You are going to cry!

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Aria's POV
My skin burned and I had a big headache. My eyes were shut closed, I couldn't move. I could feel blood oozing down my neck. I tried to say something but my throat burned. I wish Maine was here. Wait...
"MAINE" I jolt awake.
"Shut up!" I turned to see Garroth in the corner.
" In the other room, NOW SHUT UP!"
" BECAUSE I CAN!" I noticed I was in a bed.
" Where am I? "
" In my house"
" OH MY FREAKING GOSH GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" I jump out of the bed and swing the door open. I run down the stairs and run out the door.
" MAINE! "
" o-o-o-over...h-h-h-here..."
I turned to see Maine tied to a pole with fire under her.
" OH MY GISH MAINE ILL HELP YOU!!!!" I turn into my dryad form and fly up to her. I untie her ropes and catch her.
" OH MY LADY IRENE!!!" I hear shouts. I fly into the forest with Maine in my arms.
" A-a-Aria I-I-I'm not g-g-going t-to -m-m-make it."
" NO MAINE I NEED YOU!" Tears were falling down my face.
" T-tell A-Andie I-I love h-him and a-Aria T-thank y-y-you." She took one last breath and fell lifeless in my arms.
" MAINE NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Her soul was flying out of her body. I caught it with my little earn and tied it around my neck.
" Maine, I'm so so so so so so so so so so so sorry... I need you..." I picked up her body and made my way to the portal. When I stepped out everyone looked at me. Melody rushed up to me,
" Aria w-what happened?!"
" STUPID HUMANS!" I yelled.
" I need to go find Andie." I rush away. I went to Maine's old house and barged in.
" ANDIE!" I heard come down the steps and he froze.
" Andie I'm so sorry, Maine died from the humans but her last words was to tell you that... That she l-loved you..."
He rushed to me and tried to take her but I didn't let him.
" I don't trust anyone anymore." I then ran out of the house into the Woods. I found a spot to bury her and dug a hole. I picked up her body which was still warm. I cried and cried before I put her in. I folded her arms on her chest and gave her a bff locket. I then buried her and placed flowers everywhere. I took some stone and made the words
She died because of the humans who tortured her
We will be forever grateful in her depth.
I placed it over the dirt and cried. The tears dripped from my face to the ground. I finally stood up after hours.
" good bye Maine, I love you." I walked out of the woods and went to the portal. Time to get revenge.

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