ೃ⁀➷ Chapter 5: deep talk

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"Mum please don't embarrass me today, okay?" Bada said and looked at her mother that was standing in the kitchen and preparing snacks for Bada and her "study date". "I'm not embarrassing you, Bada" Maria said and pouted. "I'm just so excited! It's the first time someone from your class comes over!"

"Wonyoung's been here plenty of times!"

"Someone other than Wonyo" Maria sighed. "What's his name?", asked Maria and looked at her daughter. "Yang Jungwon, he's the drummer of my favorite band" Bada said and Maria opened her mouth. "Those GUIS kids?" Maria looked at Bada and the Gemini nodded.

"The ones you don't allow me to see."

Maria frowned. She watched Bada take a few cups from the cupboard and put them on a tray. Her daughter then went to get some crisps and dry snacks from the drawer next to her. "Bada" Maria said but her daughter ignored her.

Maria put the knife aside and walked out of the kitchen. Bada followed her mother with her eyes. After Maria left, the eighteen-year-old rolled her eyes and folded her arms in front of her chest. Why didn't her mother understand that she wanted to be a normal—


Maria came back with an envelope in her hands. Bada furrowed her brows and looked at the envelope. "What's this?", she asked and Maria nodded. "Open it." She went back to cut bell peppers, while Bada opened the envelope.

In Bada's hand were two tickets. Concert tickets. The tickets read GROWING UP IN SEOUL, June 3rd Club Nightingale. Bada looked at the tickets and then back at her mother. "Mum" she started, when the doorbell rang.

"Go get the door" Maria said, not looking at Bada. She had planned to give her the tickets on the day of the concert. But since she and Bada had been fighting non-stop lately, she just gave them to her now. Maybe this would make things good between them.

Bada was mind blown as she walked over to the door. Her mind was completely empty as she pulled down the door handle and opening the door to the face of her tall classmate Yang Jungwon.

Jungwon opened his mouth to greet Bada, but once he saw her confused expression on her face he stopped. "A-Are you alright?", he asked instead and Bada's head shot up. "Oh, hey Jungwon. Welcome to my house" she said and stepped aside. Jungwon nodded and stepped inside.

"I brought the books you asked me to" he said and took off his shoes. Bada offered him some slippers and he nodded before following Bada into the kitchen. "Mum" Bada said, "this is my classmate Yang Jungwon. Jungwon, this is my mother."

"It's nice to meet you Mrs Song."

"It's Miss" Bada said with a smile, "my mum isn't married." Jungwon felt heat rush to his cheeks and bowed politely. "I'm sorry Ms Song." Maria grinned cheekily and looked at the two teenagers. "It's nice to meet you, Jungwon-sshi. My Bada told me a lot about you!"

Bada glanced over to her mother and widened her brown eyes. "Mum" she gasped, but Jungwon only smiled. "S-Should we head to my room?", Bada stuttered and grabbed the tray with the cups and the drinks. "Sure" Jungwon smiled. He bowed to Maria once more, when his eyes landed on the concert tickets on the kitchen table.

He could faintly make out the name of his band as Bada rushed past him. He quickly turned around and followed the blonde lass through the house. "Bada" Jungwon started, as they entered her bedroom. "Hm?", the girl answered and set the drinks on the desk, before getting her stuff and sit down on the carpeted floor with Jungwon.

"I didn't mean to pry, but... there were concert tickets on the table" he started and opened his backpack. He had rented a few books and newspaper about Princess Diana from their school library and put them on the floor between them.

"Ehm, yes" Bada said, with a blush adorning her cheeks, "my Mum apparently got them for us. But I didn't have time to think about it properly yet. She literally handed them to me the moment you rang the door bell" Bada answered and scratched her nape. Jungwon smiled.

"You're going to love it!" Jungwon grinned. "Our setlist is the absolute banger!" Jungwon's brown eyes started sparkling and Bada grinned cheekily. "Your songs are all bangers, Jungwon" she said and tilted her head. "No, Bada, you don't understand!" He lifted his arms and locked his eyes with hers.

Heat rushed to her cheeks, as Jungwon stared at her.

"This setlist is amazing. It tells a whole story. Heereum-noona did so well in organizing the songs. Band practices are so so fun with this set list!" He grinned and got out his notebook. "Okay, I shouldn't talk so much about GUIS when we're here for a study session" Jungwon said and scratched his nape.

Bada couldn't stop smiling. Seeing Jungwon excited like this made her heart beat faster. Sure, Jungwon was a nice young man—but nothing to freak out about, right? She quickly shook her head. She didn't have time to crush on Jungwon.

Especially with a heart like hers.

The two teenagers studied for a good hour, when Maria knocked on her daughters door. She had a plate with sliced bell pepper and carrots in her hand. In the middle of the plate was a little bowl with some cream cheese dip.

"I brought you some healthy snacks" she smiled and set the plate in between the teenagers. "You can't just munch on crisps and stuff like that" she smiled and looked at the two teens. She was happy that Bada had other friends next to Wonyoung and this Yang Jungwon kid seemed like a good boy.

"Thank you Miss Song" Jungwon lifted his head and smiled at Maria. Maria nodded. "Good luck on your project" she spoke and shook her head while leaving her daughters room. Yang Jungwon was a good looking young boy. She would, to a hundred percent, tease Bada about this later.

Jungwon watched Miss Song leave and lifted his head. "Bada" he spoke, "sorry if I'm overstepping something with this question" he looked at his classmate and Bada slowly lifted her head and pushed a blonde streak of hair behind her ear. "Why isn't your mother married?"

Bada pursed her lips. "Both of my parents were in the prime of their careers when they found out that my mother was pregnant with me. They only started dating a few months back" she shook her head, "so when my mother told my father that she was pregnant he actually prepared a whole proposal and stuff." Bada's smile fell.

"But on the day of the proposal my father got into a terrible accident and passed away."

Jungwon widened his eyes. He hadn't expected the story to end like this."So you never met your father?", he asked and Bada nodded. "And I was born weakly. So my mother had her hands full from day one. She didn't even have time to date someone because she had to go to various doctors with me and keep an eye on me twenty-four-seven."

Bada frowned. Jungwon looked at her. This truly seemed to bother Bada. "I don't understand how you feel, but if you ever feel bad for ruining your mothers life or something like this, don't." Bada's head shot up. "What do you mean?", she asked and Jungwon chuckled.

"I was actually a Piano prodigy" Jungwon confessed, "but when I was thirteen I stumbled upon Heereum-noona and Sunoo-hyung's YouTube account and wanted to stop playing the Piano. My parents were so mad at me. Especially my mother." He took a bell pepper and dipped it in the cheese before munching on it.

Bada was looking at him as if he was the most ethereal thing she had ever seen her whole life. Here he was, her big Idol, sitting on the grey carpeted floor of her bedroom, books and snacks in between them and talking about deep topics with her—just as if they had always been doing this.

As if they were meant to do this.

"When I started playing the drums, my mother got so mad at me, she yelled at me that I ruined her life. That it was me who made her feel embarrassed with the other Piano-Mums." Jungwon rolled his eyes. "She hated me for a good portion of middle and high school. When I became a fixed part of GROWING UP IN SEOUL and my music was listed in Apple Music and Spotify, something in my mother snapped and she became my mother again." Jungwon rolled his eyes. "Our relationship is still rocky, but she accepts what I'm doing and she even comes to some of our gigs. My father told me that she has a page in her diary full of pictures of me at my concerts." He chuckled-

"W-Why are you telling me this?", Bada asked and Jungwon shook his shoulders. "Don't know. It felt right." He smiled. "I mean you looked like you felt bad for being the reason your mother is still single, so..." Jungwon chuckled awkwardly and scratched his nape before taking another bell pepper.

Bada looked at him. "I hope your mother sees the potential in you." Jungwon looked at her. Her cheeks were flushed, her brown eyes were sparkling and her blonde hair was glowing—as if it was pure gold.

Jungwon felt his mouth get dry and warmth spread around his body.

Fuck, he thought and looked at the girl. Song Bada was absolutely beautiful. Her skin was pale, her eyes were big and looked like they were hiding galaxies in them and her whole body language drew him in as if she was the centre of his universe.

"S-Should we continue?", he quickly asked nodding at the books in their middle. Bada dropped her gaze. She wanted to talk to him about god and the world. About GUIS, about their class, their friends, everything and nothing at all.

She didn't want to continue this project and watch him go. For the first time in a long time she felt as if she was connected to someone. It was like how she befriended Wonyoung when they were small. This felt the same way.

For some odd reason Bada felt like she was enchanted to be paired with Jungwon. As if she was enchanted to sit here and listen to him talk about his past and his parents. As if she was enchanted to be his fan.

As if she was enchanted to meet him.

"Yes" Bada said, with a sigh in her voice. "Let's continue. It's getting late anyways" she said and unlocked her iPad to continue taking notes. The tone of her voice didn't go unnoticed by the drummer and Jungwon bit the inside of his cheeks. He fucked up, he knew it.

I can't fall for her, he told himself. Wonyoung would go in between us and stop this, his thoughts were spiraling. Song Bada is way too good for me, his mind screamed and Jungwon quickly shook his head to get rid of these thoughts.

He concentrated on the project and tried not to think about how disappointed Bada had just sounded.

— ❤️‍🩹 —

"Thank you for your kindness" Jungwon told Maria as he walked out of the door. Bada and her mother had accompanied the young man to the door. "We see each other on Monday, Bada" Jungwon said and looked at the blonde lass. "Yeah, we'll finish the last few details after school in the library" she said and Jungwon nodded.

Jungwon bowed once more before turning around and rushing down the stairs of the apartment complex. His smile fell as soon as the front door of the Song's closed behind him and he felt his heart sink.

Taking out his phone, he pressed a number. "Hey noona" he whispered into the phone, "can we meetup?", he asked, "I feel like crying." The woman on the other side of the line gasped. "You okay, Wonnie? Let's meet at the coffeeshop down the road" she suggested and Jungwon nodded.

"See you then" he bit his bottom lip as he hung up the line. He really felt like crying. His heart was aching. He wanted to scream. He definitely felt like his heart was starting to like Song Bada romantically.

But after the things Jinwoo told him, Jungwon wasn't sure if he should even try it. He needed someone to talk to. And he just called the perfect person to talk to. Someone who had been understanding of him for ages. Who had been with him when he reconciled with his mother after them not talking to for ages.

Someone who was better than any of his best friends. Someone who always understood him. Jungwon secretly called her his mentor. The woman he was going to meet was his rock, his fairy godmother. The one who always had a solution for everything.

— ❄︎ —

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠!

𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞.

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.


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