Ugly Truth

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She is a beauty
Beauty in disguise

With caramel colored and flawless smooth skin,

She looks perfect in that white dress. The lace dress is perfectly fitting her curves.

Her long lashes is giving depth to her eyes. Her lips, the colour of a shade lighter than pink giving her white pale face a little warmness. Very pretty. No one can look away from her.

She's a perfection of beauty itself. Nature made her this way.

Holding the flowers, she is looking angelic. A fallen angel with scar. Her scar on her forehead is making her prettiness go wild.

So peaceful, she looks so peaceful like all the worries have gone from the world. Now no one can call her, no one can hear her, no one can touch her as she intimated with coldness.

She is sleeping peacefully in her coffin. Waiting for to see her mate, afterlife.

Death. The Ugly Truth.

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