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       It was raining hard in Brooklyn. The dripping water from the sky pounded the pavement and road as if it was mad at the ground for being so dirty. Lucifer leaned against the wall in a narrow alleyway between two large buildings. It was eight o'clock in the evening. He heard the blaring sound of congested traffic down over on the highway.

The nearby flickering streetlamps barely lit his surrounding, and Lucifer had to use his seventh sense to gain his bearing. The sounds of the human world flooded his system, their aura mingled and thickened in the atmosphere.

Good, the angels won't find him if he blends well into the crowd.

He took a ragged breath, feeling an intense pain sparked between his diaphragm and he crumbled under the agony. Sliding down, Lucifer sat on the slimy ground, trying to disperse the blinking stars behind his eyes. He had exuded an extraordinary amount of power to escape from the Lost Sea. Who knew that draining a sea dry cost so much power and force? At that moment, his body was paying the price of freedom.

The storm blew harder, sending heaps of trash that peeked out from the large dumpster hurtling towards the ground. Lucifer smiled. This kind of storm and rain seemed so insignificant now that he had witnessed and lived through the violent weather in the Lost Sea. Compared to the raging, one thousand meter tall waterspouts that frequented Lucifer's prison yard, this was a nice little breeze. It didn't matter that a fat rat next to Lucifer was actually got ripped from the garbage bin by the wind and flew away into the night.

All that matters was; he was free, and he was here in the human world. If he pretended to be a human and stayed low, the angels won't get to him.

Lucifer tenderly rose from his spot, he'd gotten one thing left to do before he went to hiding. He had promised Celestine something before he escaped from his watery hellhole. She visited him, even though only as a memory, as his ghost of the past. And she motivated him to escape, lending her beautiful inner strength. She'd forgave him for all that he had done to her and helped him even in death.

That's who Celestine was. Fair and beautiful, full of forgiveness and kindness.

Steeling himself, Lucifer walked out of the alleyway, bracing the harsh rain that had whipped out an innocent newspaper. Lucifer glimpsed at the date the newspaper was issued off with his inhuman blue eyes; June 2018.

Time really passed without him. He had lost so much time. The world was indeed different from the last time he visited. The only thing that stopped Lucifer from gaping and acting like a fool at everything new that his eyes landed upon was his ability to prescience. He had seen all of this before, the human technology, how humanity would evolve and continue. It wasn't an exaggerated truth that Lucifer was as omniscient as other supreme beings.

Lucifer continued on, stepping over a pile of debris. The streets were void of people, considering everyone else that had their sanity intact had taken shelter from the onslaught of rain. Good thing he was loony enough that he actually got kicked out of heaven.

Dozen of cars drove past him. It was the rush hour, people were getting off from work and since it was raining, they would be eager to get home. Lucifer needed to hurry. He had a vague clue of what would happen next, but Celestine had filled him in. He'd promised to help her.

In the distance, even with the thick rain in the view, Lucifer could make out the Brooklyn Bridge and its twinkling lights. Cars were lining on the road, barely moving, and a stoplight glowed red at the junction. He maneuvered his way, following the flow of the road. He walked along with the slow-progressing traffic, then remembered he'd moved with a speed with no ordinary human could do and slowed down.

A car honked his way. A man in his early forties grinned at Lucifer lewdly from his window. "Oh, my bad, I thought you were a young woman." A tuft of grey hair decorated his wrinkled head.

Lucifer looked at the man. He was sitting high in his old Chevy truck. He was well aware that he was considerably slim, and in fact, was actually malnourished. There wasn't any restaurant in the Lost Sea and they had starved Lucifer for the entire time they confined him there. With his height that was around six-six or six-seven, he had rather adopted the lanky figure.

That wasn't enough for him to get called "young woman", it was because of his brilliant blond hair—that still managed to look beautiful even though wet—that cascaded down to his waist. Again, there wasn't any salon or barbershop in the Lost Sea. The only hair treatment Lucifer had received was water demons yanking at his hair so they could eat him.

"Where are you going, pretty boy?" the man asked.

Lucifer just smiled, not bothering to answer.

"How about I give you a ride? It's raining heavily, can't let you go walking wet." The man said, eyeing Lucifer up and down appreciatively.

A human man offering Lucifer to get into his car with an absolute bad intention, of course, he would accept! Who was he to deny the generous offer of a man? After all, it would make things easier for him. And Lucifer gazed back at the man. Does this man make good eating? Wonder if his soul tastes good? No, this man didn't worth the chance to get spotted by the angels. If he killed a man to suck the soul out of him, the white birdies would know it was Lucifer's doing.

Lucifer promptly stepped into the truck and sat daintily in the passenger seat. The man, with an impressive paunch for a stomach, grinned widely. He was wearing a red bandana as a substitute for his thinning hair and smelled like a cigarette.

"That's a fancy jacket, boy." He said, "are you dressing dungeons and dragons character? What do they call it? Cosplaying?"

Lucifer ignored the man, eyes scanning the road and the variety of vehicles on it. He was waiting for something to happen, at any moment, a calamity would strike. He had to save someone from their impending doom. That's what was Lucifer promised her dead lover. For what reason? Lucifer hadn't yet known about it.

The man continued his idle chat with Lucifer for the rest of the drive. Discussing—no, more like talking to himself as Lucifer barely chipped into the conversation—about empty topics that were absolutely uninterested to Lucifer. Who cares about a certain president with hair that looks like overripe corns.

The rain didn't subside with time, in fact, worsened. The truck that carried Lucifer reached the Brooklyn Bridge and it was crammed with vehicles. He leaned back in his seat stiffly, didn't dare to allow his body to relax. The old truck was noisy, its engine roared and grunted loudly. The windshield wiper squeaked furiously against the screen, wiping off the streamlet of rain. But to Lucifer's amazement, all the sounds were drowned out by his gracious driver's prattle.

The man was still babbling about politics and the increasing price of gas. When the man noticed Lucifer's gaze on him, he grinned, showing off his yellow teeth from years of smoking and drinking.

"Pretty boy, where did you live?" he asked.

Lucifer grunted as a reply.

"Don't worry, I just wanna drive you to your house. Do you live around here?"


"Eh, don't be shy..." the man's sentence trailed off unfinished when a commotion erupted several meters away. A double-decker bus rammed into a small silver Honda that was next to it.

Both Lucifer and the man watched the huge bus swerve violently, hitting multiple vehicles at once, as its tires lost grip on the slimy asphalt. The small Honda took the worst brunt of the grisly accident. It slid uncontrollably and crashed to the railing. The steel barrier tore off at the impact as if it was mere cardboard, and sent the Honda dangling precariously at the edge. Its front tires gripped the bridge steel wires, preventing the car and the driver in it from plummeting to their death.

"Holy hell! Someone needs to call an ambulance!" the man exclaimed loudly and pulled out his phone to dial the emergency number.

Just as he was about to put the phone to his ear, he noticed the beautiful blond boy stepping out of his truck. "Boy! Where are you going?" he yelled.

As usual, the gorgeous boy ignored him, brusquely slamming shut the truck's door. The man tried again, "Hey, come back here!"

They were in the middle of the highway, and a terrible accident just occurred in front of them. Has the boy lost his damn mind?

Little did the man know, the gorgeous blond boy did have no mind to lose, his mind was missing somewhere during his fall from Heaven.

Lucifer continuously pretended to not hear the man and hastily walked towards the accident. This was it, he knew it. He needed to save whoever in that wrecked Honda. The sky persisted in its downpour, but that didn't stop people from crowding the scene. Several dented cars were scattered all over the area and injured victims lying and moaning in pain.

A woman who was clutching her umbrella sobbed at the situation. She murmured, "oh, I hope the people in that car will be okay."

He approached the dangling Honda, the car was sliding downward by passing seconds, and the rain had only made things worse. Everything was slippery and Lucifer peered into the car, the driver was a girl. She was wedged between her seat and dashboard. Her seatbelt had saved her from crashing to the windshield and the airbag cushioned her impact.

"The poor girl!" the aforementioned woman exclaimed next to Lucifer, somehow having followed him to survey the crash. "We need to save her!"

Yes, I need to save her. Lucifer thought to himself. He could easily pull the Honda up with one hand. But the witnesses here would think that he was Superman.

Lightning clawed across the sky and the bone-chilling wind howled. Malignantly dragged the Honda downward to the East River. The dark water swirled in turmoil as if it was eager to greet its new guest. Lucifer's hands shot outward and grabbed the rear bumper, steadying the car so it won't have any silly intention such as plummeting to the river.

The woman squealed in terror and more people joined Lucifer to hold the car over. The night was wet but as more people crowding all around him, Lucifer could feel their warmth and heightened auras.

"We can't pull up the car!" someone yelled, "it's too heavy! We will get pulled along with it."

Lucifer wanted to retort that it won't because he was holding it when a hand grabbed his shoulder from behind. It took him by surprise and his grip on the car loosened.

"Hey, boy! What the hell are you doing?" it was the red bandana man.

The Honda immediately took the chance to finish its own suicide and slid down, falling into the East River.

Shit! Lucifer gritted his pearly white teeth in anger. Without a second thought, he hurled himself to the river, followed suit. The crowds gasped in disbelief, and they watched the Adonis turn to heroic Samaritan.

Lucifer fell directly into the falling car. It all happened in an ephemeral moment, the crowd of people above didn't even comprehend what had transpired. But to Lucifer, it was as the moment had slowed down to almost a standstill. He crashed into the rear window and down he went inside the car. He slammed against the windshield and grabbed the steering wheel for support.

The scene in front of his eyes almost stopped Lucifer dead in his track.

The girl was unconscious, barely breathing. Her long black hair was stained with slick, red blood. Her eyes closed and her head lay limply. She looked exactly like his dead lover. She looks like Celestine. Lucifer almost choked with grief at the uncanny similarity between this human girl and Celestine.

But he steeled his heart and shook himself from the memories of the past.

He surveyed the situation. The gaping wound on her head was sprinkled with glittering glass. Her legs were crushed in the tight space. If Lucifer carelessly pull her out from her wedged space, he would snap her body into two pieces. So, he gingerly pried her out, smashing the dashboard in a fit. Lucifer gathered her crumpled form into his arms. Her heart was beating weakly, almost fading.

No, he will not let her die. No matter what.

By then, it wasn't because of his promise to his ghostly lover. But, it was because this human girl could be his second chance. He held her securely in his arms. His wings unfurled out from his back. He wrapped her in them, protecting her from the impact of the cold water.

She would be safe in his embrace.

Together, the two fell into the East River. The fallen angel shone like the sun and he left behind his heavenly feathers like a trail of glittering stars. Under the soft embrace of his wings, the girl tucked in peacefully.

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