Two Hearts, One answer

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The past - June 23rd, after sunset

Haruka wasn't sure if she was happy or disappointed......

Chris took her lips off her cheeks and smiled at her. "I will"

Chris's heart was pumping so fast, he was afraid he would just blast off into space.

Back a few seconds......

Chris didn't know what his body was doing.

He just knew that he was having her palm interlocked with his and he was leaning in. For something he may regret afterwards.

Time slowed down, almost to a standstill. Chris knew something was wrong with him.

Time stops when he is either too happy or when he is in agony of shock.

Mostly the latter.

This was the third time it activated and it was more powerful than the first two, yet being not as painful.

Not a spark to those infernos...

Pushing those dreadful memories aside, he looked around and saw even his body was moving in slow mo. It took him a total of twelve seconds to turn his head and saw Nakarugi grinning wide eyed in the background.

Hiding behind a tree.

That was painted...

Painted red, not even brown.....

Chris Canner decided that nothing would surprise him today.

He turned and saw the surprised, yet expecting look on her face, the blush of her rosy cheeks, the wrinkles that arose from the sides of her eyes which were squinted shut but still looked alluring and he smiled, which took a good few seconds to do.

He didn't want to kiss her.

Not yet.

Not yet......

Time started to pick up its pace again as he steadied himself for the one thing he thing he thought he never had to do anytime soon.

Kiss a girl.

Right now......

Well, at least Haruka Matoka was happy that she had Chris to herself now.

" I'm sure you will" She chuckled nervously, eyeing his lips.

He walked her home as they had small talk.

" Why'd you kiss me?" Asked Haruka, tempted to smack herself for asking a question that dumb.

" You know how dragons imprint their children? To mark them as family?" That was when he forgot about his plan to talk in her language.

She sniffed the air as she commented," I smell something suspicious going on" her nose twitching.

Chris laughed at her and put an arm around her to comfort her at the late of the night and from the chilly air.

Still, it wasn't as lewd as holding hands....

He exhaled hot breath right into her face and wiped the frost that mysteriously settled on her pretty face, making it look pale.

" I took it a step further" He looked at her in the eyes, his face shimmering with happiness." And marked you MINE" he switched between languages again, as he remembered his word again, poking her nose.

A moment later, Haruka's face turned tomato upon understanding this words and she could bet that her head was turning lightheaded.

" So...... Would you be MINE?" Chris loved to switch between languages.

He loved to see her slowly grasp the meaning.

The confusing on her face.

Her twitching lips and nose.

Her small but adorable frown.

Haruka. Her, entirely.

She couldn't move her lips. She wanted to pull him close and kiss him so bad but she couldn't move at all.

She cursed herself for being weak......

But she forced herself. To say the words she thought she would never say to a boy.

" I will be yours, forever and ever."

" So..." He lengthened the word.

Haruka held him tighter. She couldn't ask for more. She had a family once more who cared about her and she didn't want to let it go again.

" I will, Chris-kun. I will" She found her strength again and pushed herself onto her tiptoes and pulled Chris down to her height and returned the kiss to his cheek.

That moment of static was felt zapping all over them.

" We got to take it slow though" Chris laughed, enveloped in warmth of someone he loved but can't say out loud.

Lucky the street was deserted, save that one dog which charged poor Matsuki halfway down four streets.


Intense emotions force someone to talk their mother language.

Haruka didn't care and pressed her lips deeper into his cheeks.

She wasn't gonna let go anytime soon....

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