like it or not, he's hurt you." Bill reminded him. "He has to be responsible too."

"DAMN RIGHT HE SHOULD!" Arthur raged, causing Percy to flinch again. "Who is he?"

"Oliver!" Percy answered before widening his eyes. Charlie and the twins also widened their eyes as they heard the oh-so-familiar name. "Oliver Wood."

Arthur sighed deeply before stomping out of the hospital room.

"Oh no." Molly ran after her husband.

"I'll keep Dad from murdering Wood, I don't think he can keep it canned." Bill kissed his brother's forehead before running out too.

"Since when are you and him a thing?" Charlie asked. "I think I'm gonna kick him out of the Quidditch team."

"No!" Percy refused. "We were an on and off thing from the third year, currently on but-"

"But you're still scared of the possibility of him refusing to acknowledge you two."

Percy nods slowly.

"Percy-" the babe that had been in his embrace moved. Percy rocked the baby back and forth.

"You're a natural, Perce!"

"Well, it's not like I don't have experience with babies." Percy chuckled. "You were the loudest, Ron."

"She is so cute!" Ginny beamed. "Can I hold her?"

"Are you strong enough to?" Percy asked back.

"Well, I am!" George volunteered. "Can I?"

"Since I'm the eldest one here, I think I should hold her first," Charlie interrupted. "So can I?"

"Tradition says the oldest available should." Percy chuckled as George frowned. Percy handed Charlie his daughter.

"If Wood rejects a baby this cute, it'll be his loss." Charlie smiled as he looked down to the baby in his embrace.

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