Chapter 4: The Prince and His Rivals

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Flora's P.O.V:
            It was a NORMAL Monday in my NORMAL life. I was sitting on the sofa watching tv with my new best friend, Neo. Yes, he was my best friend now. I had gotten to know him and he was quite nice and friendly. He was cheerful and it felt nice to be around him. Plus Robert and Vincent were busy plotting who knew what and Mike wanted to be a part of it. Neo was left to babysit me incase any werewolves broke in to kidnap me again. Remembering the kidnapping sent me into a fit of hysterics.

          "Why are you laughing?" Neo asked looking at me like I'd lost my mind. It was cuz we were at the end of the movie Titanic and the Rose was going to let Jack go. No one in their right mind would be laughing.

           "Nothing, I just remembered the kidnapping," I said laughing. Right then, Robert, Vincent and Mike entered the room. They all were wearing hardened expressions. I immediately knew something was wrong. Neo stood up.

           "What's wrong guys?" he asked. "There is bad news. Ralph is coming again." I didn't understand why they were worrying. They had already defeated him once. He was no match for them now that they shared my powers.

            "And he had joined hands with the Mount Caius clan to defeat us and get Flora's power," he ended his sentence. A shiver ran through me. Vincent took out an envelope and in it was an address. It also said if we didn't go, they would hunt us down. So, Vincent said we had to go.

           The address was of a field. We went there in Robert's car. Yes, the guy bought that car two days ago and we had no idea he had so much money. Heck, he could even buy a house. Why the hell was he crashing at my place? Oh right, for my protection, I thought sarcastically.

           As we walked to the clearing, everything was calm and peaceful. The field was empty. Suddenly, there was a howl as they were surrounded by werewolves.

          "Brace yourselves! Flora, use your power," Robert ordered. "Kill 'em, baby," Mike said winking at me. " Best of luck guys. I wish you luck, mademoiselle," Neo said as he transformed suddenly. The transformation was really fast. Even if I had blinked, I would have missed it all. Weird thing was that their clothes did not shred rather, disappeared.

          As the others transformed too, I realized the clothes of the other packs were torn. Maybe it was due to that shared power that the clothes of my wolves didn't get torn. My wolves? I must be losing my mind, I chuckled as I thought.

          The wolves of the Mount Caius clan were really strong. Neo, Mike and Vincent were fighting with all they had. There were sounds of growls and hisses all around. The fight wasn't going well for us. Neo was thrown off balance. Blood was pouring from Mike's mouth. Both Neo and Mike were transformed back to their human forms. Vincent was fighting to protect Mile and Neo from the werewolves. On the other hand Robert was in front of me, protecting me. And my power..., well, there's nothing to say.

         "Die!!" I screamed but nothing happened to them. I even tried avada kedavra but there was no effect. Did I really have any powers? Why were they not working? When Robert was taking too many hits I realised that we were losing. The opposition was too strong. I knew what I had to do. So I ran to Neo and Mike.

          "Kiss me," I ordered Neo. " I cannot disrespect a lady like this," Neo said whimpering. It hurt to see my best friend like that. I was thinking of kissing him forcefully.

          "Kiss me, baby," Mike said. The idiot had the balls to wink while he was in pain. I kissed him without thinking anything. Neo was looking at me with wide eyes. Then I went to Neo and kissed him. It was just a peck. Both of them suddenly started healing fast. Yeah, they are werewolves but the healing was fast even for a werewolf. They got up and closed their eyes. When they opened them, Neo's were a shade of green and Mike's were purple. They looked at me and there was gratefulness in their eyes. Then, they rushed into battle.

          I saw Vincent two feet away. He was in his human form too and Neo was in front of him protecting him. I went to him. I kissed him too and his eyes turned a shade of silver. At last, after a lot of bloodshed we won. All the werewolves fled. When Robert heard I kissed them, his expression was damn.

           "It's not fair. She's my bride!!"he said looking at Mike. I told him to shut up. Then he let it go finally but he asked them," What powers did you guys get?" "The same as you," Vincent replied," only you are a little stronger."

           "Thank god...," Robert said under his breath. "You rascal," Mike said, giving Robert a death look.

          "I hope me and my power will be of use to Flora," Neo said looking at me. I couldn't help blushing. The guy was too sweet. "You don't need to be so sincere, man. I'm still alive," Robert said glaring at Neo. "Am I invisible?" Mike said with a frown.

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