1. Douche

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        BRANDO was driving to his house when he stopped at a red light and went on his phone when some guy banged on his window startling him.

"Are you Brando?" The guy asks

"Yeah, so what?" Brando asks back with the same attitude until the guy broke his window with his helmet, opened his car door dragging him out then head bumped him straight in the face. Then left leaving Brando bleeding and confused.

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Desma and Chiara were walking side by side talking to one another as they walked to their class when Ludo came out of nowhere.

"Hey, is everything okay? I've been calling" Ludo says to Chiara while holding onto her arm

"Everything's, fine I got back late" Chiara says bluntly.

"Chiara, I Sent You a five minute voice message about the dentist" Ludo says smiling and opening the exit door telling them both to follow her which they did gladly.

Desma wanted to know how Chiara's fuck went and how much money that pay because if it was a lot Desma might even start doing what Ludo and Chiara are doing. Plus it's not a big of a deal considering Desma wasn't a virgin.

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Desma now had gym class so she got into her black Nike shorts and her black Nike sports bra, and brought her water bottle with her along with her phone and air pods.

As she walked out the locker room to the field she saw Brando with a bandage on his nose which made her very curious.

She walked up to Brando standing right in front of him "what happened to your nose?"

Brando stared back at the girl before responding "this random guy dragged me out my car and broke my nose. And I don't even know why"

"What did he look like?" Desma asks remembering Ludo said her 'man' took care of something for her.

"Black short hair, beard, has a motorcycle and not good looking" Brando says smiling down at the girl considering she's shorter then the curly boy.

Desma laughed at the last part before talking "I think I know him. I'll tell you more information when I find out" and then she walked over to her friends then they all began running.

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After gym she got dressed back into her clothes and started walking through the halls looking for Ludo.

"Nice work Damiano" Desma sees a random boy say to Damiano as he walked passed. She the spotted Ludo staring at Brando who was across from her leaning on the wall.

"Ludo, did Fiore, do that to Brando's nose?" The curly head girl asks raising a eyebrow.

"Yeah, so what he deserves that" Ludo scoffs peeling her eye off her phone.

"I understand that but you better make sure he doesn't do that again he can get into trouble since Brando is a fucking minor" Desma whispers so Brando and his group doesn't hear.

"I know okay" Ludo says walking away

Desma then turned around and walked over to Brando and his little friend group, grabbing his hand and dragging him away from his friends into a empty hallway.

Brando was beyond confused on why Desma was dragging him into a empty hallway but didn't care seeing as they were holding hands.

Desma looked around making sure no one was by then looked at Brando before speaking "ok, Ludovicas boyfriend did that to you because of that video you made then showed the whole school. And I told her to tell him to back off of you so you're fine"

"When I see him again I'm gonna-"

"You, are not gonna do anything Brando. Okay, now just go back to being your douche self" Desma says sending a quick smile at him and finally letting go of his hand and walked away.

Brando, was hurt, that the girl he loved called him a douche. Even though he knows he is.

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Chiara had texted Desma telling her to go to this building where on the roof Niccolo had started a party for the people at our school and Desma just threw on tight ripped jeans and a white cropped shirt and a black sweater.

Desma walked onto the building already smelling alcohol and drugs but just made her way over to Chiara who was on her phone "It's a party have fun"

Chiara looked away from her phone and looked at Desma who was smiling.

"Yeah, okay"

"I'll go get us some drinks" Desma says then walks away walking over to the drinks.

As soon as Desma left Camilla had walked over to Chiara and began acting like a friend and asking her questions which Chiara had told her she's not leaving to the same college as Camilla which obviously Camilla made a big deal out of it and walked away.

Desma looked over where Chiara was Which she only saw Camilla so she looked around spotting her and Ludo so she got another drink then walked over handing them the drinks.

"She's not turning into a slut too" Brando says watching Chiara, and Desma hanging out with Ludo.

"Chiara's not like that" Camilla states

"Not like that? Look at this Cami" Brando says putting his phone in front of her face, which she looked up at his phone. She had no words she was shocked.

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Chiara and Desma We're waiting for Ludo so they can walk with each other to class.

But what they didn't know was Brando was spying on Chiara behind a wall. Ever since he found out what she does. He wanted to use that against her and find out more information. Well he just wanted to find out if Desma was doing the same as her two friends.

After class Desma was walking to her locker but stopped her tracks when she saw a group of boys pushing someone calling him slurs and gay jokes. She was gonna keep walking until she heard one of them say 'the principals son is gay'. Fabio.

Desma dropped her back and began walking over when she saw Damiano also walking over angry just like Desma "aren't you guys a little to old for this shit?" Damiano asks pushing  Fabio out from the circle.

Desma went over to Fabio pulling him into a hug which he melted into "are you okay? If you need someone to beat them up I'll do" Desma rants placing her hands on Fabio's face looking for scratches or bruises.

Fabio laughed knowing she could not beat more then 3guys up "I'm okay I swear"

"Okay, good" Desma sighs letting go of his face looking over at Damiano who was right in front of a guys face as they talked shit about each other.

Desma's eyes wondered to Brando since he was staring at her already. She rolled her eyes and grabbed Fabio's arm and picked up her bag and walked away Damiano following behind.

Desma knew Brando was a douche but this was next level shit. She never wanted to talk or look at him again.

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Liked by:@Chiaraaltieri@Camillagovender @Marcusperez @Brandosantis and 328 others

@DesmaVega: really thought we had a chance and he would change and not be a douche... guess not🥲

@Chiaraaltieri: really don't know why you liked him in the first place.
@DesmaVega: same

@Camillagovender: i need to speak with you later on tomorrow
@DesmaVega: okay

@Ludovica: who?
@DesmaVega: you'll be mad
@Ludovica: tell me I won't get mad
@DesmaVega: fine

@MarcusLopez: miss you
@DesmaVega: where did you go?
@MarcusLopez: I moved back ny
@DesmaVega: oh...

@Virginia: you're pretty I guess

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Oh, it's okay I'm not mad

Oh, thank goodness
Seen at 9:32pm

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