Chapter 1: Damsel In Distress

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Flora was walking back home after buying some groceries. She was wearing a white apron that she hadn't removed. She has her hair in a bun which made her look older than she was.

She was one of the best surgeons of Florida. Though, she preferred to keep her name out of that papers. She did not enjoy attention. So, most people knew her by name only.
When Flora was 6, she was sent to am orphanage. Her parents had died in a terrible car crash leaving her orphaned. She studied hard and became a doctor. She worked in a government hospital but she had a private clinic of her own that was attached to her house

It was dark. Suddenly, she tripped over something. She tripped over a hard log. Wondering what a log was doing in the middle of the yard, she looked back and gasped. A person, no, human body was lying there. She tried to feel the person's pulse. The pulse was fine. She decided to take him to her clinic and help him. She half-dragged and half-pulled the person till her house. It was a man and she realized he was covered in blood. Also, there were strange bite marks on his arms and wrists.

She wiped the blood and cleaned his wounds. She searched the drawers for the first aid kit and was about to bandage them when she realized that the wounds were healing really fast. How is this possible? she thought to herself wearing a shocked expression.

"How is this possible?" she asked herself. She checked his temperature. It was quite high. She was curious as to why his wounds were healing in hours instead of days. But she was too tired. She hadn't sleep the past day cuz she was doing some research on toxicology. So she decided to lock the clinic and go to sleep in her room because it didn't seem like the man would wake up in at least six hours. She was about to leave when he heard a sound and turned around.


Flora was pinned to the wall by that man. He said,"Who are you?"

"I'm Flora, the one who found you in the street. And who are you? I suggest that you release me this instant," she replied.

He gave her a long stare with his chocolaty brown eyes and asked "Where am I?"

"In my house. Now that I've answered you questions I think you should release me."

That only made him tighten his grip on her arms. He said "I'm Robert."

It was then that Flora noticed there were no wounds on his arms or wrists anymore. He was fully healed. So she asked,"How did you heal so fast?"

"I'm a werewolf. That's how."

"But....that's not possible...." she trailed off.

"You saw me heal, didn't you?" he asked.

She was totally confused. The sleepless nights seemed to crash on her and she felt sleepy.

"If you dare to tell anyone what you saw, you'll be my lunch." Saying this he released her and got out of the room.

She stared after him thinking about what just happened. But she couldn't think straight. So he took a couple of drinks and went to sleep. The next day, waking up she remembered Robert but she thought that maybe it was just a dream. So she let it go.

Two days later...

Flora's P.O.V: (You switch here to first person, keep it in third person)

I had a long day. It was 2 am, and I was changing to go to sleep. I put on my favorite cream shirt and black shorts and came out of the washroom. "Bang!!". I saw everything blurred and then as a dull pain spread in my arms and back, I realized I was pinned to the wall... again...

"Did you tell anyone about me?" Robert asked with a serious look.He had me pinned to the wall beside my bed.

I stared at him with eyes wide. I had thought I saw him in a dream. But no, he was real and he was holding me pinned to the wall.

"No, I haven't told anyone."

"Good. Now answer my questions. Where had you found me?" he asked.

" On the road in the next lane," I simply answered.

"Did anyone else see me?"

"No," I replied.

"Excellent. I actually had a row with my pack and the elders disinherited me. They injured me and used Ricin on my wounds so I couldn't heal as fast as I do. But I had some friends with me and so I'm alive."

"Oh..what's ricin?...and...Robert, are you real?" I was still confused and disoriented.

"Ricin is a toxic that slows down our healing...Of course I'm real" he laughed, "Can't you feel me?"

"Yes I can. Why do you have to pin me to the wall?"

"Oops, I forgot, Sorry," saying this he released me. I flexed my hands and looked at him.

"So where are you gonna go now?" I asked.

"No idea but there is a problem."

"What problem?" I asked.

He replied," They will soon realize that I didn't die and they might follow my scent to your house. Believe it or not our smelling power is 40 times better than you humans. So if they come they might ask you about me and if you can't satisfy their questions they might get rid of you which is to say kill you."

"Am I supposed to laugh?" I asked.

"No, I'm serious. I think I'm gonna stay for your protection. After all, I'm the one that heals fast," he answered.

Okay this was out of the question. He possibly couldn't stay with me. "Are you out of your mind? I live alone. You can't stay here."

"Actually four of us are gonna stay here. So you won't have to be alone with me. The other three are my friends. They fought to save me from the elders,  and so they were abandoned too."

This just keeps getting better, I sourly thought. "No, I don't agree. It's my house and I'm not giving you permission."

"There's nothing to do now. They are coming," he added.

"Just stay out of my house," I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"Actually we'll be staying inside. We have to protect you. There is a myth that if a human saves a werewolf in the moonlight or knows his identity then that human is granted a special power. We need to know if it's true." this is what it's about... "So you want me for an experiment?" I asked sarcastically.

"No I just wanna know if it's true. If you have the power then you are gonna be mine."


"It means you're gonna be my bride," he replied grinning.

I had enough."Get out of my house, YOU PERVERT!! I DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE A WORD YOU SAID!!" I screamed at him.

Instead of listening he said," We need to know if you have the power. We cannot risk losing you. If you don't cooperate I'm just gonna tie you up," he replied and gave me a smile. He freaking had the nerve to smile at me after saying this.

"I'm getting threats in my own house? I'm the owner and I'm the boss here. You have no right of threatening me or tying me up."

He looked me in the eyes and said." Just watch me." Then, he was moving closer to me. His eyes were fixed on my face. I couldn't think straight. He was too close to my face. I could feel his cool minty breath on my face. My heart was not taking this calmly. It was running and running fast the way I should be running. I was sure he could hear it. suddenly there was the sound of a crash and three guys came into the room. I understood immediately that they were his 'FRIENDS'.

Seeing us so close and in such a position (me pinned to the wall by Robert and his face so close to mine) they started coughing loudly and smirking. Robert released me immediately. The sudden rush of blood into my hands was almost painful.

Robert gave them a grin and said," Hey, guys, This is Flora. Flora, there are my friends, Neo, Vincent and Mike.

Neo was a guy with a subtle air of politeness. There was something about him that told you that you would be safe with him. Not to mention he was really really hot with his abs.
Looking at Mike, people could easily get evil vibes. He wore a smirk and looked like those bad boys in movies.
Vincent looked quite disciplined. He was the only one wearing formal clothes.He had dimples that made him look cute.
I waved a Hi at them.

Neo was the first to speak. He said, "So you are the one who got the power. I wanna see it."

Okay I guess it was wrong to wave. "I already said that I don't need protection. I don't have any powers either. If I did have any powers then trust me, Robert wouldn't be standing here."

"Good joke," Mike commented.

"And I'm not gonna be Robert's bride either," I added.

"BRIDE? ROBERT'S BRIDE?! Robert, you lied to her?" Neo was shocked.

"Well she'll choose me anyway," Robert replied with a grin.

I was beyond furious now. "I am not choosing or doing ANYTHING," I said.

"Hey, calm down and listen," Robert said.

"I don't wanna listen to 'RUBBISH'!! " I shrieked again.

'BANGGG!!' Robert pinned me to the wall AGAIN... His friends were smirking. "Just listen to me or I'll tear you apart," he threatened in a low voice.

"And here I thought you needed me in one piece," I replied smugly.

Mike laughed and said in a low voice,"Feisty..I like her."

Robert was still glaring at me. He said," Yes I need you in one piece so listen to me before I loose control."

"OUCH! Could you loosen your grip on me? It hurts," I said.

"Sorry..I didn't mean to hurt you. Now please listen to me," he said loosening his grip on me.

"Okay," I complied with a sigh.

Then he said," The one who gets he power will have to choose a werewolf first with whom she can share the strongest power."

"How do I choose?" I asked.

"Well, basically the one you choose will make a contract with you , binding it with magic."

"Oh, and then?" I asked curiously.

"And then the one you choose will protect you with his life," he concluded.

I smiled and asked," Are you sure I have that power?"

"Of course you do. I felt it when I moved close to you," he answered.

"So what now?" I asked.

"Choose among us," Neo replied.

"But I don't know any of you that well...." I said shyly, "And what about the part that I have to get married to the one I choose?"

"We'll get to that part later. Now choose for God's sake cuz the pack might arrive any moment now," Robert said impatiently.

"Okay fine I choose you," I said. I chose him cuz(because) I didn't know how the other were(wolves). He was quite intimidating(,) but as far as I had seen him he seemed good at heart.

"Thank you for doing me the honor of choosing me," Robert said with a smile.

"That's not fair," Neo said with a disapproving look.

"I should have arrived first," Mike said with a sigh.

Suddenly, Robert was kissing me. Heck, it was my first kiss. I had saved it for 'The one'. How dare he, I thought. But as much as I wanted to push him away his smell was flooding my senses. It was quite some time before he let me go.

"What the hell was that?!!" I felt heat flooding my cheeks.

"I made the contract," Robert said coolly.

"What? By kissing me on the lips?!" I asked.

"Well, yeah.." he replied.

"Try the power, Robert," Neo said with excitement.

Robert closed his eyes and slowly a dim light came out of his body. He opened his eyes that were now a shade of crimson. He said," I can smell those bastards. They are 80 kilometers away."

"Whoa!! You can smell them through so much distance!" Neo said in wonder.

"What else?" Mike inquired.

"I have super strength," Robert replied.

"Duh, we all have that. We are werewolves too, remember?" Mike said rolling his eyes.

"But my strength has increased 12 times. I can see long distances too," Robert added.

"You are more like a vampire," I implied.

"What's a vampire?" Neo asked.

I looked at him incredulously.

We hadn't noticed Vincent until he brought out his glasses from his pocket, wore them and said," Practically, Robert has extreme powers as he was the first one to kiss. He will be the strongest among us. But if we kiss Flora now our power will be enhanced too."

"That was bloody hell! Kiss me, baby!!" Mike said with enthusiasm.

"Even though it is disrespectful to kiss a lady so suddenly for power and strength, I must do so. I hope you will kiss me," Neo said shyly.

"But you must remember, the more power she shares with werewolves, the stronger she gets," Vincent said.

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