Staring... My favorite hobby

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Aria's POV
He put a gag in my mouth. I breathed it in addmetialy thinking it would kill me. But I was swept into a deep slumber.
I woke up realizing I wasn't dead and sighed. I was in a basement. The walls were cold and bare. So was the floor.
There was a tiny Window. I looked through it and began to sing.

Lyrics written by Luna. Yes I wrote this song.
Take me away from your cloudy gaze
Take me away were the ocean leads me
Take me away from your cloudy gaze
Take me away where I'll never see your face

All I saw in you was darkness
You tortured me until it went away
I could see through your heart
And all I saw was hatred for me.

Take me away from your cloudy gaze
Take me to the ocean and let me float away
Let me out of your arms, let me go away
You never felt my feelings
You never gave me what I needed the most

Take me away from your arms
You already left scars
I always thought you were different.
But I guess I was young and wrong
I always thought you were different
But now I always flea from you

Take me away
What did I ever do to you...

I stared out of the window and saw little kids playing in the streets. I think the lord was playing  with them and her dogs were wagging happily behind her. I smiled to myself.
" What did I do..." I heard a whimper and turned around swiftly and saw Garroth in the door with wide eyes. I  walked away from the window after a long glance and took my bun out and let my golden hair flow down to my buttox. He was still there.
" Are you stalking me?!"
" N-n-n-nooooooooo " Maine would of laughed so hard right now. Wait.
" ERMERGERSH WHERE IS MAINE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!!?!" I started to panic.
" Relax she's with the boys" I gulped.
" the boys?"

Hey POTATOS! So I hope you like my song that I wrote! I wrote it during my brother was having anger issues. It took like 5 minutes. Anyways it's my first song! Send me suggestions! I know it's bad!

~Luna Potato

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