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BRAYDEN TUCKED HERSELF away in the library, where no one resided during classes. It was completely silent, and the quiet gave her comfort for what she had just done. She had faced her fears, and told everyone what had happened that night. No more rumors, no more lies. It was all out now.

Last year, Allison had drank too much. She drowned away her awful day at school with pure alcohol, and shoved Brayden into her boyfriend. Dylan wasn't paying too much attention as Brayden sighed; he was intoxicated, too. But as he realized who she was, he had laughed a bit. Brayden had led him into his bedroom, handed him a glass of water, and instructed him to sleep.

Dylan shouldn't have thrown that party; his parents would find out after they arrived back from their business trip. And, at the least, they would throw an absolute fit. But, luckily, Brayden would come to the rescue, and clean up after everyone left. Just as the brunette was leaving his bedroom to find Allison, Dylan had grabbed her wrist, and asked her to stay until he fell asleep. But Dylan hadn't meant what he said.

Instead, out of his mind, he had yanked her down onto the bed and told her how she was starting to grow on him. How beautiful she was, now that he was paying attention. And as she tried to get out of his hold, to tell him that he clearly wasn't thinking right, he had tightened his grip, and placed his hand over her mouth.

Brayden didn't know how to scream that night. Her lungs had constricted, not allowing oxygen into her body. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't fight back the urge to cry after he finally let her go, and fell asleep.

That night, Brayden had stumbled down the stairs, and retrieved Allison from the crowd of teenagers that wreaked of vomit and beer. She had safely tucked Allison in her bed that night, and then made her way to her own home. In the shower, no matter how hard she scrubbed, she couldn't get the feel of his hands off of her body. How would she have let this happen?

And the next day, when things hadn't been cleaned up, Dylan's parents had flipped their lids. They had dealt with too much, and decided to send him away to an outside discipline school, where he would learn how to behave. Dylan had said his goodbyes to Allison and Brayden a few days later, and it didn't take long for Brayden to realize that he didn't remember anything from the party.

And neither did Allison.

It wasn't long after Dylan left before someone had made up the rumor that started it all. And once Allison believed that her best friend had slept with her lover, Allison and Brayden were no more.

Brayden would never tell a soul what happened. She would allow the stupid students of the school to believe whatever they wanted, because no one would believe her in the long run. High school didn't matter anyway. But that was the end of her tolerance for having friends that would always leave, for gossip, and for drama.

And now, sitting in a chair at the vacant library, she could finally breathe again. The weight of the world was off of her shoulders, and everyone knew.

The door to the library opened and closed, one person making their way inside. She easily knew who it was; she could tell it was Lucas. He wasn't hesitant as he took the seat across from her, swallowing back his fear.

"Go ahead," Brayden instructs, not bothering to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. "Judge me like everyone else does, it doesn't matter anymore."

"You didn't deserve that," Lucas says immediately, taking her hands in his. "You need to know that. And you need to know that I don't care who you've been with, or what happened. I'll always be here for you, Brayden."

"You were going to leave," she sniffs, choking out a soft cry. "I watched you, Lucas."

"I have to admit, I was surprised," he says, his blue eyes flashing. "Who wouldn't be? It didn't mean that I thought of you any differently. I just needed time to grasp it; because something as small as that wouldn't change my feelings for you.

"You're not like anyone I've ever met before. Despite what others think, you continue to do what's right, and stay true to yourself."

Brayden stays silent, allowing him to continue.

"And if you'll let me, I'd like to introduce you to my friends tomorrow," Lucas smiles. "Last night, while I was with Riley, I told her what you were like. Why I felt things for you . . . and it all made sense to her. And she told me she'd love to meet you."


Brayden yanks a paper towel from the dispenser, frying her hands in the school restroom. After agreeing to meeting Riley, and discussing the party with Lucas, Brayden decided that after she used the bathroom, she and Lucas would go to her house. He was going to stay there with her while she explained everything to her mother; the way she always wanted to.

The restroom door opens, revealing the blonde of the day. Allison locks the door behind her, trapping Brayden in her spot. However, she continues to dry her hands, acting as if she didn't notice Allison's presence.

"Some friend I was, huh?" Allison speaks softly, the way she always used to.

It send Brayden back to the day Dylan told Allison he would be leaving her for the disciplinary school. She had cried for so long, and Brayden was there for her despite how badly she wanted to tell Allison what had happened to her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The blonde steps forward, her heels clicking on the tile floor. "I . . . I would've understood, you know?"

"You were so happy when he was with you," Brayden says without thinking, looking up at her reflection in the mirror. "He took away all your pain, and you were always smiling around him."

"I was the same way around you." Allison states.

"He didn't know what he was doing," Brayden releases a breath. "He was drunk, and didn't remember."

"I think he deserves to know the truth, too, Bay," she murmers, moving to stand behind Brayden. "The world deserves to know that you're not a whore, or anything that I've ever said about you. You're an amazing person, and didn't deserve anything you got."

"Life deals a crazy hand sometimes, doesn't it?" Brayden chuckles.

"I'm so sorry for everything," Allison says, her eyes finally pooling with tears. "I should've talked to you, I should've been there, not downstairs drinking. This was all my fault."

"No more drama, no more gossip," the brunette says. "I'm free of all of it."

"Deal. And if you'll allow me to," Allison pauses. "I'd really like to have my best friend back."


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