You Have One Unknown Mail

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Past - June 24th, wake up time

Nakarugi slept his head off, convinced that he joined those two lovebirds together.

" That dog..." He cursed at the thought.

It chased him longer than he thought it would.

Now all he had to do was find the love of his life.

" Swarmed by girls all the time, yet single." He mumbled to himself when he finally woke up. He took to his daily chores, brushing, washing his face squeaky clean, blowing himself a kiss in the mirror.

Yes. That was his daily life these days......

Swish! Went his phone, warning him to take to the road.

It was Sunday and he knew well not to skip leg day. He put on the least odour emitting tracksuit and went on his merry way.

He closed the door, after he had lit a incense burner underneath the photo of his mother by bond.

" Good morning, oldie" He let his face lit up with a smile by habit.

He closed the door.

Nakarugi jogged and jogged and jogged and jogged until he went past a poorly plastered sign on the wall.

" W-wha? What's this?" He put his legs on reverse and looked at a sign proudly saying," IN NEED OF A BUDDY" and a number was listed below.

" This seems off..."

He quickly pulled out his phone, saved the number as BUDDY and put his legs on gear again. He ran until he ran out of breath and let himself lay on a nearby riverside.


Nakarugi enjoyed the cool gentle breeze which hit along the side of his face and the sound of fish in the water, splashing around, happy to be alive at the least.

" Let's take a look at who this is......" Said bored Nakarugi to himself, and took his phone yet again.

" Hey! I found your poster!"

He waited until his phone buzzed. And he took a look at the text.

" Hi."

" Need someone to talk? Or someone to get hooked? I'm up for both"

" You're funny. I like your attitude. I'll kindly order the former menu please."

He laughed at his new friend's text and replied instantly.

" At your service, my dude. You're a dude, right?" He wondered why he was flirting with a boy if that was true.

" ....."

" Oh..."

The world for Nakarugi came to a still. He could see what would become of him and yet, his insanity kept him from immediately blocking the number.

At least he didn't hook up with a guy? There's a plus point.

" I'm up for it! Let's chat!"

And that's how Nakarugi found a new girl-friend. Mind the ' . '


This I went on for a few days and it came to the point he would start with a "Gud mornin!" message and ending with a "Gud Nite" one. He didn't want to stop taking it any further but he didn't want to stop it at this point.

Nakarugi used to chat after school, before school, during breaks hiding in the stalls and other times he was free.

Seemingly, he had pretty quick replies.

He wondered if he would meet the person who claimed to be a girl.

He heard a lot about cat fishing and would have not been up for being one to fall for it.

Matsuki took his chances.....


" What are you looking at? Are you chatting to someone?" Chris poked his head over and Nakarugi immediately slipped the phone inside as soon as he saw the reflection of his best mate in the screen of the phone.

" Ah, it's nothing." He managed to switch topics before he plucked the phone out of his hand. But Chris still shot a look of confusion at him and returned to his desk as homeroom was to take place.


That evening, he started to start a chat as usual but something was off......

She wasn't replying even after a hour and that got him concerned. A lot.

" Did I blow it?" He asked himself.


He whipped his head down and and saw what she had to say.

" Can we meet sometime? I'd like to know you better. Can we?" He instinctively punched the air in excitement.

But he knew something was totally off. This didn't sound like the person before. This was like a totally different person.

The person he talks to sounds like, they're shy and something but this was more forward than what he thought it would be.

" Um... Sure? Where? Can I ask?"

" Behind Funokawa High. Be there at evening. I'll be wearing a green scarf. Don't be late." The text almost sounded like a command.

Almost being the keyword.

" All right. I'll be there. And don't you be late" He replied, after debating why a scarf was needed after the start of spring.

The next second a text found its way into his mailbox and it read,"Its okay if you are unable to come. It's okay! :D".

" Okay......" Something was definitely wrong, sensed Mr.Suspicious.

He left anyway, almost forgetting to put on pants.

He left with a derpy revelation he was gonna never pull his pants down for any reason.


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